May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1020 - Chapter 1020: unbridled love 30

Chapter 1020: Chapter 1020: unbridled love 30

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Chu Xia subconsciously avoided men. Her heart was racing. This was even more awkward than her harassing Ming Tai.

Harassing Ming Tai was a complete joke. Moreover, it was only flirting and not being responsible. Ming Tai would not feel too uncomfortable. After all, she had never promised to do anything with Ming Tai.

However, it was different when facing Jerry. Jerry was full of hope and risked his life for her, just for this moment to spend a good night with her.

She did not know how to reject him. She knew that this kind of rejection would be very hurtful. She really did not want to hurt Jerry, but she could not go against her own feelings and do whatever she wanted with any man.

"Jerry, I, that, I have let you down, " she stammered.

Jerry's hand was suspended in mid-air, but the woman avoided it. He was so embarrassed that he did not know how to take it back.

"You... do you not want to? " He asked in a low voice ...

Chuxia gritted her teeth on her lips. "I, I know I have let you down. Otherwise, how about I help you? "

Her thoughts were in a mess. She did not know how to deal with the man who had saved her life several times!

The only compromise she could think of was to help Jerry. This way, she would not go against her own feelings, and Jerry would be more or less satisfied. It would not be too uncomfortable.

After she finished speaking, she reached out to the man, but the man's hand grabbed her wrist.

"Man man, I don't want this to be the result, " Jerry said.

Chu Xia's heart froze. She naturally knew what Jerry wanted.

"I'm sorry, I know I've let you down, but I can't separate feelings from people. Maybe you guys can separate your body and mind, and you can do it with any woman, but I can't, " she stammered.

Jerry shook his head. "That's not what I meant. What do you take me for? Do you think I saved you just to sleep with you once?

"I'm not the kind of man you're talking about. Although I've had a lot of women to vent, you're different from them. I won't just use you as a tool to vent. "

"But, isn't the competition just to beat me for one night? The night you risked your life for, and I still can't give you what you want. It's ultimately my fault! " Chuxia said.

"No, you're mistaken. What I risked my life for is not this. It's not simply to have sex with you for one night, but to love you well, to make you safe, and to make you happy. If I get something but make you sad, that would go against my original intention!

"You're my benefactor. I just want you to be happy. I know you don't like to have sex with that big guy, so I'll go. I'LL FIGHT WITH HIM TO PROTECT YOU!

"If you're safe, I'll be satisfied. My goal of going on stage and risking my life has also been achieved. "Do you understand "I just want you to be happy! " Jerry said.

Chu Xia's heart, mou ran, was beating. Could she say that this was the most beautiful love story she had ever heard?

Although there were no flowery words, nor were there any extravagant things like diamonds, or even the standard flowers.

But she was touched by Jerry's words. He just wanted her to be happy!

It was such a simple request!

"Jerry, you are a good person. You will definitely meet someone who loves you! " Chu Xia's eyes were filled with tears. She sincerely wished Jerry that he could find the person he loved, and that person would love him as well!

Jerry smiled bitterly. "How can someone like me be loved? Who knows how long I can live? Maybe I will die in the next war.

"actually, those of us who went to the palace don't know if we will be able to come back alive. Among the people on my team, only I came back alive. "I have to thank you. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to eat so many days of comfortable meals! "

"This job is very dangerous. Have you ever thought about quitting? Although it makes money, it's too dangerous. It's better to take the money and live a carefree life! " Chuxia said.

"You don't understand our rules. Once we join the mercenary army, it's impossible for us to quit. Because we know too much, if we quit, it would be easy for our enemies to kill us. It's better to be safe with everyone.

"Also, the money given to us is not in our hands. "So in the end, we actually have nothing but our own lives, and we don't know when our lives will be gone! " Jerry let out a long sigh as he sat beside Chu Xia.

Everyone knew that they were Desperados, but no one was willing to die. Everyone wanted to live, and they were no exception.

However, there were all sorts of reasons that led them to this path!

"The money is not in your hands? Then where is it? That's the money that you risked your life to get! " Chu Xia said.

"It's in the hands of my family! Most of the people here are desperate to make some money for their family because their families can't take it anymore!

"When I came out, my father needed a large amount of medical fees for his illness. My mother was so anxious that she went crazy. My sister sold her blood to earn money and went to work in a nightclub. In the end, she contracted AIDS!

"But she didn't tell me all of this. She kept it from me so that I could go to university in peace. When I found out, I felt like the sky was falling!

"I'm a man. How could I let my sister carry the burden of my family so painfully I should have been the one supporting the family!

Everyone knows that AIDS doesn't last for long. I don't want my sister to suffer anymore. I want her to enjoy the most luxurious life in the world in the last few years, and live a noble life that she has never lived before.

So I joined the mercenary army and gave all the money to my family so that they could at least live more comfortably!"Jerry said.

He spoke very calmly, as if he was talking about someone else's matter. However, early summer knew that this kind of calmness was completely the result of experience after a great tragedy.

Because he had gone through the most painful thing, everything else became calm to Jerry.

"I believe that they must be living very well. They know that you love them and have given everything for them! " Chuxia said.

This was the touching of life. In order to protect a few lives, Jerry had given everything.

"I hope so too. Because I can't contact them often, because I'm afraid that others will find out that they are the family members of the mercenary army and it will be disadvantageous to them. My sister and I have made a rule that every year when I leave home, I will let them receive a leaf from where I am and tell them that I am still alive.

"early summer, if I die one day, help me send them a leaf every year. If the leaf has not been returned, it means that they are still alive, " Jerry said.

Early summer promised Jerry. Later on, she really did as Jerry said. The leaf had not been returned. It was just a chance. She came to Jerry's hometown and secretly went to see Jerry's family Only then did she know that they had died long ago. And the person who helped them collect the leaf was the neighbor that they had asked.

At that moment, Chuxia cried for a long time. But now, she did not know about these things in the future.

"Chuxia, it's getting late. Let's sleep. You sleep on the bed and I'll sleep on the ground, " Jerry said. They were sleeping on a large bed. In order to make Chuxia feel at ease, he chose to sleep on the ground!

"No need. You can come up and sleep! " Chuxia said.

Jerry was ecstatic... ...

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