Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 672

Chapter 672 Kaldorei Resistance (1)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Malfurion Stormrage was the first druid of the night elves and had studied under the demigod Cenarius. He advocated the path of nature and had power similar to that of a prophet. Before Azshara opened the portal to welcome the arrival of the Burning Legion, Malfurion had already sensed the coming disaster through precognitive dreams.

Unfortunately, although Malfurion had a very high prestige among the civilian class, this prestige was not enough to affect the Highborne. His request to see Queen Azshara was mercilessly rejected.

Unable to stop Queen Azshara’s decision, Malfurion could only think of another way. He first found his beloved Tyrande and told her what he had foreseen. Although the Burning Legion had yet to appear, Tyrande still trusted Malfurion unreservedly. They contacted Illidan and prepared to form a resistance army to resist the arrival of the disaster.

At this time, Illidan happened to be a mage under the patronage of Lord Ravencrest.

Suramar was the hometown of the three of them. Unlike the capital, Zin-Azshari, the city of Suramar was the religious and cultural center of the night elves. The people stationed in this city were Lord Ravencrest and his Rookguards. Perhaps because he was far away from the ostentatious aristocratic circles of Zin-Azshari, Ravencrest was more pragmatic than the other Highborne. As a lord, Ravencrest knew a little about Queen Azshara’s plan, so he was also one of the people who had been anxious for a long time. But still, Azshara was the queen and the object of allegiance of all night elves. Before she made an obvious mistake, no one dared to resist her.

Therefore, when Illidan brought Malfurion and Tyrande and introduced them, Ravencrest quickly accepted them.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for Azshara’s plan to begin. The moment the light of the spatial portal lit up and the demons of the Burning Legion poured out, the disaster of the night elves came. Wherever the iron hooves of the demons passed, countless buildings were burned down, and countless people were slaughtered. Just as the elven civilians were howling and fleeing blindly, thinking that no one could stop the flames of the Burning Legion’s war from spreading, the resistance army led by the Ravencrest’s Rooksguards stepped forward!

Under Ravencrest’s leadership, the night elves began to organize and counterattack the demons. They used their bows and arrows to shoot through the demons’ bodies and used powerful magic to firmly stop them from advancing.

The resistance quickly became the banner and spiritual symbol of the night elves.

Among the resistance, the most outstanding ones were Malfurion, Illidan, Tyrande, and… the other three people they brought.

Among these three people, one of them was a green-skinned orc with green fangs, another was a blood elf mage with long elven ears but a completely different skin color from the night elves, and the last was a human with a resolute face…

Be it orc, blood elf, or human, they were species that had never been seen in the current Azeroth world. Therefore, every time the night elves of the Rooksguard saw these three people, they would look at them strangely and wouldn’t communicate with them at all. Even though they knew that they were comrades resisting the demon army together, no one would pay attention to them.

Needless to say, the names of these three people were Broxigar Saurfang of the orcs, Rhonin from the Council of Six of Dalaran of the humans, and as for the blood elf, he was nominally the blood elf Krasus, but in fact, he was the red dragon Korialstrasz.

Yes, just like Roy, these three were the three chosen ones whom Nozdormu had sent over through time tunnels from the future.

Counting Julia and Benia, it could be said that all the time travelers had gathered at this time node…

After coming through the time tunnel, the orc veteran Broxigar had arrived slightly earlier than the other two. Azshara’s portal had not been built yet, and Broxigar had not been prepared at all for time travel. As a result, after he arrived, he was befuddled and caught by a group of night elves. Moreover, these night elves even tortured him severely to ask him who he was and where he came from.

In the Battle of Mount Hyjal in the future, Broxigar had participated in the entire process. Especially when fighting against Archimonde, the human, elves, and orcs had put aside their prejudices and joined hands to resist the demon army. After the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the relationship between the orcs and the night elves had eased a lot, so logically speaking, they shouldn’t torture Broxigar so severely. So during this process, Broxigar instinctively felt that something was wrong. Moreover, he experienced a strong sense of arrogance from these night elves who tortured him.

Broxigar was smart enough not to say a word and silently endured the interrogation. After several days of torture, the night elves, who discovered that they couldn’t find out anything, finally became tired. They could only imprison Broxigar and place him on the streets, treating him as a rare animal for people to visit.

It had to be said that perhaps Broxigar’s talent was all in damage output and charging, so he became an unfortunate existence. He was the most unlucky of the three chosen ones who had traveled through time.

It was unknown how long this miserable life lasted. Every day, Broxigar endured the gazes and mockery of the night elves as though they were looking at an animal and silently ate the rancid food they occasionally fed him to extend his life. Even though this war-seasoned orc veteran knew that if this continued, he might not die on the battlefield but instead fall under the torment of endless darkness, he still looked at these arrogant night elves calmly with a knowing gaze.

Until one day, a pure white moonlight illuminated Broxigar and saved him from this humiliating darkness.

It was Tyrande. Unlike the high priestess of the moon who became valiant and heroic after holding power and authority in the future, Tyrande was very young now. She was kind, gentle, and courageous. Not long ago, she had just become an apprentice priestess of Elune. At this moment, she saw the scarred Broxigar on the street. After seeing this out-and-out abuse, she decided to give this ‘monster’ in front of her basic humanitarian treatment. She bought fresh food for him and sincerely convinced him that she had no other intentions.

Broxigar accepted Tyrande’s kindness. Although he still couldn’t reconcile the current Tyrande with the future high priestess of the moon, he was finally willing to speak.

It was not until Broxigar spoke that Tyrande realized in surprise that this monster-like fellow in front of her was not a strange animal but a humanoid race with intelligence. Out of curiosity, she crouched down and chatted with him. As the conversation progressed, Tyrande subconsciously moved closer to Broxigar’s cage.

But at this moment, Illidan appeared.

In fact, Illidan had appeared solely to confess his love to Tyrande. But when he found her, he saw this scene in front of him. Illidan, who didn’t understand the situation, felt that Tyrande was too close to this monster and might be injured, so without even saying anything, he struck Broxigar with a lightning bolt.

Caught off guard, Broxigar screamed and fell, his entire body emitting smoke. Tyrande was shocked. When she turned around and saw that the culprit was Illidan, she became even more furious.

Therefore, confessing sometimes depended on the timing. How could Tyrande still be in the mood to listen to what Illidan said after this happened? Even his words of care and concern were ear-piercing to her at this moment, so the kind-hearted woman ignored Illidan and anxiously wanted to save Broxigar.

She, who had just become an apprentice priestess, actually prayed piously to Elune, hoping that she could help her save Broxigar.

And Elune really responded to her prayer. A mysterious light descended from the moonlight and enveloped Broxigar’s entire body. In the blink of an eye, the injuries on Broxigar’s body became as good as new.

Not only did Broxigar sit up and look at his injuries in surprise, but even Illidan and some other night elves were dumbfounded. They never thought that they would see a miracle from Elune on this street!

Tyrande being Elune’s future avatar was confirmed for the first time…

Seeing that the commotion was getting bigger and bigger, Tyrande realized that she seemed to have done something extraordinary, so she hurriedly pulled Illidan away from the scene.

Although Broxigar didn’t understand the religion and traditions of the night elves, he could still feel Tyrande’s kindness to him. Over the next period of time, although Tyrande couldn’t release him, she often brought him food and communicated with him. He gave her enough trust and honesty. Not only did he tell her his name, but he even respectfully called her ‘shaman’. This incorrect title vividly expressed the most simple respect in the warrior’s heart.

Not long after, Malfurion was troubled by the prophetic vision of Queen Azshara’s plan in a dream and came to seek comfort from Tyrande. He happened to see her communicating with Broxigar, naturally leading to his encounter with Broxigar.

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