Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 671

Chapter 671 Footprints in History

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In Roy’s opinion, when Sargeras bewitched Azshara, the method he had used was no different from bewitching the eredar. It was nothing more than creating a dignified and invincible appearance. This method of deception, coercion, and temptation was usually very easy to use. Let alone Sargeras, even ordinary demons used this method. Hadn’t the eredar taken the bait obediently?

However, Sargeras seemed to have forgotten one thing. The three leaders of the eredar at the time were… males! So there was nothing wrong with this method.

As for Azshara, not only was she a female, but she was even a female whose heart had swelled to the limit under the flattery and praise of countless night elves. It was precisely because of this extreme vanity that Azshara’s heart was full of pride. In her eyes, no man in the entire night elf empire was worthy of her and could become her partner. Her criteria for choosing a partner had risen to an outrageous level.

But at this moment, Sargeras appeared. After some communication, Azshara completely lost herself.

In Azshara’s opinion, Sargeras, who had communicated with her in her spiritual sea of consciousness, was young (Sargeras’s age was considered young among world-soul titans), rich (he had countless planets), had a well-known career (referring to the Burning Crusade), and also had strength and authority (the supreme ruler of the Legion). It could be said that apart from race, Sargeras was the perfect match for Azshara…

Of course, perhaps race was not an issue…

Therefore, after seeing Sargeras, Azshara couldn’t help but let her imagination run wild. This woman was ambitious to begin with, and when she thought about how marrying Sargeras and becoming his wife would not only satisfy her vanity but also allow her to become the ruler of the Burning Legion that dominated the universe, she could no longer hold back.

Now that the Burning Legion had arrived, although this was the first time Azshara had come into contact with the demons of the Burning Legion, she couldn’t help probing Roy. She knew that Roy was one of the commanders of the Legion, and in this position, he was definitely a person whom Sargeras trusted. It would be best if she could indirectly feed back this meaning to Sargeras through Roy.

As for Roy, although he almost choked on his wine and spit it out, his expression didn’t change much. Facing Azshara’s expectant gaze, he sized her up.

Roy wasn’t too sure about Azshara’s mental journey. He had long known that there might be something wrong with this woman’s brain, but he didn’t expect that the problem would be bigger…

Do you know how big the bodies of world-soul titans are? Do you know that Sargeras’s penis is more majestic than your World Tree Nordrassil? If you really dare to marry him, you’ll be stabbed to death. Do you know…

Of course, it would be too dirty to say this. Perhaps Azshara was planning to have a platonic, spiritual love with Sargeras?

If Sargeras knew that a woman had fallen in love with him before he even came to Azeroth, who knew what his expression would be…

Sargeras’s expression will probably be very interesting… Roy rubbed his chin and thought in a wicked manner. Should I really… help Azshara convey this?

Bad taste aside, Roy felt that it was necessary to appease Azshara. Although this woman was in love, if he really pointed out her wishful thinking, then she might go to the other extreme. In her anger, she might destroy Sargeras’s descent plan. She was the queen of the night elf empire and the local big shot. If she wanted to damage the portal, it might not be easy to prevent it.

The reason why Roy appeared at this time node was not only to verify his ‘footprints’ but also to maintain history. He wanted to ensure that this timeline of his existence was the same as the history recorded in the future. He couldn’t interfere too much or allow deviations to occur, so even though he knew that Sargeras’s descent would fail in the end, he couldn’t let this failure happen in advance or be postponed.

After thinking about it, Roy said to Azshara, “Your Majesty, I admit that you have a peerless appearance and figure and impressive strength and wisdom, but it’s probably not enough to become Lord Sargeras’s wife.”

“Oh?” Although Azshara didn’t say it out loud, she was very happy to hear such praise from a demon king. She smiled and raised her glass at Roy. “Then, can you tell me what else I need?”

“Merits!” Roy said resolutely. He pointed his index finger at Azshara. “You lack enough merits. The Burning Legion is spread throughout the entire universe, and there are countless demons under Lord Sargeras. Without enough commendable merits, even Lord Sargeras can’t place you above many demons…”

Azshara nodded thoughtfully, feeling that what Roy said made sense. Although Sargeras was the supreme ruler of the Legion, he still left many of the affairs of the Legion to the commanders under his command. If she couldn’t convince the masses, she wouldn’t be able to stay in a high position.

“Moreover, enough merits can allow you to get closer to Lord Sargeras!” Roy continued. “This will make it easier for him to develop feelings for you…”

Roy endured his discomfort and said this to Azshara in all seriousness. He knew that if Sargeras knew that he was pimping him to Azshara here, he might hunt Roy down all over the universe… right?

Of course, Roy knew that Azshara’s unrealistic thoughts would eventually have a tragic ending. But who was Roy? He was the King of Despair! He gave hope at the beginning. The more beautiful this hope was at the beginning, the more despair would appear when it was finally destroyed! His mastery of this routine had long reached perfection…

Therefore, with Roy’s advice, the smile on Azshara’s face became wider and wider. To put it bluntly, she might have already thought about how many children she would have with Sargeras in the future…

“In that case, it seems I have to do a good job welcoming Lord Sargeras!” After receiving Roy’s reminder, Azshara stood up and said solemnly, “Lord Osiris, since you’re in charge of strengthening the portal, I’ll order my army to protect the perimeter. I will do my best to send more people to patrol and set up more sentries to ensure that your work will not be disturbed.”

“Thank you very much, Your Majesty!” Roy nodded. “I will tell Lord Sargeras about your merits…”

Azshara felt relieved, so she continued to chat and laugh with Roy at the banquet. Roy hid his disdain for her and dealt with this woman patiently.

In fact, the entire Burning Legion did not take the night elves seriously at this time. In the eyes of the demons, they were nothing more than native creatures that had not even walked out of their home planet. The glory of the night elf empire and the greatness of the Highborne were not worth mentioning in the eyes of the Burning Legion. If not for the fact that they had to use Azshara and the Highborne to open the portal, the demons of the Legion wouldn’t even care about these ugly creatures with long ears.

Yes, in the aesthetics of demons, what the night elves considered beautiful was actually what demons considered ugly.

Now that the Legion had just arrived, everyone could still hide their arrogance for the time being. Roy’s exchange with Azshara was based on this, but it wouldn’t be long before the nature of demons was exposed. Once the time was right, the Legion would completely abandon Azshara and the Highborne.

In the following days, Roy stayed by the Well of Eternity to reinforce and strengthen the portal.

Despite being called reinforcing and strengthening, it wasn’t that simple. The portal that Azshara and the Highborne had opened in her palace, although this portal was large enough to allow the Burning Legion’s army, Archimonde, and Roy to pass through, it was too narrow for Sargeras’s true body to come.

Therefore, what Roy had been doing during this time was building several energy nodes in the center of the Well of Eternity’s lake. He placed these energy nodes on a floating platform, and with magic crystals as support, they connected to the Well of Eternity below and could mobilize the immense energy contained in it.

Yes, this portal that would allow Sargeras to pass through was actually waiting for the energy nodes to be built and connected together to extract the energy of the entire Well of Eternity. Then an incomparably huge portal would open above the Well of Eternity.

In addition, there were many smaller portals built. These smaller portals were for teleporting the Burning Legion demons over. With the establishment of these portals, the speed at which the Burning Legion demons poured out would become faster and faster.

However, the first batch of Legion demons that followed Roy and Archimonde were mostly combat-type demons, and there were not many real artisans and mages. Therefore, during the process of building these portals, Roy naturally requisitioned the personnel of the Highborne. At this time, the benefits of Roy and Azshara feigning civility manifested. After knowing the situation, Azshara didn’t hesitate to transfer a large number of Highbrone mages to join the construction of the portals.

Of course, Roy wouldn’t go to the scene to supervise. The supervisors were demons of the Burning Legion, and bad-tempered demons would certainly not have any good words when facing these elves. They would serve them with whips at the drop of a hat. When had the Highborne, who usually lived comfortably, ever received such treatment? They were indescribably miserable and wanted to resist, but they would immediately be ruthlessly suppressed by the demons of the Legion.

During this process, a large number of Highborne died at the hands of demons, but Azshara didn’t care at all, causing the elves to gradually develop resentment. Not only did they begin to hate the Burning Legion, but they also began to hate their queen.

Cracks between the Highborne were quietly appearing. Meanwhile, the war between the demons of the Burning Legion and the night elves against the other races of Azeroth was becoming more and more intense.

In fact, the moment the demons of the Burning Legion poured out of Zin-Azshari’s palace, it meant that a war known as the War of the Ancients had begun. Because of the agreement with the Burning Legion, Azshara and the Highborne under her command didn’t receive much violation, but the elven civilians didn’t receive this treatment. When the demons of the Burning Legion spread out in all directions on Kalimdor, they wouldn’t care who anyone was in the night elf empire. Everyone who appeared in front of them was a target to hunt.

Destruction and death spread across this land, and blood and cries filled the world of Azeroth. The massacre of the demons brought fear and despair, but it also ignited the determination to resist and fight.

The low-level night elves began to unite with other races to fight against the Burning Legion. With the support of some demigods, they gradually found a way to kill demons effectively. After all, the number of demons that came to Azeroth had yet to reach the extent of crushing them, so as the war progressed, the Legion suffered a large number of casualties.

Among the resistance of these night elves, three still unknown figures appeared. They were naturally Malfurion Stormrage, Tyrande Whisperwind, and Illidan Stormrage…

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