Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 2357 The Edge Of The Plane

Chapter 2357  The Edge Of The Plane

Lin Mu and the group searched far into the west, for any signs of Yao Changying and her people. But they found little after the third offering hall.

There were some scattered traces of Withering Dao but they were far too part to tell a pattern, or hint at where they might have come from. As such, all they could do was to throw a wide net and search every place possible.

Two months went by like this, during which the group continued to hunt as many Chimeric Beasts as possible and grow their stores of credits. They did find a fourth Offering hall in this period too, but there were no signs of the Black Fish island members or Yao Changying being there.

The entire offering hall had been surrounded by two barriers, just like the very first one Monk Hushu had encountered. They even scoured the area in detail over and over, just to make sure they hadn't missed anything, but there truly was no sign of Yao Changying or her people.

At that point, they just reckoned that this might just be an undiscovered place.

Another month passed after this and they went quite far, having covered almost ten thousand kilometers of distance by this time since they traveled on Little Shrubby at his maximum speed. They did this since the number of Chimeric Beasts in this region had decreased by a drastic level.

In fact, they would go for a day or two seeing not even a single one which was shocking. As such they reckoned that this area was certainly special and traveled past it as fast as possible.

In all, the group was over twenty thousand kilometers away from their base, which showed just how massive this entire Bridge Plane was.

It was around the end of the third year that they finally reached what looked to be the end of the Bridge Plane.

Lin Mu stood at the edge of a giant ravine that extended for as far as their vision went. "Is this it?" Daoist Chu asked as he tried to look past it. But all that was there was utter darkness… an endless abyss that could not be comprehended.

"Is that not just Death Qi?" Qiao De asked, as the darkness seemed very similar to Death Qi walls.

"No…" Lin Mu shook his head. "While the initial layer is indeed Death Qi, there is 'nothing' beyond that other than the fabric of space surrounding this plane." He answered.

"What would happen if one touches it?" Qiao De asked next. "Can someone leave through it?"

"They can." Lin Mu nodded his head. "As long as they can get past the Celestial level arrays that are hidden inside it of course." His Spatial Perceptions as active as he observed the massive array that was spread in the Spatial Fabric.

It was hard to perceive, but by extrapolating and condensing a large area into small parts, Lin Mu could somewhat tell it was there.

"Do you think Yao Changying entered from here?" Crown Princess Shang inquired.

"Since we're at the edge of the plane, we may as well patrol the borders and see if we find anything." Lin Mu suggested as an answer.

"We may as well." Crown Prince Feng Shun didn't mind.

The group split up and one went up, while one went down. Lin Mu went down along with Crown Prince Feng Shun, Lady Kang, and Min Ju, while the rest went upwards with the exception of Daoist Chu who sat in the original spot, acting as a communication relay for the two groups in case they went so far that the transmission became difficult.

Thankfully, it never reached that point and only two days later Lin Mu discovered the biggest clue so far.

"What in the…" Crown Prince Feng Shu exclaimed as he saw what was quite literally a hole in the sky!

"That's the entrance, isn't it?" Lady Kang asked, finding it almost screaming at them.

"Yes." Lin Mu nodded a bewildered expression on his face. "That's a rift in the Spatial Fabric." "Can we leave through that?" Crown Prince Feng Shun asked.

"I think what's more important is how did that open?" Lady Kang questioned instead. "And how is it still open?" From their understanding of the arrays so far, a rift like this should have been repaired automatically and should not have existed for more than a short time. But it was still here after what was literally over a year.

"I don't know how it opened, as I cannot tell the exactly flaw in the array." Lin Mu answered honestly. "But I can say for sure we cannot leave through it." "We can't? So what does that hole do?" Crown Prince Feng Shun questioned.

"That rift might have led to the Rust Sky World before, but now it is only connected to the void. If you try to go out, you'll be lost in some unknown corner of the Great Void." Lin Mu explained. "I think the array tried to repair the flaw and only fixed the 'outer' entrance into the Rust Sky world and now only the inner entrance that connected to the void is left." He added.

Crown Prince Feng Shun frowned as this was no longer a viable option for leaving.

This was something they had been discussing more and more lately, as there had been no sign of the trial ending. It had now been three years since they had entered and in total they had been on the expedition for almost over four years now. Though Ziran did say that there might be some discrepancies in the time and they might have been gone for longer than that.

While they had known the expedition could take this long, what they didn't expect was for there to be no sign or clue on how to end it. For now they had the task of obtaining more rewards from the Offering Hall, but once they had finished that goal they would still be stuck.

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