Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 2350 The Second Chimera Plant

Chapter 2350  The Second Chimera Plant

"Is that it?" Daoist Chu asked, as the group came to a pause in the air.

Laying before them was a vast mountain range, half of which was drowning in a sea of Death Qi. It was dense enough that only the peaks could be seen, with the rest of the mountain body being hidden. But that wasn't all, as one could also see dark clouds being gathered above them.

The way these clouds moved was certainly unsettling as it wasn't normal. The clouds were being pulled and condensed by an unknown force and seemingly rained down the Death Qi down into the mountain range. This Death Qi entered the Death Qi sea and furtherer grew it, expanding tis reaches to an unknown level.

Just by being here, the group could feel the hair on the backs of their necks standing. Their instincts were also telling them to turn back, as if nothing would come out of being here.

"Yeah… this is the place." Crown Prince Feng Shun confirmed. "Though it seems to have changed by a lot." He added, looking at the dark clouds above.

"Those not there before, were they?" Lin Mu questioned.

"Definitely not." Crown Prince Feng Shun answered. "But I suppose this does narrow it down for us more… there's a Chimera Plant here." He stated.

"That's true." Lin Mu nodded.

Considering what they had seen in the previous Chimera Plant, the Death Qi clouds were a common feature of them that were summoned through the suction force of the leaves. The Crown Prince might not have seen it before and were unsure, but now that they had appeared, there was no other choice than the Chimera Plant being here.

"Well, what do we do? Drive right in, or probe a bit?" Daoist Chu asked.

"We probe." Lady Kang stated. "That Death Qi sea is definitely hiding more than we know." She added.

"Agreed." Lin Mu nodded with furrowed brows. "Let's blow that thing away first." He said pointing at the sea.

"On it!" Crown Prince Feng Shun said as his body released a wave of immortal Qi fluctuations.

The immoral Qi wrapped around him like an azure curtain as he raised his right hand.

"Storm King Immortal Arts!" Crown prince Feng Shun chanted as the wind elemental immortal Qi gathered around his arm, turning it into a long azure pillar. "Cloud Parting Gale!" he said, slashing down at the Death Qi sea.


The skill cleaved the Death Qi sea in half, as the Wind Elemental Immortal Qi turned into an Azure Blue gale, that sheared it apart.

Even if the Death Qi sea was strong, it couldn't stand up against the pure force of the Strong King Immortal Arts. But it was still dispersed by it in the end and about a third of the Death Qi sea was still left obscured.

"THERE!" Ziran pointed at a strange figure at the edge. "Its still covered in Death Qi! That's probably the Chimera Plant!" he exclaimed.

The others saw it too, before the Death Qi started to cover the areas again. ~SCREECH~

But that wasn't all, as they also had uncovered the swarms of Chimeric Beasts below it all.

"How are the Chimeric beasts alive?" Qiao De asked.

"That Death Qi sea is probably not covering the entire depth of the area." Elder Hu spoke. "Considering how it was split by the Crown Prince, it was probably only covering a part of the sky." He explained.

"That's right." Ziran nodded. "That Death Qi sea has been considered by the Chimera Plant too. So it probably can control what can affect the Chimeric Beasts. I doubt it would cause the death of its own beasts by increasing the concentration by too much." He explained as well.

Now that the group knew this, they were a lot more prepared to fight against their foe. Though they also knew that the situation was a lot different from the previous one.

"The Chimeric beasts are in multiple swarms… how many do you reckon there are?" Min Ju questioned.

"At least a few million." Crown Princess Shang spoke, having estimated from the few looks she got. "Though we didn't see the entirety of the area, there might be more." She added.

"Yes," Lin Mu said a frown caressing his face. "We best target it all." He said as he drew out a bow.

The bow released an excited aura, as if it were ready to kill all that stood in its way. This was highly accurate, as Wonder Seeker had been anticipating a lot of things. Plus now that Lin Mu held it, the thought of death and destruction of the Chimera Plant were smoothly transmitted to it.

Seeing Lin Mu draw out the bow, the group already knew what they needed to do.

"Prepare well, Daoist Mu Lin. We'll handle making the target clear for you!" Crown Prince Feng Shun said as he dived into the mire.


He raised both his hands in a 'V' shape and slashed down.

"Storm King Immortal Arts: Thundering Divide!" Crown Prince Feng Shun shouted.

His attack created two great gales that seemingly roted though the sea of the Death Qi. Even with its density, the Death Qi was forced to separate. But it also tried to join up, obscuring the path again, which was being addressed by the Crown Prince at the same time.

"Storm King Immortal Arts: Viscious Lightning Lash!" Crown Prince Feng Shun chanted, as his hands seemingly turned into giant chain whips made out of lightning.

His entire body lit up with it, while endless amounts of lightning immortal Qi flowed from his body. The air itself trembled with his force as the skill struck the ground.

The space that was being refilled by the Death Qi from the initial attack was struck by the second skill, causing it to be overwhelmed by the lightning elemental immortal Qi. This Qi was a lot better at resisting the Death Qi compared to the wind Qi and thus withstood it without a problem.

Of course, it would still return to fill the sea later, but for now, it did the work that was needed.

"ALL IN AT ONCE!" Lady Kang shouted as the targets finally became clear.

The obscured Death Qi finally revealed all that was hidden below.

The Chimera Plant stood tall, as if taunting all the existences that had come to taunt it. It was about six hundred meters tall and had tens of giant leaves. It had eight branches, each of which had two giant Fruiting Bodies that were all producing Chimeric Beasts without a stop.

And of course, surrounding the Chimera plant were the swarms of the Chimeric Beasts that had been produced by it all this time. They had been standing aimlessly all this time, but with the interfering from Crown Prince Feng Shun, they soon became agitated.


The Chimeric Beasts all roared in a unison and looked at the group in the sky, unaware of the doom that was headed their way. But they didn't get to look for long, as the group soon burst into response.




Everyone attacked with their skills, targeting both the Chairman Plant as well as the chimeric beasts all around it. Though of course, their attacks were mainly targeted towards the Chimera Plant's fruiting bodies. Crown Princess Shang and Ziran made use of the poison they had refined along with their Qi skills to deal a devastating attack while Crown Prince Feng Shun threw out one bold of lightning after the other. The same could be said for Lady Kang, who released a barrage of explosive stars that precisely targeted the vulnerability of the Chimera plant, which was the part where the Fruiting body attached to the branches of the plant.


Of course, the Chimera Plant would not take it lying and retaliated. The number of Chimeric Beasts being produced by it increased rapidly once it sensed the threat, and also started to spray out the toxic sap from its body.

But now that the group was aware of it, they had kept a safe distance.

Lin Mu on the other hand, kept on gathering his immortal Qi as he channeled it all into Wonder Seeker.

'It will have to be all or nothing…' Lin Mu thought to himself as he finally nocked the arrow he had made.

Mortal Reminder was firmly nocked against the bowstring of Wonder Seeker, as the bow recognized the power of the arrow.


The resultant effect was a lot stronger, as the bow amplified the power of the arrow with its own effects. Mortal Reminder glowed in a dark light, as the effects started to multiply within it. Lin Mu didn't need to observe long to know that this wouldn't last if he held on too long.

"This is it… give the Chimera Plant a Mortal Reminder, Wonder Seeker!" Lin Mu said as he finally launched the arrow! 

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