Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 511 Zero Gravity Session P3*

Chapter 511 Zero Gravity Session P3*

“That was great… Master!”

Dianna spoke and surprised herself a bit. But she was too exhausted to process the emotions she was feeling. Eren took the array disk from her hand and controlled it to bring them down.

The two were soon submerged to waist level once again. The springwater started churning around them, giving them the freshness they needed at the time.

As the rejuvenating water worked on Dianna, it imbued her body with the right mana. Eren quickly realized that the space element array was supported by a lot of other array variants at the same time. The beast animation array was one such support array. The other was the healing array.

Eren caressed Dianna’s back while holding her in his arms. She had gotten rejuvenated once again, thanks to the spring water and healing array’s effect.

“Eren… something has happened to me, isn’t it? Why do I feel such a deep connection with you? I am willing to listen to your every command without worrying about its consequences.

This can’t be because of the intimacy we shared just now. You… you have done something to me, right?”

She had a puzzled expression on her face as she realized the emotions and the state of her mind. The butcher wasn’t surprised to hear her question. He had anticipated such a reaction after the way he had used his Sins Series ability after all.

Using Sin of Lust on Dianna was too risky because she was Eren’s teammate. Her obedient behaviour towards him might have been a red flag for him. Therefore, he never intended to use the ability the way he had used it on Sharon and her two assistants. It was also a form of the experiment to see whether he could pull it off.

Even if Eren could ask her to behave normally, he was sure that those who had been marked by him had their level of normalcy skewed. Listening to his advice and following his commands would have been her new reality– making it normal behaviour for her.

This was the reason why Eren had decided to tweak the effects of his ability a bit. He had decided to keep Dianna’s pre-brand self and consciousness as least affected by his ability as possible. During his use of the ability, he recited the desired effects in his consciousness.

As a result, Dianna retained most of her pre-brand self even after she got branded. She still started seeing Eren as the most significant figure in her life that she should do everything in her power to please. But she also retained the reality of her earlier self, making her recognize that her change wasn’t normal.

“Are you complaining?”

Eren asked with a smile on his face as he started stroking the lower part of her back. Her hip-length wet hair that was sticking to her skin as well as the back of Eren’s hands, masked his advances.

“No. I just asked because I wanted to confirm, master. I… I mean, Er… Eren.”

Eren narrowed his eyes as he felt the struggle Dianna was having in dealing with her new reality. She was stuttering because of the conflict she was having in her head. He sighed and concluded.

‘No matter what I do, the effects of this ability would be apparent one way or the other. Plus, I don’t know how it can affect anyone as a ranker. I better not use the ability on anyone I can’t or won’t want to get rid of.ρaꪁⅆa ꪁꪫꪚⅇ​ꪶ​

Still, I’m happy that I was able to control the ability to some extent. Practice makes a man perfect. I’ll just try different things with different new partners.’

Eren thought to himself as he groped Diana’s butts. Frankly, he could convince Dianna to help him attend the auction just fine without having to use the ability on her. But he didn’t want to attend the auction.

Eren had plans of his own when it came to attending the auction. And Dianna’s absolute loyalty was needed to execute it to perfection. That’s why Eren decided to use the ability on her while tweaking it a bit.

“Well, that’s terrific to hear, Dianna. Although I’d prefer you to call me Eren, you can call me Master when we are alone. Your call. However, keep in mind to greet me by my first name when we meet in public and during our missions. Is that understood?”

​ Eren whispered in Dianna’s ears as he gave a firm press to her mushy buns. By now, his stroking and pressing of her posterior had started to turn her on once again. She was even glad of the fact that Eren had decided to get intimate with her again. With her psyche slowly settling and adjusting to her brand-new reality, the ranger replied in a low voice that she had been asked the question.

“Yes… yes, master. Don’t worry. You won’t have to face problems because of me.”

Eren could confirm that even though her original personality remained intact, Dianna was able to understand his intentions like his monster slaves did. He felt glad that even if he couldn’t prevent Dianna from totally acting normal, he could make it work while keeping her loyalty steadfast.

“Alright then. Hehe! Let’s relax and enjoy ourselves first. I’ll tell you what I need you to do afterwards.”

Eren said to Dianna. The latter just nodded her head softly. The smile on her face returned soon afterwards. She looked at Eren before holding his face in both her hands. The next step didn’t have to be taken by her. Eren did it for her by kissing her on her lips.


Dianna’s body started to feel a distinct form of joy as Eren kissed her. She responded to his kiss by hugging him even tighter and rubbing her pussy over his soon-to-be-erected cock.

As Eren operated on the disk, both of them took pseudo flight once again. But this time, he didn’t go that high. He just made it so that their bodies levitated just above the surface of the water. This made it look like they could walk on the water and stay there without casting any spells.

Eren started kissing Dianna on her neck and made her turn around in one swift motion. He then started rubbing his cock against her butt crack, which he had woken up from its slumber.

Dianna’s cunt rebooted the production of love juices. The ranger reached out to her pussy with one hand and started stimulating her clit. In the meantime, she started to pinch her erect nipple with her left hand.

“It’s time I claimed your other hole, Dianna. Hehe.”

Eren smiled and said to his partner in a voice that reeked of playfulness.

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