Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 517 teamwork

Stepping out from the room, Yue Ling walked with long, decisive steps in the direction of the navy suit man. She is going to make sure the man die a slow and painful death for what he did to Qin Xue.

However, she slightly arch a brow when the man is not where he should have been.

Staring down at the pool of dark red blood, she scoffs a sarcastic chuckle.

Due to the wound done by Lu Tian, the man clearly left a bloody trail in his attempts to escape.

"Want to run? We'll see."

She murmur to herself as a captivating smile curls on her lip. However, it held a hint of danger that can send chills down a person's spine.

Taking a step forward, she follows the trail of blood to her prey.

Just as Yue Ling's figure disappear into another hallway, Lu Tian's figure stepped out from the room after giving Qi Li an order.

Also seeing that the navy suit man did not listen and decided to ask for a death wish, he heaves a sigh and strides after his wife.

Some people just love making things difficult.

Qi Li stood outside the door as he stares at Lu Tian's figure.

When he and Lin Hui arrived, there was no enemy insight, but seeing the blood on the ground, he can already guess that someone must have been there before they appeared.

Seeing the aloof man turn into the same corner his boss had gone, he couldn't help but feel it was rather strange.

They are in enemy territory, but Yue Ling and Lu Tian looked like they were in their own home playing a game of follow the leader.

Passing two more hallways, Lu Tian could see his wife's slender figure not too far ahead of him.

Seeing that she was going to turn around into another corner, he decides to increase his steps to close the gap between them.


Just as he took two big strides, the sound of glass shatters from the right and two men jumps through the now broken windows.

The two men face Lu Tian as they had saw his figure from outside the window.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

Man1 spoke with a tone full of confidence as he stares at the aloof man. Although he was scared, the anger inside him overpowered as many of his brothers have died by Lu Tian's hands.

"You're going to die today Lu Tian."

Man2 felt exactly the same as man1. He has never come face to face with the wolf leader, but seeing the man in person now, he can see why many are afraid of him.

Lu Tian's dark eyes alone can engulf a person's soul and end their life.

However, seeing that Lu Tian is alone and there were two of them, Man2 felt less afraid.

A sinister sneer curls on his lip and he howls a laugh.

"Boy, you're a long way from home."

Staring at the two men that suddenly appear, Lu Tian's expression remained the same. Even with their taunting words, he was not affected at all.

His eyes shift from one person to the other. Without saying a word, he leisurely raise his hand holding the gun.

Seeing his gesture, both men howls a laughter like they were seeing the funniest thing in the world.

They can clearly see that Lu Tian has two guns, but he is only hold one. By the time he fires a shot and reach for the other gun, he would be long dead by one of them.

Man1: "You really think you can kill us at the same time?"

Man2: "Maybe in your next life."

Lu Tian's mouth remained close as he looks pass the two men. That same seductive, yet menacing smirk he has curls on his lip.

"Talk too much."

*Pu! Pu!

Just as the two men finished speaking, the voice of a woman spoke from behind them, then before either person could turn to see, two silent gunshots rang throughout the hallway.

One from Lu Tian and the other from where the voice came from.

Man1's eyes widen, and his body falls backward onto the ground. Next to him, Man2 held the same expression but his body slumps forward.

Both men hits the ground at the same time with a bullet hole in their forehead.

They were so busy talking that before they could even pull the trigger of their guns, they were already facing the doors to see King Yama.

"Sheesh, why do bad guys like to talk so much?"

Yue Ling spoke in annoyance before pouting her lip at the two men.

She had always thought it was only in the movies that the bad people like to blabber nonstop. However, seeing it in person, she can only ask why.

Lu Tian stares at his wife's annoyed expression and a very tiny smile curls on his lip. It was one full of proudness.

"I like listening to you talk."

He calmly answers her question with a shrug of his shoulder and makes his way towards her.

When the two men appeared, he saw she had already turned the corner.

He was going to quickly kill them and follow after her, but surprisingly she stepped back into his view.

Which neither man were aware of her presence because the two idiots were busy ranting about their day.

Of course, he would have preferred to be the one to kill both men and not just one, so it'll be one less bloodstain on his wife's hands.

However, he also liked their teamwork.

It was like Lin Hui said, 'double kill.'

Watching the man walk towards her, Yue Ling was baffled by his answer. Her eyes continuously blinks until he was standing in front of her.

Not giving him a warning, she hits him on the arm.

"Are you saying I'm a bad girl?"

Lu Tian heard her question and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He meant, he liked listening to her voice in general, not that she's a bad girl.

However, a thought quickly flash in his mind and he smiles mischievously at her.

"You're my bad girl."


Yue Ling's jaw dropped to the ground and her eyes fell out of their sockets. She could not believe this man can still be so shameless at a time like this.

Lifting her hand, she pinch her chin to close her mouth and wipe her baffled expression off her face.

"Let's go. This isn't the time to flirt."

Turning away from him, she proceeds in the direction she was going.

"I can shoot and flirt with you at the same time."


Quickly as her back was turned to him, Lu Tian couldn't help but state another shameless response.

His sudden words almost made Yue Ling trip on her own feet, but she was able to catch herself.

She doesn't answer him but decides to ignore him. She can deal with him after they find Chu Li Xiang.

As she takes the lead again, she did not see the look on the man behind's face.

If she had turned around, she would have seen the wide smile on Lu Tian's lip.

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