The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 720 Xia Jiajia Vs. The Great Demon God (3)

The Great Demon God Hong Meng had walked calmly toward the fallen Saintess Fang Zhenfei and he was smirking coldly, “I have thought that the daughter of the Great Goddess Celestial Alice can fare better this pathetic state. You are nothing but a crybaby. I am going to strip you naked and parade you in front of all my minions. I’ll let you be humiliated and I shall pluck your yin essence like a whore in this place…”  𝓃𝑂𝒱𝖊𝐋𝞰𝗲xt.𝑐𝒪𝑚

Xia Jiajia screamed and wept aloud, “I didn’t weep for you! Ji Yuan did not give up. I won’t give up too…”

Her fighting spirit was aroused as her memories of Ji Yuan had caused her already still body to tremble, lending her a little strength…

Ji Yuan had not given up his fighting spirit when he was facing his certain death and she was also not going to give up on her fighting spirit too. 

All of a sudden, she had managed muster her remaining strength to burn all of her life force energies in a brilliant blue flare and she had turned herself into a fiery furnace…

Her hot tears did not stop and her icy heart was bleeding but instead of growing cold, she felt a blissful warmth as she sacrificed her life for everyone, just like what Ji Yuan would do in the past. 

She did not have the strength for words and she could only silently mutter: Ji Yuan, live well… and farewell…

This was her only regret in this life. 

Her last thoughts were not if her last profound attack could kill the Great Demon God but instead, she was thinking tearfully of Ji Yuan just before she had sundered herself to nothingness…

She had chosen to end this way because her life was seeping away gradually due to her grievous injuries after her battle with the Desolate Dragon God Longdi and she did not want to tell her other sisters about this lest they become anxious; to them and the many cultivators in the Eons Firmament Mountains, she was like their only hope after her victory against the Desolaet Dragon God Longdi. 

But the Desolate Dragon God Longdi was a half-step True Divinity, there was no way for her to escape unscathered especially when her true cultivation realm was only at the peak of the 7th cultivation realm…

Her last silence words were: Ji Yuan… you are already the romantic cultivator of my heart… 

  Before long, in the next blink of an eye, she had exploded like a thunderous blue nova that shook the entire platform and even the earth below…

Surprisingly, the only thing that had survived her own sundering were her hot tears that seemed to flutter upward. 

The Great Demon God was startled that Saintess Fang Zhenfei was still capable of using this true divinity profound power of hers and he quickly raised his profound strength to defend himself from the sudden blue nova that had occurred…

This point-blank blue nova was so powerful that it could even kill any lesser immortals instantly.

But it was the Great Demon God in question here; the blue nova had only knocked him hard across the platform and causing him to sustain heavy injuries. But it could not kill him because he was after all a half-step True Divinity.

The Great Demon God slowly got on his footings and he was sighing heavily, “She has rather killed herself and disappear into oblivion rather than allowing me to pluck her…”

All of a sudden, he had quickly turned back and saw that a gruesome humanoid monster slashing at twice at him with her hands that were shaped like a blade!

  The Great Demon God Hong Meng was sent flying backward with heavy wounds and he looked startled; it was because his profound defense had actually been penetrated? Not even Saintess Fang Zhenfei was able to injure him to this extend.

He got another shock as he muttered, “Number 2?”

This gruesome humanoid monster was indeed Number 2 and her face was elongated, there were sharp rows of teeth as she opened her jaws with hissing sounds.

Even her hands looked more like claws now and there were eight long blades on her back. 

She looked nothing like a demonic race anymore. 

And this change was permanent due to the metamorphosis core that was given to her. 

Number 2 Murong Yue the Eternal Night hissed, “Indeed…”

As the Great Demon God weakly stood up, he said coldly. “You dare to attack your master? Have you forgotten that I am the immortal god of the demonic race?”

Number 2 hissed as she flashed with great speed and she was next to the Great Demon God in the next instant, smashing him with a loud thunderous profound explosion onto the ground. “No longer. Now… I am the true god of the demonic race. You have weakened so much. This is too easy…

The Great Demon God yelled as he struggled to stand weakly, “Do you think you can fight my entire army? Number 3. Number 5. Goddess Mel. Where are you now?” 

All of a sudden, the Evil Cultivation Master and the Sagess Alyssa had appeared by his side to support him to stand on the ground. 

Number 3, Number 5 and the Goddess Mel had heard the callings of the Great Demon God and they had also appeared on the platform with the rest of the weaker Numbers. 

The Great Demon God cursed coldly, “Where are the cultivators from your Evil Cultivation Palace?”

All of a sudden, the Evil Cultivation Master had mightily struck the Great Demon God on the back, stunning Number 3, Number 5, the Goddess Mel and the rest of the Numbers that had arrived at the scene.

The Great Demon God had coughed out blood as he was flung in front of Number 2.

Number 2 hissed coldly as she gave a sudden stomp on the Great Demon God and there was a loud outburst of her profound power that exploded all around, cracking the immortal bones of the Great Demon God!

The Great Demon God stared with disbelief at the Evil Cultivation Master for he was struck by the profound power of a 9th cultivation rank immortal. 

And the Evil Cultivation Master began to laugh jovially as he stared coldly at the Great Demon God, “From now onward, I shall be the new master of the Great Desolate Divine Palace and the true god here.”

The Great Demon God gasped weakly as he cursed him coldly, “You can’t! You are just a lowly immortal. Do you think that you can control the Great Desolate Divine Palace and the immortal arrays to hold off the celestial immortals?”

The Evil Cultivation Master smirked, “Do you think that you are the only one with the Evil Veins? I have long experimented with the Evil Vein and I know that I can absorb your cultivation core into mine.”

The Great Demon God was completely stunned…

He was not defeated by the Saintess Fang Zhenfei today but he was defeated by the Evil Cultivation Master and his crafty schemes…

Today, the dog had decided to bite the owner.

The Evil Cultivation Master swept his cold gaze at Number 3, Number 5, the Goddess Mel and the rest of the Numbers. “Do you all choose to submit to my Evil Cultivation Palace as my depraved slaves or choose to die most horribly?”

The Sagess Alyssa was now smiling when she saw the terrified look that was on the Goddess Mel; from today onward, she would now be torturing and humiliating this rival of hers to no ends.

The thousand over dark cultivators from the Evil Cultivation Palace had also arrived at the scene and they were looking confused; should they obey their former master the Evil Cultivation Master or the Goddess Mel who was their dark supreme leader?

Naturally they had quickly switch allegiance to the Evil Cultivation Master because most of the elders were secretly loyal to the Evil Cultivation Master and they were groomed by him. 

But primary, almost everyone was terrified of Number 2 because her profound animus was that of an upper 9th rank demonic immortal; she could literally tear everyone that oppose her apart in this place. 

And she also had the Great Demon God under her foot now.

The Evil Cultivation Master laughed jovially because no one dare to mutter any word, “From today onward, there is no more Great Demon God Hong Meng. There is only the Evil Cultivation God Yin Xian…”


Author Note:

1. I’ve wanted to write about the death of Xia Jiajia aka the Saintess Fang Zhenfei for a long time. She is the main heroine of The Romantic Cultivator and she had her own story arc that is dependable on the MC Ji Yuan. 

I have actually written The Fluffy Cultivation and the MC is a heroine. In the Good-For-Nothing Cultivator, Fan Yuqing is the main villainess in both stories and she is the big boss in the Good-For-Nothing Cultivator. Both stories have alot of female readers. 

But for The Romantic Cultivator, I didn’t know if I should go with a male MC or a female MC. I end up with a male MC but focus on the story of a smart heroine in Xia Jiajia that makes everything possible and the male MC Ji Yuan that doesn’t have any cheat or cultivation resources to overcome his hurdles except for his beautiful face. 

2. The last chapter actually explains the story between Ji Yuan and Xia Jiajia from the beginning.

3. If you are still reading the story to this point, then you have IQ 1000 for going through all the plot twists and in rl, you must be a really smart person or a really cool person.

The chapters in The Romantic Cultivator are like my previous stories, are planned in advance. So any questions that you may wanna ask, are actually taken out on purpose to be answered a few chapters later. So if you are reading the advance chapters, then you know what I am talking about. 

4. I actually enjoy writing about Divine Consort Dongfang Xin in the latest story arc of the Spirit Divine Realm and she looked fierce. That is why JY offended Divine Consort Ding Jie’Er, many of the readers thought that JY would surely be beaten up for sure but she turns up to be a lame Divine Consort and is also a gold digger *laugh*. These two parts are actually planned ahead. 

5. There is also a subtle relationship between Lin Antian that fought with Ji Yuan inside the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth and the Evil Cultivation Master. Lin Antian if you remember, also has the Evil Veins and he is an experiment of the Evil Cultivation Master. 

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