The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 708 The Truth 'Hurts'

As Ji Yuan walked down the stairs with Maiden Flower Ju, he was still thinking if he ought to eat shit this time; it was because he had previously said that he would eat shit if he were interested in ‘Han Muyuan’ who was actually the Divine Consort Tang Manni herself.

He had suddenly realized that he once had a good chance to gain the Trust Points from Divine Consort Tang Manni but he had now screwed it. 

The ‘easiest to approach’ Divine Consort had now been turned into the ‘hardest to approach’ Divine Consort by his own remarks of late.  𝓃𝐎𝗏𝓮𝓵𝓃𝗲xt.𝑐𝑜𝗆

He looked terrible after walking out from the personal room of Fairy Concubine Xu Yifei. 

Maiden Flower Ju saw his terrible look and had asked what was wrong.

But Ji Yuan simply said to her, “Nothing…”

Xiao Muhan saw the bitter look that was on Ji Yuan as he was walking down the stairs, “What is wrong? You don’t look too happy. Did Fairy Concubine Xu Yifei says something to you?”

Ji Yuan weakly said, “Nothing at all.”

Xiao Muhan frowned, “You look like as though you just got rejected by someone.”

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

When Maiden Flower Ju had reached the first floor of the tavern, she had immediately returned to the counter that she was manning. 

Ji Yuan waited for her to be far away before he put on a straight face as he forced himself to smile at Xiao Muhan, “Brother Xiao Muhan, I have been thinking about something. Erm…”

Xiao Muhan frowned, “What is it and stop beating around the bush.”

Ji Yuan laughed weakly, “I am thinking that you may be right after all. I am going after Maiden Han Muyuan instead and I shall let you have a chance to be with the Divine Consorts.”

Xiao Muhan was startled, “Really? Suddenly you are enlightened?”

Ji Yuan laughed, “I am always enlightened. I must admit that you have higher trust points than me too and that you are my superior.”

Xiao Muhan was naturally delighted to have Ji Yuan out of his way but he was also suspicious, “What did Fairy Concubine Xu Yifei talks to you about?”

Ji Yuan answered awkwardly, “She is only informing me that Maiden Han Muyuan is actually her sister and that Maiden Han Muyuan is also a most affectionate maiden. That is why I have changed my mind.”

Xiao Muhan frowned, “Is that so? And you change your mind because of this?”

Ji Yuan laughed awkwardly, “I need to give Fairy Concubine Xu Yifei some face, right? After all, we are using her place for free lodgings and food. Also, do you agree with me that Maiden Han Muyuan is actually a most beautiful maiden?”

Xiao Muhan was forced to agree, “That Maiden Han Muyuan is indeed the most beautiful maiden that I’ve seen so far in this city…”

“Indeed!” Ji Yuan interrupted, “And I feel so guilty that I’ve been hurting her all this while as well.”

Xiao Muhan took a wary look at him before he said, “Well, good luck then. I don’t think she will forgive you or even like you now.”

Ji Yuan said bitterly, “This is not a problem. I can quite confident that I can make her make her change her heart. Hahaha…”

Actually, he was not confident at all…

Xiao Muhan laughed heartily all of a sudden, “I remember that you say a true cultivator never regrets his decision, whether it is a bad or good thing. And also, you will eat shit if you do regret it.”

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

He weakly said, “Brother, do you really want me to eat shit so much? This is just between the two of us and moreover, I am leaving the Divine Consorts for you to handle now. How can you be so ungrateful to my goodwill?”

He had naturally neglected to mention that Maiden Han Muyuan was actually the Divine Consort Tang Manni.

Ji Yuan had examined all his options and he had felt that Divine Consort Tang Manni was actually a more realistic goal since she was the sister of Fairy Concubine Xu Yifei and that she was also a frequent visitor to this tavern.

Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth 5th level.

Li Ye, Guo Taiming and Shen Qin were now looking at a fairy like beautiful maiden that was with them in this trial. 

Guo Taiming and Shen Qin were grinning at her and they were curious to know her name.

“May we know the name of maiden and your cultivation?”

The fairy like beautiful maiden with white snowy hair returned a beautiful smile, “I am Ding Xiaoxiao. I am just a lowly golden celestial in the 5th cultivation realm.”

Indeed, she is Ding Xiaoxiao aka Number 1. 

The reason why she had been patience with these 3 men was because she needed them to overcome a group trial that required each other and that they may also be useful later. 

She had noticed that there were more group trials for the B Trials the more she ascended the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth and there was also many other trials that required a team. 

Shen Qin took the opportunity to pay his first respect over Guo Taiming by bowing respectfully with his hands, “I am Saint Shen Qin from the Astonishing Sword Manor. I may be an unorthodox cultivator but I am really a nice guy. If maiden does not believe me, you can ask my two brothers here. They are orthodox cultivators.”

Guo Taiming was not slow to introduce himself, “I am Supremacy Guo Taiming from the Five Heavens Peak and I am also the sect leader of my own celestial sect too. Maiden Ding Xiaoxiao, you are from the Desolate Celestial Fraternity too as well? I can tell from the intricate designs of your robe.”

Ding Xiaoxiao smiled, “That is right. I am indeed from the Desolate Celestial Fraternity but I am just a weak cultivator from a poor region. You say that you are from the Five Heavens Peak? So you know Ji Yuan?”

Li Ye laughed heartily, “I am Celestial Li Ye and I happen to be an elder of the Emperor Hall Sect in the Five Heavens Peak. Ji Yuan is actually my sect leader! Nowadays almost everyone in the Desolate Celestial Fraternity has heard of his renown.”

Ding Xiaoxiao smiled, “That is good to know. Do you mind telling me more about Ji Yuan? I want to know everything about him.”

Shen Qin quickly said, “Maiden Ding Xiaoxiao, I happen to be a good brother of Ji Yuan here…”

“I’m his best friend.” Guo Taiming quickly interrupted and he was smiling with pride, “Without my guidance in the past, he would long be dead!”

Ding Xiaoxiao said with some sarcasm but it had gone unnoticed by them, “So you all know Ji Yuan? How come you are all taking the B Trial here?”

Shen Qin answered with a straight face, “We are actually here to help the other weaker cultivators to overcome the weaker trials here. And we are glad to meet you here too.”

Ding Xiaoxiao smiled with some amusement, “Well, I am looking for the 6th level of the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth and is looking for the B Trials to quickly reach to the top.”

Shen Qin was startled, “Maiden, are you really going to the 6th level? It gets harder to find the B Trials as we go higher level in the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth and as far as I know, there are no B Trials anymore on the 6th level. It is better to cultivate to a higher cultivation realm first before going to the 6th level. Even a saint like me dares not easily go to the 6th level.”

Guo Taiming was muttering, “Maiden, you must really consider this carefully. We have barely even manage to survive in the wilderness of desolate monsters in this place.” 

Ding Xiaoxiao aka Number 1 simply smiled with a lie, “Then I have to wait for another 500 years, right? I’ll refuse to do so then and regrets it.” 

Shen Qin laughed weakly, “Naturally I will accompany maiden to the 6th level if you really want to take a look there…”

Guo Taiming said nervously and he was sweating, “I don’t mind be a tank for maiden for the entire expedition…”

Li Ye was startled, “You are all going to the 6th level now?”

Ding Xiaoxiao giggled softly, “I am glad that I have some company. But first, tell me more about Sword Saint Ji Yuan first.”

Guo Taiming laughed, “No one knows more about that rascal’s little black history than me here. All I can say is that he is really fast with the sword.”

Ding Xiaoxiao smiled and asked nonchalantly, “Just exactly how fast is he?”

Guo Taiming laughed jovially, “He can touch the butts of the maidens faster than you can blink your eyes.”

Ding Xiaoxiao: …

Li Ye: …

Shen Qin: …

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