The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 638 Murong Yue The Eternal Night (2)

Murong Xue the Eternal Night or Number 2 simply flashed her dark edged celestial-step divine sword as she split her profound force into two beaming sword energies upon Fairy Ye Chengxi and Sword Saintess Jian Yuluo.

This was her Lunar Crescent Blade profound sword art.

Fairy Ye Chengxi and Sword Saintess were immediately sent flying backward even as they raised their swords to block it.

Fairy Ye Chengxi gasped softly as the sword blade of her precious sword was broken into halve while she was also sent flying backward at the same time. “I can’t block her sword energies?”

Even Sword Saintess Yuluo was startled too as she quickly gathered her sword energies to dispel the offensive sword profound energies before she turned to destroy the sword energy that was almost upon Fairy Ye Chengxi, “It is not a straight sword energy projectile but it is a curved sword energy that seem to distort our perception as well.”

As they steadied their footing, both of their sword arms were now trembling lightly!

Although their opponent’s sword profound art looked ordinary but it punched a powerful profound power that was beyond the seventh cultivation realm!

Murong Xue laughed softly, “Do you expect for me to give you 3 free strikes or something? Just because I am your superior? Or do you expect for me to wait for you to execute your profound attack…”

Sword Saintess had immediately flashed to attack Murong Xue as she swirled her sword to create a projectile of six swords to attack at point blank.

As Murong Xue raised her sword to fend her the puny attack, Fairy Ye Chengxi had raised her broken sword to attack her as well.

This caused Murong Xue to smile wryly at this futile attack as she immediately raised her sword fingers to deal Fairy Ye Chengxi a lethal hit but all of a sudden Fairy Ye Chengxi’s sword had flashed a white flash of light and had neutralized half of the profound animus from her.

Fairy Ye Chengxi said coldly, “You shouldn’t have broken my old master sword…”

Murong Xue was startled as she quickly turned her melee sword fingers into sword energies sword fingers as she sent Fairy Ye Chengxi to fly off with a burst of fierce sword energies impact.

“Life and Death destruction sword? You are willing to expend your life force energies in this manner?”

Sword Saintess Yuluo gasped softly when she saw that Fairy Ye Chengxi had coughed out blood; she could not speak as she was hit by Murong Xue’s sword energies.

Just as she switched to another sword art at this Number 2 as she focused all her profound strength into displaying the full profound power of her secret sword art, Murong Xue merely wavered her divine sword and a burst of several sword bursts had struck upon Sword Saintess Yuluo!

This caused Sword Saintess Yuluo to gasp softly as she landed next to Fairy Ye Chengxi. When she had landed, she began to tremble before coughing out blood!

Fairy Ye Chengxi caught hold of Saintess Yuluo immediately and there was blood dripping down by the side of her mouth as she gasped weakly, “I can’t get rid of her sword energies in my body…”

A stunned Sword Saintess Yuluo gasped weakly, “She is only playing with us in the first place. She is capable of hurling several sword energies from her sword art instead of two…”

Murong Xue was smiling casually as she swung her sword as though she was playing with it, “I told you already. With or without any sword spirits, the power disparity between us are simply too vast to overcome. You may be lofty figures in the Celestial Realm and maybe you can survive several rounds with that useless Number 5 but against me, you can only die.”

When she had said that, she had already stopped swinging her sword and had projected a burst of six sword energies on both the fallen Fairy Ye Chengxi and Sword Saintess Yuluo.

Fairy Ye Chengxi closed her eyes but she was serene as she muttered almost incoherently, “My old master and lord Ji Yuan will avenge me for today.”

Sword Saintess Yuluo had suddenly pulled to cover Fairy Ye Chengxi with her body as she punched with all her profound strength to purge the sword energies from Fairy Ye Chengxi at the risk of worsening her own injuries, “This is only for 6 months in the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth. Our lord Ji Yuan may not be able to defeat her yet but for now, you must try to live. I have died once and got to see Ji Yuan once more. This is enough for me already…”

Fairy Ye Chengxi was startled to see what Sword Saintess Yuluo was doing and saw that she had turned really ashen; by devoting all her profound strength to purge the sword energies for her, Sword Saintess Yuluo had given up on resisting the profound energies that were in her body.

At this moment, she had wanted to scream with her beautiful voice but there were no sounds from her except for her tears…

All of a sudden there was a flash of shadow and a beautiful figure had intercepted the sword burst energies with a soft loud, “Great Exaltation!”

Murong Xue was startled and before she could react, this beautiful figure had suddenly raised her divine sword and had unleashed a wave of profound power in the shape of a flaming blue phoenix to engulf her.

Fairy Ye Chengxi and Sword Saintess Jian Yuluo were startled: Shui Qingqing?!

When did she become this strong and did she just display a profound art that had come from Saintess Fang Zhenfei aka Jiajia?

Murong Xue quickly stepped back before she dispelled the profound power art that was engulfing her before she angrily said as she pointed her celestial-step at her attacker, “Who are you?”

Shui Qingqing displayed an innocent look as she put her left fingers to her back; her left fingers were trembling as she had just displayed the Great Exaltation which could neutralize most profound arts but at a great cost of consuming much of her profound strength.

As for the flaming blue phoenix, it was a newly acquired profound art that was imparted by Jiajia to her as she said to her, “Your matriarch which is my Sister Shui Xisi isn’t here. But I can teach you my secret profound art since we share the same cultivation origins.”

Shui Qingqing had actually followed Fairy Ye Chengxi and Sword Saintess Yuluo due to curiosity this night. As she was from one of the three holy lands of the Desolate Celestial Fraternity, she actually possessed several superior cultivation profound arts including a stealth ability to follow without detection.

“Palace Mistress Shui Qingqing from the Water Melody!”

Murong Xue the Eternal Night merely returned a wry smile, “Just another dead body count. But I must say that you are more impressive than the other two.”

Shui Qingqing merely returned a faint smile and she was only playacting; she knew that she was actually not really strong and most of her profound arts were more for show than practical. Her protégés were constantly praising her or protecting her so much that in her real fight, she actually did not know how to react without thinking.

At this moment she was actually thinking: What do I do now?

Just as she was thinking on what to do and Murong Xue was about to make her next move, a stunning maiden with long flocks of golden hair braided to the left side of her head had suddenly walked silently in their midst.

She was wearing a flimsy white bodice and a short skirt but she was extremely alluring to behold. Even a Fairy like Fairy Ye Chengxi had to admit that she was really beautiful but at the same time, she looked extremely cold.

As Shui Qingqing, Fairy Ye Chengxi and Sword Saintess Yuluo had no idea who she was, plus her profound animus was a faint red, they had quickly surmised that she was an enemy.

When Murong Xue saw her, she had turned ashen immediately at the sight of this maiden in front of her that looked more human than a demonic race

It was because she was Number 1 and Ding Xiaoxiao the White Lily.

Murong Xue said weakly to her, “Good that you are here in this place. Why don’t we combine our strength together to kill everyone in this place?”

Ding Xiaoxiao smiled alluringly as she rolled her cold golden eyes at Murong Xue, “Hmph, I am actually here to get you back to the Desolate Divine Palace. As for destroying this place, this isn’t my mission.”

Murong Xue hummed coldly, “We are both servants to the Great Demon God and you know very well that our True God desires to destroy this place…”

All of a sudden Ding Xiaoxiao had raised her sword scabbard in an uproar of profound power and the ground below Murong Xue was split and had exploded with in a white symbol of a white lily.

As for Murong Xue, she was sent flying with a burst of powerful profound power that swept her away without any resistance before her profound animus disappeared away in the darkness.

Ding Xiaoxiao merely said nonchalantly, “So the power disparity between Number 1 and Number 2 is actually this great? Hmph, I’ve thought that as Number 2, she may fare better than this.”

Shui Qingqing, Fairy Ye Chengxi and Sword Saintess Yuluo were now trembling with fear for they had never seen anyone that was as powerful as her. Only Jiajia could give them the same impression.

And moreover this maiden had not even unsheathed her divine sword yet!

Sword Saintess Jian Yuluo mustered the strength to ask, “Who are you?”

Ding Xiaoxiao smiled coldly, “I am Number 1.”

Sword Saintess Jian Yuluo said weakly, “Good. At least we know who is the one that will kill us.”

Shui Qingqing was nodding quietly along with Fairy Ye Chengxi.

Ding Xiaoxiao was surprised that these 3 maidens had not asked for any mercy.

She began to smile wryly, “However I will allow you to live if you are able to win a game of chance with me.”

Fairy Ye Chengxi asked weakly, “What game of chance?”

Shui Qingqing was also curious, “What kind of a game?”

Ding Xiaoxiao smiled as she displayed 3 cards in front of them. The cards showed a heart, a sword and a shield.

She said coldly, “Hmph, if you can guess where the heart is, then I shall spare you.”

Then she began to flip the cards rapidly in mid-air with her profound power and she had covered them at the bottom with her profound animus. “So are you able to guess where the heart is?”

Fairy Ye Chengxi had stepped forward immediately to say, “Let me make the guess!”

Ding Xiaoxiao returned a wryly cold smile, “Then their lives are in your hands then.”𝑵𝑂𝑽𝔢𝗅𝔫𝐄xt.𝓬𝐎𝓂

Fairy Ye Chengxi had turned to Shui Qingqing and Sword Saintess Yuluo and asked them quietly, “Sisters, will you put your lives in my hand today?”

Sword Saintess Yuluo nodded, “I will put my life in your hands.”

Shui Qingqing smiled, “My life is in your hands now.”

Fairy Ye Chengxi smiled warmly, “Thank you sisters…”

Then she turned to look at Ding Xiaoxiao, “Shall we continue now?”

She knew that they had no choice but to play this game because this Number 1 was able to end their lives at any time. So this was their only chance for survival!

Ding Xiaoxiao smiled as she waved her hands, “You may continue.”

The reason why she was smiling was because this was no ordinary card game and they had 0 chance of survival.

Fairy Ye Chengxi had walked calmly in front of the floating cards and she had pointed to the card on the left, “This is not the one.”

She had immediately flipped it and revealed a sword card.

Then she pointed to the card on the right and said, “Not this one as well.”

She had flipped it and revealed a shield card.

Then she looked at Ding Xiaoxiao and said slowly, “Therefore the middle card must be the heart card. We have won this game.”

Ding Xiaoxiao was slightly startled that her opponent had won and she was blinking with disbelief, “What is your name?”

Fairy Ye Chengxi said nonchalantly, “Ye Chengxi.”

With that she had turned around to lift Sword Saintess Yuluo away and Shui Qingqing had also followed them to leave hastily.

They did not turn back.

Ding Xiaoxiao took a look at her cards before she turned back with an unhappy look; this was the very first time that she had lost in this game.

When Fairy Ye Chengxi, Sword Saintess Yuluo and Shui Qingqing were far away, Sword Saintess Yuluo and Shui Qingqing could not resist the curiosity in their hearts. “How do you know which one is the heart card? Why don’t you guess the heart card from the very start?”

Fairy Ye Chengxi smiled weakly, “There isn’t a heart card in the first place. She may have concealed her killing intention very well but I am still able to see it in her eyes.”

Sword Saintess Yuluo and Shui Qingqing were both startled, “There isn’t any heart card? How do you know this?”

Fairy Ye Chengxi replied weakly, “My old master and lord Ji Yuan often played this game with me in the past and I always lost. One day he admitted to me that he was cheating.”

Shui Qingqing was startled, “My hero Ji Yuan will cheat?”

Saintess Yuluo smiled as she looked at this lovelorn maiden, “You have better believed this. He is no hero.”

Fairy Ye Chengxi could not resist a wry smile, “He hates to lose and he will cheat to win even if you are the weaker sex. In this aspect, he does not care about his face.”

“Except his beard.” Saintess Yuluo laughed softly.

Shui Qingqing muttered weakly, “I still can’t cope with his beardless look…”


Author Note:

1. This is an awful long chapter:X

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