The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 594 Succubus Queen Minami (1)

Ji Yuan was now spying on the camp of the Dark Phantom Citadel.

He was able to do so because he did not need to display any profound animus for his stealth and moreover he had a weak profound animus so it was all too easy for him to dissipate it completely.

It was not actually true that he was trying to take a look at the Succubus Queen Minami; he was just trying to look at the entire female succubus race because they looked so interesting to him.

The female succubus race was all scantily cladded only in their panties and there was only a thin strap of leather on their bosoms. Also, they had small horns that looked like wings on their heads.

Right now Ji Yuan was observing the high level female succubus cultivators as they flashed their butts to him and he was actually drooling with interest.

The Succubus Queen Minami was extremely arousing in her sexuality and moreover she was also extremely enticing as Little Princess. Moreover, she was just wearing a red strap and a thin red panties.

Ji Yuan was grinning to himself: Why is she flashing her red panties and butt in front of my eyes. Haha…

Xiang Li was also drooling: Woot, they wear so little in this place.

Anyang said weakly: Are you guys so interested in this matter than the true immortal sword?

Ji Yuan said to Anyang with a chuckle: This is a cultural exchange to broaden our experiences. You don’t want others to say that we are all frogs in a well, do you?

Xiang Li was giggling: After last time when everyone was laughing at us for not knowing that we can be viewed in the arena trial, we are now smarter now.

Ji Yuan laughed: That is right. We’re now smarter than before now…

As he said to Xiang Li, he was already following the swaying butt of the Succubus Queen Minami as she checked the perimeter of the camp with her divine sense.

The reason why Ji Yuan knew her name was because he had overheard her subordinates addressing her.

Right now, the Succubus Queen Minami was talking to two other of her subordinates and they were also female succubus.

Ji Yuan muttered, “This is too sinful…”

All of a sudden, the Succubus Queen Minami was looking at the direction of Ji Yuan and a burst of profound animus had burst forth from her and a pair of black wings had suddenly appeared on her back.

Her two subordinates had also displayed their black wings and they were taking flight behind their Succubus Queen Minami.

Ji Yuan was startled as he had realized that he had been discovered.

When he had muttered out that this is too sinful, he did not expect that he would be heard.

Ji Yuan’s ultra sharp eye sight could see the horn wing of Succubus Queen Minami moving in his direction and he was startled that her hearings were so superb.𝗇𝐎𝓋ℯ𝗅𝗇𝓮xt.𝔠𝑜𝔪

Ji Yuan had immediately flashed away because if he did not do so, more of the powerful demonic cultivators would soon come after him.

The Succubus Queen Minami sped after Ji Yuan as she hummed coldly, “What do we have here? It is a pesky little golden celestial that thinks that he can outrun us? He is dreaming!”

But she was also astonished that Ji Yuan was moving faster than she had expected.

Succubus was actually not capable of true flight but their extra wings actually gave them an advantage in movement speed.

Right now, she was witnessing a golden celestial that could move equally as fast and he knew that he had been spotted the instant that she had looked in his direction even though she could not see him.

The Succubus Queen Minami soon stopped in a clearing and she was frowning.

Her two subordinates had also stopped and they were using their divine sense to find the intruder.

They had completely lost the golden celestial as he did not display any of his profound animus even when he was running. Therefore, it was easy for them to lose track of him.

The Succubus Queen Minami said slowly and her voice was alluring, “Be careful. He may be leading us to an ambush.”

One of her subordinates called Miya said cautiously, “He sure is quick. We are too near to our camp. He may not be stupid to attack us in this place.”

The Succubus Queen Minami slowly nodded but she was constantly looking at the dark shades of the forest, “This one may be just a scout for the more powerful golden celestials. This is already the second time that he is here. And he may come a third time.”

Ji Yuan was startled as he watched them keenly from his hiding place: Huh? I have already been spotted a second time? They sure have excellent hearings. Next time I must be more careful. This Succubus Queen is not simple…

But he was also growling: I will be a mere scout for a more powerful celestial? I am actually the leader…

But he was soon grinning again: This place is better suited to see their boobs and butt… haha…

The Succubus Queen Minami said to her two subordinates, “The two of you can go back first. I will linger for a little to check for any alien presence while here and will join you later.”

The two subordinates immediately nodded before they sped back to where they had come from.

After a while, the Succubus Queen Minami began to smile as she playfully moved her fingers along her long flowing hair and it was in a slow seductive manner to display her full sexuality.

Ji Yuan began to wonder, “What is she doing?”

Then to his startled bulging golden eyes, he saw that the Succubus Queen Minami was starting to strip, first she removed her top strap and then she slowly pulled down her red panties between her legs.

Ji Yuan almost made a wolf whisper at the scene.

Then the Succubus Queen Minami started to dance slowly and really seductively as she displayed her perked full boobs and her naked butt.

Ji Yuan chuckled to himself: This is too sinful…

Xiang Li asked: What is she doing?

Anyang solemnly reminded them: She knows that we are here so this is her trick to find out where we are. Once we have revealed ourselves, she will attack us with everything that she got and will even alert her group.

Xiang Li asked: So this is actually a trick?

Ji Yuan answered: Yea, this is one of the oldest tricks in the books. It seems to me that she has the ability to hear even our heartbeats. Unfortunately for her, I am able to stop my heartbeat for a long time due to my Control Heartbeat profound art that I have found.

Xiang Li: And so this will be a free stripping show?

Ji Yuan laughed: Haha, it is a safe and free stripping show.

With that both Ji Yuan and Xiang Li were both laughing nonstop.

Just as the Succubus Queen Minami was thinking that she was indeed mistaken, Ji Yuan had suddenly made a crack on the tree top that he was concealing when he was edging for a closer look…

Ji Yuan awkwardly looked at Xiang Li and Anyang: This is really a mistake…


The Succubus Queen Minami had suddenly turned to look at the place where the sound had come from and that was when Ji Yuan was hiding!

And she had shouted again as she startled to sped toward Ji Yuan’s hidden location, “There you are!”

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