The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 359 The Two Great Brushes (1)

Ling Feiyue was smiling gently as she approached Ji Yuan and Xiao Muhan, “Is he a friend of yours? Why don’t you introduce your friend to me?”

Xiao Muhan had turned ashen immediately when this lovely maiden in black had approached. Even though he could not see her appearances because of her curtain veil and also because she was also wearing a face veil within the curtain veil, he had recognized her gentle voice as the one that had beaten him up every year.

He began to stammer, “Dark Mistress…Ling…Fei…yue…”

Ling Feiyue had naturally recognized Xiao Muhan who had refused to reveal the whereabouts of Ji Yuan to her for many years.

“Let me ask you.” Ling Feiyue coolly said. “Are you a friend or not a friend of my lord Ji Yuan here?”

Xiao Muhan blinked his eyes…

If he replies wrongly then he would surely die…

He had faked his own death so that Ling Feiyue would not be able to find him…

But today he had met her once again…

Slowly he answered weakly, “Ji Yuan and I are the best of friends.”

Ling Feiyue giggled softly, “Then that is good. You know that I’m always polite to a friend, especially to the friends of Ji Yuan.”

Ji Yuan patted Xiao Muhan on his shoulder again, “Haha, since we are all friends, we shouldn’t have dwelled on the past anymore.”

Xiao Muhan weakly muttered, “I actually dare not. I am just a lowly saint while the two of you are great saints.”

Then he stared at Ji Yuan, “How the heck are you able to advance so quickly in your cultivation realm?”

He was an initial saint while Ji Yuan was only at the peaked sixth realm golden supremacy level. He was still an initial saint now but Ji Yuan was already a peaked great saint.

It was an impossible thing to achieve for most cultivators to do so and difficult for many to accept it.

Because other than sword arts, Ji Yuan’s cultivation talents are lower than him. Moreover he was as poor as hell in the past.

Ji Yuan gave him a serious look before he chuckled, “Do you really have to ask? That is because I’m a genius.”

Xiao Muhan: …

Xiao Muhan: …

Xiao Muhan: …

If he is a genius then what am I?

A fool?

Why do the heavens favor him just because he has a beautiful face?

Just as he was about to refute Ji Yuan, a beautiful and coy voice chuckled softly.

It was Yun Chi and she had approached them with a smile.

Xiao Muhan was trembling nervously when he saw her; after she had taken off her face mask, he had been so overwhelmed by her perfect beauty. Moreover he had been staring at her nice figure from behind ever since she was leading Team 4.

Ji Yuan was also trembling lightly when he saw her because he did not know what she would suddenly say to screw him up. Right now, he is really afraid of her.

Yun Chi smiled coyly as she approached them, “I’ve accidentally overheard your earlier conversations…”

JI Yuan cursed her silently; you’re obviously eavesdropping on us…

“I’ve accidentally overheard that the two of you are the Two Great Brushes of the Desolate Celestial Fraternity. One of you is the Great Painter and one of you is the Great Poet.”

Yun Chi chuckled softly.

“I wonder if there is a competition between the two of you, which one of you is the superior, which one is the inferior?”

“Of course I am the superior. He is the inferior.” Both Ji Yuan and Xiao Muhan said at the same time.

Ji Yuan frowned as he stared at Xiao Muhan.

And Xiao Muhan was also staring coldly at him.

“Don’t forget that my paintings are worth high grade spirit stones but your poems are basically worthless.” Xiao Muhan quickly added.

Ji Yuan retorted coldly, “Don’t forget that I have all the thousands of beautiful fan girls while you got all the ugly old cultivators as your fans.”

“That is only because you have a beautiful face and not because your poem is a great writing.” Xiao Muhan laughed. “But ever since you’ve lost your beautiful beard, I am afraid that you may have already lost all your beautiful fan girls by now.”

Ji Yuan: …

Xiao Muhan continued mockingly, “Moreover, you always like to exaggerate a lot. As your good friend for many centuries, I know you better than yourself.”

Ji Yuan frowned, “This is too personal. When did I ever exaggerate things? Come on, tell me! I will only under exaggerate and never over exaggerate!”

Their arguments had also brought Little Princess, Shui Xisi, Bai Qianfeng, Yu Jingjing and Feng Minyue over.

In fact, quite a number of cultivators were now looking in their direction, curious to see what was happening.

Xiao Muhan hummed coldly, “Did you not say that you have once bedded ten thousand maidens? Even your best friend Guo Taiming has also heard you boasting about it. Are you saying that you have only bedded more and not less?”

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

He was suddenly rolling his eyes as he looked weakly in the direction of Ling Feiyue, Little Princess, Shui Xisi, Bai Qianfeng, Yu Jingjing and Feng Minyue who were all looking none the pleased.

“That is only a drunken statement. Please don’t believe what he has just said. He is framing me for sure.” Ji Yuan laughed weakly.

Ling Feiyue suddenly recited, “Ten thousand maidens as my bed chamber maids, I am indeed the most blissful cultivator in the Celestial Realm.”

She turned to look coldly at Ji Yuan, “Did you or did you not say this?”

Ji Yuan weakly said, “It is only a poem. It isn’t true at all-“

“Maybe he found some inspirations in real life for it.” Little Princess hummed coldly.

Yun Chi suddenly chuckled, “Say. Why don’t we have Saint Xiao Muhan and Saint Ji Yuan to compete against each other to see who is the superior brush, instead of arguing with each other?”

“It is a good idea.” Both Ji Yuan and Xiao Mohan said coldly at the same time.

“But it won’t be a fair competition.” Ji Yuan frowned all of a sudden. “I am a poet while he is a painter. What if all of you are too uncultured to appreciate my poem? Then won’t I be the ultimate loser?”

Xiao Mohan laughed, “I must give you some credit for thinking of this. Everyone knows how to appreciate a painting but very few people will be able to appreciate a poem.”

Yun Chi chuckled, “I’ve a good idea. May I make a suggestion?”

“Go ahead.” Both Ji Yuan and Xiao Mohan answered at the same time.

“Why don’t we have Saint Mohan to paint a portrait of myself while Ji Yuan will write a poem on the painting for us to judge? We will let the cultivators here to be the judge who is the better brush. I am sure everyone will be interested to know whether Saint Xiao Mohan will be able to capture my beauty with his brushes or whether Great Hero Ji Yuan will be able to capture my beauty with his poem.”𝔫𝚘𝑣𝞮𝓛𝐧𝗲xt.𝓒𝐎𝑚

Yun Chi chuckled pleasantly and coyly as she looked at them.

Ji Yuan, Xiao Mohan: …

Ji Yuan, Xiao Mohan: …

Ji Yuan, Xiao Mohan: …

Xiao Mohan was thinking weakly; it will be a great challenge for me to capture even one-tenth of her perfection…

Ji Yuan was also thinking weakly; if I were to dedicate a poem to you in front of my beloveds, I will be surely end up as a dead man…

But the two of them said loudly at the same time, “Who is afraid of who? The challenge is on!”

Yun Chi chuckled, “May the best man wins.”

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