The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era

Chapter 407 - 407 [BABY’S DAY-OFF] (IX)


ASTRID and Livi were lining up to get to the Ferris wheel ride. This would be the third and last ride that they would go to before this trip concluded.

The rides in this theme park were all interesting and kid-friendly. At the entrance, the guests could ride a Blitz mobile which they could use to go around the theme park. Of course, he and Livi availed that.

Their first ride was something similar to a merry-go-round. Except that instead of horses, it was a floating fluffy rabbit. Between that and the next ride, they went to other attractions in the theme park. Also eating along the way.

Of course, Astrid made sure that the snacks they ate were not too much of anything. Like too salty or too sweet. Just the right amount. It’s the best way he could do to avoid Livi’s parents from blaming him from letting their son eat food they didn’t allow him to eat.

But well, they would probably still do it anyway. At least everything was recorded and the viewers would see that he didn’t feed Livi poison or anything like that. So, even if Livi’s parents filed a complaint against him, there would be loads of witnesses that would say otherwise.

Besides, it’s not like the food here could cause any medical problems. If the food here did not pass the Empire’s safety measure, then there’s no way this place would even be opened to the public. And he also read from Blitz Land’s official site that all the food being sold here used high quality ingredients that weren’t bad for children’s health.

He also gave Livi some of the snacks he made for today. The kid actually liked the snacks he made more than the food they bought here. Just to be sure that he wouldn’t be ‘attacked’ for letting Livi eat unknown foods, he made certain that the cameras captured the snacks that he made. So, people could see that he wasn’t letting the kid eat junk foods.

Anyway, even with that, Astrid would still be disliked by Livi’s parents for sure. Not that he cared though. What’s important right now was to let Livi have a fun time. And then he would worry about the aftermath of his actions after that.

Finally, their turn finally arrived and they got on one of the cubicles. The Ferris wheel was not so different from the one he knew from his past life. The only difference was the cubicles were bigger and that they were not connected to a center circle and were floating instead. This was why the ride was smoother compared to the normal Ferris wheel that he knew from his past life.


Livi looked outside the glass window of the cubicle they were in. Happiness was evident on his small face. Since arriving at this place, the other had been smiling non-stop. It was a far cry from when he first met the other this morning where he was acting like a small adult. Now, the other truly looked like a kid.

And that’s good. Every kid should have the benefit of acting their age. It’s the only time they could do so. They should at least be free to do that. Of course, some circumstances could prevent them from doing that. That’s the sad reality. It might be their living environment preventing them to do that. Or it could be controlling parents who unknowingly forced them to act like adults.

The former was his situation in his past life while the latter was what Livi was currently experiencing. Either of the two were not ideal for a child’s growth. He only got lucky that he didn’t grow up crooked despite all the bad things that happened to him. The same thing couldn’t be said to Livi though.

People who felt suffocated in their childhood because of their parents had a high chance to rebel in their teens or adulthood. This rebelliousness could lead to a lot of complications in the future. Livi could have this kind of future as long as his parents controlled every aspect of his life like this.

“Wow. The view outside must look more beautiful at night.”

Livi’s sudden comment pulled Astrid’s thoughts back. He looked outside the glass window and saw the miniature view of the city. “Yes, it must be,” he agreed.

“I wish we could stay until it’s night time.”

After Livi said that, the smile on his face slowly disappeared. Probably because he knew that they would return back home after this ride.

“Maybe we could go again next time,” Astrid said.

Although he shouldn’t make empty promises like this, he just couldn’t let the other have that sad expression.

Livi seemed surprised that he said that. Then, his smile came back. The only difference was, there was a tinge of sadness in it. “That would be great.”

It was obvious that the kid didn’t believe that something like that could happen. Livi must have thought that this would be the last time they would see each other. At that sight, his desire to help the other became even stronger.


After the Ferris wheel ride, Astrid and Livi were now on their way back to the latter’s home. They would probably arrive there before lunch.

“I wish Astrid could cook some lunch for me,” Livi grumbled. “The snacks you made were really delicious. I probably won’t be able to taste it again.”

He said that last part almost like a whisper, but Astrid still heard it. He was about to answer when the car finally stopped. He didn’t even notice that they had already entered the villa.

Both he and Livi got down of the flying car. He only had time to give a response to the kid after that.

“Maybe I can cook lunch for the young master today.”

Livi’s expression brightened when he heard that, but it quickly dimmed once again. “No. My mother won’t allow it.”

It might have been a slip of the tongue. But those words were clearly captured by the three cameras following Astrid.

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