The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era

Chapter 397 - 397 XOXO

397 XOXO

[@astridsnumber1fan: Aster shouldn’t dress like this. You’re about to give people a heart attack! And what if perverts started to imagine things they shouldn’t because of your ‘just got out of the bath’ atmosphere?]

But before Wulfric could press the ‘post’ button, he stopped. He realized that what he was about to post was too overbearing and surpassed the line of propriety. He quickly deleted it and typed a new one.

[@astridsnumber1fan: Have a good night sleep and please don’t be too tired.]

He nodded. It definitely looked like he was a very caring fan. This was better than the first one. Even though the former was what he’s truly thinking. But at least he knew it’s wrong and that he’s willing to correct it.

He saved the Aster’s picture and then sent the other a message. Of course, not through his [Cyberspace] account. But through his personal Terminal number.

[I saw your post. It seems that you’re filming something again. I hope you’re taking time to rest and not just working continuously. You still have school as well. Juggling the two can exhaust anyone. So, please, do take it easy from time to time. I probably won’t be able to contact you for the next month or so. But know that I will support any endeavors of you that would be released for the next month. Take care of yourself always. – xoxo Wulf.]

Wulfric was very satisfied when he sent that message. It was very mature and adult-like. He hoped that as he and Aster continued to communicate with each other, that the other’s initial impression of him had already been erased in his mind.

He then looked at the ‘xoxo’ part and grinned. This was a special language that young people on Earth a long, long, long time ago. He happened to see Hildred using it when he was sending a message to Edmund. When he asked the other what it meant, Hildred explained what it was and said that it meant ‘hugs and kisses’.

Even though Wulfric couldn’t understand how ‘xoxo’ could possible mean that, he found the word quite… useful. Yes, that should be the right term for it. Because he could send it to Aster without worrying that the other would know what it meant. If Aster asked, he could just say that it was just jumbled letters that didn’t mean anything.


Wasn’t that how it was for Edmund? When Wulfric found out about how Hildred was sending that to some of the messages he sent to Edmund, he went to the latter and asked him about it. Edmund only said with a confused expression ‘wasn’t it just random letters?’.

See? Even Edmund didn’t think much of it.

But what our little prince didn’t take into account was the fact that Astrid was nowhere near as naive as Edmund. And most importantly, he still had full memories of his past life. A past life where a word like ‘xoxo’ could be easily understood.

Of course, since our prince didn’t know that, he could go to sleep with peace of mind.


Astrid, who was about to sleep after posting on [Cyberspace], read the comment posted by ‘White Wolf’. It quickly became the top comment because of the number of likes and replies it received.

He chuckled when he saw that and couldn’t help but read the replies under ‘White Wolf’s’ post.

[Oh, I knew Brother White is the first one who would comment under Aster’s post!]

[Brother White really is such a devoted fan. Look how he’s worrying over Aster.]

[Does Astrid have a fan club? If Brother White is not the president, I will really protest.]

[Aster doesn’t have a fan club yet. But once he had, I’m sure Brother White will be the first one to apply as club president.]

[And I’ll definitely support him!]

[It would be criminal if he didn’t get it when he had proven time and time again that he’s Astrid’s number one fan.]

[Right? If he didn’t become the fan club president, there’s definitely some conspiracy happening.]

Look at this. It seemed that a number of his fans were now also fans of ‘White Wolf’. He laughed. Looking at the comments advertising for the other to be the president of his ‘still not founded’ fan club, one would think that they were campaigning for him to be the head of some important faction.

He shook his head and simple pressed the like button for ‘White Wolf’s’ reply. Then, he also replied under it.

[Thank you! ^_^]

After that, he closed [Cyberspace]. Although some would definitely make a fuss with him replying like that, he didn’t care much. Especially since there probably wouldn’t be that much negative reaction from it. As evidence, most of his fans were in support of ‘White Wolf’.

Astrid was about to close his Terminal when he suddenly received a message.

This time, it was not from White Wolf but from Wulfric himself. He subconsciously smiled and quickly opened it.

The start was almost the same as the reply he made under his post on [Cyberspace], basically telling him not to tire himself out. When he came to the last part, it talked about him being away for a mission.

A month long mission, hmm, he wondered if it’s something serious. He was about to reply back and tell him to also take care when he saw the last two words. [–xoxo, Wulf].

He stared at the ‘xoxo’ words for a few seconds. Was this what he thought it was?

To answer his curiosity, he replied back;

[Take care of yourself as well. I hope your mission will go smoothly. By the way, what does ‘xoxo’ mean?]

It didn’t take long before he received a reply.

[Oh, that. Nothing. It’s just a string of letters I found cute together.]

Astrid read that and then smiled. This liar. So, as revenge, he replied back;

[Okay. Then, goodnight, Wulf. xoxo]

He chuckled after that. Because he knew that once Wulfric read his reply, the other’s face would definitely turn red. Now, he kind of wished that he was in front of Wulfric to see it.

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