The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era

Chapter 385

Chapter 385: NADIA’S DOWNFALL (II)

THE comments under White Wolf’s post quickly garnered attention. But surprisingly enough, or rather, unsurprisingly, the vocal Nadia fans suddenly shut up and didn’t join in the fanfare.

[Is this really true? Did she do all that?]

[Did you see that smile? It’s like a snake! It’s giving me goosebumps.]

[I know some of those artists in those CCTV footages. The controversy that involved them really damaged their reputation. Because they’re not exactly super famous, their career took on a dive after that. Nadia Beck should take responsibility for what she did.]

[I don’t know most of them. But I do feel sorry to what they had to go through because of this person.]

[Wow. That’s dedication right there. Imagine doing all your media play like that. She probably should have worked in some entertainment agency instead of being a singer.]

[But you really got to hand it to her. I mean, doing media play by yourself and being quite successful at it? That requires talent!]


[How dare you use One Leaf’s name for your own agenda?]

[One Leaf is such an innocent soul and you really planned to sabotage her and for what?]

[Nadia really tried to pull down Astrid – a rookie who’s not even two months into his career. And karma really hit her so fast and so hard. LOL.]

[But seriously, why did she do it? Just because Astrid didn’t take a photo with her?]

[Haha if that was really the case, then I pity her a little. Imagine, thinking that you could get clout but ending up damaging their career instead?]

[This is the second time this happened, right? The first one was with that student from Redwood who hired people to make up rumors about Astrid. But then, at the end, evidence against him also appeared.]

[Seriously, if this happen again for the third time, we should probably coin the term Astrakarma.]

[Upstairs, that’s actually a brilliant idea!]

[This is all thanks to Brother White! You really are Astrid’s number one fan!]

[Providing evidence this fast, no one does it like Brother White!]

[I’m curious, who do you think this White Wolf is?]

[I think he’s a hacker. With how fast he got those evidence, a hacker is the first thing that comes to mind.]

[Nah. I think he’s a rich young master. With his money, he can pay people any hacker he wanted to hire.]

[He’s probably in the military or someone high up.]

[Or maybe he’s the prince himself. Isn’t one of the prince’s moniker, the ‘White Wolf of Alluna’?]

[Upstairs, be serious, do you think the prince would be involve in something like this?]

[Yeah. There’s no way he would be interested in things like this. He probably doesn’t even know any actors or actresses.]

[LOL be careful. You might end up being kidnapped and tortured for suspecting the prince.]

[If I’m an actor, I would also like to have a fan like White Wolf.]

[Who doesn’t? I bet a lot of artists out there wished to have a fan like him. If someone slandered them, they and their company doesn’t need to do anything. Because White Wolf would do it for them.]

[Having a fan like that, isn’t it scary? If he could hack something like this, then it would be easy for him to get Astrid’s Terminal number or even his address. Maybe he would even secretly film Astrid. How creepy is that?]

[Hey, the one upstairs, can you not deflect the real topic here? Which is about Nadia Beck’s ‘awesome’ media play.]

[But seriously, I’m really curious who this ‘White Wolf’ is.]


The White Wolf everyone was talking about was currently looking at the comments in [Cyberspace] and showing a satisfied smile. There was not one comment defending Nadia.

Which would probably not last since some of her die-hard fans might defend her like there’s no tomorrow. But that wouldn’t really change anything much. Since public opinion was already on Aster’s side.

Wulfric actually still had a lot of black material against Nadia Beck. But since she only attacked Aster using media play, he decided that he would only reveal that. If the other didn’t learn any lesson from this, then he would be more than happy to reveal to everyone those ‘black materials’.

He wondered what would Aster’s reaction be like once he discovered that he no longer needed to worry about this ‘controversy’ that Nadia Beck started.

Wulfric really wanted to just call the other and ask him how he’s been doing. But considering how sharp Aster was, he might think that something was afoot. And then, he might slowly connect the dots and find out that Wulfric was actually ‘White Wolf’, the one who had the handle @astridsnumber1fan.

So, it’s better to just not call him. Of course, he would do so later. But not right now when things were still at its peak.

He hoped that what he did could make Aster smile. He would be satisfied if even it’s just a small one.

Ah, he really wanted to hear Aster’s voice.


Back to the present time…

Astrid had a contemplative look on his face as he listened to Ellis’ story about how my number one fan solved everything even faster than Clover Ltd or Polaris. By the time Ellis and the others came up with a concrete plan to handle the situation, ‘White Wolf’ had already posted the ‘evidence’.

He was so surprised by this that he became speechless for a moment. His expression must have been hard not to notice. That’s why Ellis suddenly asked;

“Do you know this White Wolf in person?”

Astrid hesitated if he should tell Ellis who was ‘White Wolf’. But both his heart and brain were telling him that she shouldn’t. At least not right now. But he couldn’t also outright lie. So, let’s just make a compromise.

“I do know. But he doesn’t know that I do. That’s all I can tell Sister Ellis right now,” he answered. “Don’t worry, he’s not someone who would ever harm me.”

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