The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era

Chapter 379


EMMY felt her head pulsating because her brain was trying its best to register what her children just said. But the more she understood, the more painful her head became. She pinched the bridge of her nose to ease the throbbing of her head.

It’s only been almost two months since the twins arrived at the capital and yet they had already met most of their immediate family from her side. Something that she wished would not happen while the two were in the capital. And yet, here was the two telling them that not only did they meet them, they also had dinner with them.

It was not only that, Casey even recommended Astrid to be an ambassador of EMMA. If he could do that, it meant that he was the one holding the majority of EMMA’s shares. She was really relieved when he found that out.

It was a share that was under her name, something that their mother had decided from the start. But after Emmy’s ‘death’, this share must have gone to Casey. She was glad that it turned out that way. Because she knew that her younger brother would not half-assed things and would take care of EMMA. If it was given to Tommy, his blatant disinterest would just lead to its downfall.

Anyway, the fact that Casey recommended Astrid meant that he must have really liked the latter and thought that he would fit the image of EMMA. That was if Casey hadn’t yet suspected that Astrid was actually his nephew.

Then, there was the fact that Tommy actually had a son which meant that he now had his own family. That in itself was a surprise for Emmy. But then again, if their father ordered him to go and have a family, Tommy would probably pull the nearest person and bring them to a fertility lab.

Because of this news, memories of her family flooded in her mind. Something that she had been trying not to do for the past 20 years. The moment she left and was presumed as ‘dead’, she wanted for it to remain that way.


So, she also avoided thinking about her father and brothers. She didn’t even bother searching about them in [StarNet] or [Cyberspace]. She wanted to focus on the family she was building with Gage and not the family that only left her with scars.

Casey was probably the only exception. But even if that was the case, finding news about him was almost like looking at a needle in a haystack. That’s why she didn’t even know that he was now the largest shareholder of EMMA.

Her father and older brother probably also did the same as her. Pretended that she was really dead and no longer part of their lives.

Emmy knew that the reason why she and Gage managed to get new identities as fast as they did was not only because of Leigh’s help, her father must have also helped in the background. The fact that no one questioned her ‘death’ and that they didn’t experience the frantic chase of the military were enough proofs of that.

Now, two decades had already passed. And by some twisted fate, her children had already met her brothers. She had never imagined that they would even cross paths despite the twins going to the capital. How could the world be that small? But it had already happened. And she didn’t know what she should do or how she would react hearing this news.

Then, Emmy felt a big, warm hand enveloping her own. She turned her head to her husband. Gage gave her a comforting glance. And somehow, she felt like everything would be fine.

Gage smiled at his wife, silently telling her that everything would be fine. He was also very surprised hearing what the twins said about meeting the Grimaldis. But then he quickly calmed down. Because he believed that the two would be able to handle the Grimaldis without revealing anything about who they really were. If they could handle a hostage-taking situation without panicking despite the actual danger it held, then they could sure as hell do the same with the Grimaldis.

“Did they suspect that you’re related to them?” he asked the twins when he returned her gaze to the virtual screen.

“No. Not in the slightest,” Astrid quickly said. “We don’t exactly have the typical Grimaldi features. It probably never even crossed their minds that we could be related to them.”

Emmy let out a sigh of relief when she heard that. That’s right. Both Astrid and Reas didn’t look like the typical Grimaldi with silver hair and sapphire blue eyes. Unless one of them purposely did a DNA test, then it would be impossible for Casey, much less Tommy, to have the slightest bit of suspicion.

“Are you going to be EMMA’s next ambassador?” she asked Astrid. She didn’t have any doubt that her son would pass that screen test. The only question now was if he was willing to be the company’s ambassador.

“Yes,” Astrid answered without hesitation. “Being connected to EMMA will help my career in a very good way. So, yes, I’m going to take to take this chance. Unless… you don’t want me to?”

Emmy shook her head. As she had already said, she wouldn’t clip the wings of her children who were trying to fly towards their dream. But the worry was still there. Because as long as Astrid was associated with EMMA, he would also have no choice but to interact with Casey.

What if, as they got closer, her younger brother started to suspect something? It would probably fine for Casey alone to know about it. But once a secret was exposed, it’s easy for it to be revealed again and again until everyone in the Empire found out about it.

She’s not worried about what would happen to her and Gage, she’s more worried about how it would affect her children’s future. What if they couldn’t attain their dreams because of it?

That’s one thing she never wanted to happen.

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