The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era

Chapter 360

Chapter 360: [NEW STAR] (I)

“YOU are 18 this year, is that correct?” the host – Rita – asked Astrid.

Astrid nodded. “That’s right.”

“Wow. So young! Now I suddenly feel old,” Rita said, acting sad with a crestfallen expression.

“It doesn’t look that way though. No matter what age, I’m sure Miss Rita will remain ephemerally beautiful,” Astrid said with a smile.

If this was said by others, people might think that Astrid was flirting with the host. But because his tone didn’t have that kind of playfulness, it only sounded like he was telling the truth. Which didn’t make Rital feel bothered. She felt very much flattered instead.

She didn’t feel like the other was deliberately trying to compliment her to get on her good side. Just like how most of her guests here had done. That’s probably why she didn’t feel the urge to reply sarcastically just like she usually did.

The other might not mean an iota of what he said. But the important thing was, the receiver didn’t feel it at all. That’s a plus in Rita’s book. She could already feel that this kid would go places.

“Now you’re making me blush,” she replied in a playful tone. “I think the words ‘ephemerally beautiful’ suit you more than me.” She glanced at the audience. “Don’t you think so as well?”

The audience shouted a resounding ‘yes!’.

A pretty blush appeared on Astrid’s face. But instead of acting shyly, he said with a bright smile, “Thank you. I will accept this compliment gladly.”

The audience burst into laughter. They didn’t think that Astrid was being arrogant by saying that, especially not with his face still blushing red. That and his bright smile created a gap that the audience found lovely in a way.

“Yes, you’re hair and eye color is very rare. It’s truly beautiful,” the singer – Nadia Beck – suddenly interrupted with a smile.

Even though she seemed to be complimenting Astrid, anyone with a discerning eye could tell the real meaning behind her words. It’s like saying that the only reason Astrid was considered as beautiful was because of his hair and eye color.

And the fact that she suddenly interfered at the middle of what was supposedly Astrid’s solo introductory interview could make thoughtful people think that there was a hidden motive behind it. They would be right though.

In Astrid’s eyes, it was quite obvious that Nadia Beck was trying to gain more screen time for herself. [New Star] was a good way to promote one’s self after all. He didn’t mind though. As long as the other did it in moderation. If she knew what’s good for her, she wouldn’t do too much. Because it would only reflect on her badly.

But it wouldn’t be bad to send a silent warning. After all, he also wanted this talk-show to go smoothly for all of them. So, he smiled back at the other and said in a good-natured manner;

“Yes, many people do often say that these two are the only redeeming features on my face.”

He said it in a joking manner but it elicit an awkward smile from Nadia. Because if she responded and said ‘yes’, she would be agreeing that Astrid’s hair and eye color were indeed the only good thing about his face. But if she said ‘no’, then she would be contradicting what she said herself.

It’s a ‘damn if you do, damn if you don’t’ situation.

The atmosphere would be completely awkward if the silence continued. So, before that happened, Astrid added;

“I agree though that without these two features, my face would probably be the most ordinary face in the Empire.” He looked at the audience and then added in a secretive manner. “Don’t tell my parents though since I don’t want to be scolded. After all, in any parents’ eyes, their child looks the best no matter what.”

The audience laughed again at that.

Rita secretly let out a sigh of relief. She was about to intervene to lighten up the mood but the teenager did that himself. She would probably be annoyed if the other didn’t. Even if the cause of all this was Nadia, the one who almost made the atmosphere froze was Astrid.

Although she didn’t like how some of her guests would always try to get more screen time for themselves, it’s also their ability to grasp the chance to do that. Nadia secretly taking a jab at Astrid to do that was rather distasteful but completely acceptable in her opinion. What she didn’t expect was Astrid fighting back. And he did it so skillfully too.

Rita suddenly wanted to laugh. Truly, this kid would definitely go places.

After that small incident, the recording of the program flowed much more smoothly. Nadia still tried to get more screen time but at least she no longer did it at the expense of others. It seemed that she’s smart enough to know that if she antagonized Astrid further, it might just end with her lost. Although she would still secretly glare at him from time to time, showing that she was still not reconciled.

Astrid didn’t care though. He just continued on with the interview with a smile on his face.

Then, the segment that Ellis had mentioned earlier finally came. It happened right after a commercial break. The first one was Nadia. The program showed a video of her busking in the street.

Although she showed a shy smile as the host inquired about when the video was taken, Astrid could still see a slight displeasure in her eyes. The other probably didn’t like that such an old video was shown to the public. Maybe she didn’t want people to see her in such simple clothes and make-up. Unlike how she looked now, all dolled-up.

In Astrid’s opinion, Nadia actually looked much better in that video. At least, he could see how much she loved music. But then again, it didn’t really have anything to do with him. So, his opinion didn’t really matter.

Then, it was One Leaf’s turn.

“I heard from a reliable source that one of your novels is currently being discussed for an adaptation, is it true?”

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