The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2339 - The Power of Elements (5)

Chapter 2339: The Power of Elements (5)

Translator : Raz P., White Sky

The unusual ames rushed out of the storage rings in force, completely ignoring the panic of several

presidents. They ickered with light and quickly ew toward the re elemental spirit in the square.

One, two, three…

Several unusual ames were arranged in circles behind the re elemental spirit; the dierent unusual

ames of dierent colors caused people to be dazzled by their brilliance.

The heat in the air suddenly became more intense.

Clusters of ames from all over the capital city ew into the sky. The ames used by all the alchemists in

the capital were summoned by the re elemental spirit and ew into the square.

Countless ames ew rapidly around the re elemental spirit, they hovered constantly in circles, infecting

everything in the air with their own ames.

The air around had become a terribly murderous weapon. Every time you took a breath, it felt like you

were inhaling a lot of magma and your whole lungs were going to burn down.

All the people in black above the square were burned by the heat, and those who were mainly integrated

with the blood of merfolk soon crawled on the ground, twitching. They covered their throats in pain and

struggled to roll on the ground.

Merfolk were creatures of the sea. Water and re were incompatible. The re elemental spirit created a

eld of re so that this group of black-clad men completely lost their combat eectiveness. Had it not

been for the dragon blood that they could still rely on, it was feared they would have died already.

Meanwhile, those who were integrated with the blood of the undead and the dragons were not much

better. They could clearly feel that their internal organs were being burned by the ames in the air.

However, the strong resilience of the undead allowed their internal organs to recover quickly after being

damaged, repeating the pain of being burned again and again.

Shen Yanxiao watched the situation of the black-clad people that surrounded Taotie, Dragon God, and the

others in astonishment. She could not believe her own eyes. She raised her head and looked at the re

elemental spirit standing in front of her, surrounded by countless ames. The re elemental spirit had

long gotten rid of its usual naive temperament, and had become the feared elemental spirit!

However, Shen Yanxiao also noticed that although the reaction of the people in black was extremely

erce, the dwarves protected by the re defense did not seem to be suering like them. Even the Dragon

God and others only looked confused and did not have any discomfort at all.

It was clear that the re elemental spirit, even in its fury, still remembered Shen Yanxiao’s instructions and

would never hurt any of its own allies.

The anger of the re elemental spirit changed the whole situation in an instant. All the black-clad people

fell to the ground one after another, leaving only Mo Yuxun and Satan, who was still ghting with Xiu.

The Dragon God, Taotie, Bian and Vermillion Bird, were all liberated from the siege.

“So this is the power of an elemental spirit…” Vermillion Bird murmured and looked at the re elemental

spirit in front of Shen Yanxiao. As a re magical beast, he could feel the power of the re elemental spirit

more clearly than anyone else.

With the power of elements, they could mobilize all the symbiotic elements in the world for their own use.

This had gone beyond the power of the gods. This was so amazing.

No wonder the gods and devils never dared to provoke elemental spirits, because they were so powerful

that they were beyond the reach of other races.

What was more, the current re elemental spirit was only a child; if it happened to be an adult…

Vermillion Bird could hardly imagine it.

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