The Devil King of fast wear was a little sweet ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1190 - 1359. When I'm fierce, even ghosts are afraid of 22

Chapter 1190: 1359. When I'm fierce, even ghosts are afraid of 22

Author: Thirteen pure onesMachine Translation

The pitch-black staircase was like a huge mouth of the abyss that devoured people.

The girl's figure had just stepped in when her figure became a little blurry in front of Lin Bai. Lin Bai quickly followed.

Even if she suddenly opened her mouth to talk big, Lin Bai could not watch her encounter danger in this building.


When Xia Ling stepped on the stairs, there was a subtle feeling of weightlessness under her feet. Soon, footsteps could be heard behind her.

"Huo ran, why are you walking so fast? Why didn't you wait for me? What if something happens to you? How am I going to explain it to your master? "

Lin Bai caught up in a hurry and raised his hand to grab Xia Ling's wrist.

Xia Ling smelled something like a mixture of industrial cement and lime. She stopped in her tracks and waited for Lin Bai's figure to arrive in front of her.

Xia Ling avoided Lin Bai's hand that couldn't grab her. She raised her foot and kicked Lin Bai's heart.

Bang! The tall man was kicked out by her without holding back.

There was a muffled sound in the darkness. It sounded like it came from far away. The figure let out a muffled Groan and rolled into the darkness with an unknown sound.

Xia Ling had just gone up the stairs. How could she have kicked the person out and thrown him far away?

Xia Ling was secretly vigilant. She turned around and ignored the figure she had kicked out.

There was no doubt that the figure just now was definitely a ghost. If this was Lin Bai, how could he not cry out in pain after being kicked out?

This building was a little strange. It was like a ghost hitting a wall.

Lin Yan, who had disappeared in front of them earlier, Xia Ling suspected that he had gone up the stairs and was then taken to God knows where by the ghosts in this building.

GHOSTS... ... Why did they stop them from going up the stairs ?

Xia Ling turned around and continued to walk forward with the flashlight in her hand.

The building was a one-sided building, and the floors were not high. Xia Ling walked for ten minutes. According to her memory, she had walked 235 stairs, and each floor had about 12 stairs. She should have reached the vicinity of the 22nd floor by now.

Xia Ling walked very quietly along the way.

The handrails of the stairs were bloody and looked like ketchup, as if it was some child's prank.

Standing in front of the staircase door in front of her, Xia Ling came to the end.

In front of her was a tightly shut door.

This door looked like a safety exit. It was not locked, and there was a number with a red circle on it. One.

After walking for so long, how could she still be on the first floor?

Xia Ling raised her hand and pushed the door open.

A cool breeze blew in front of her, cool and somewhat damp.

She took a step forward.

A rustling sound came from somewhere behind her.

There was a very strong feeling of being watched, and the sharp edge was staring at Xia Ling's back.

The thing in the darkness seemed to care very much about Xia Ling's choice.

It hid there and did not dare to breathe out. Even through the darkness, Xia Ling could feel its nervousness.

The bloody handrail dripped with blood. The frequency was fast, as if someone's heart was beating faster.

The darkness curved its lips into a smile. Xia Ling retracted her foot and turned around.

"This is really strange. Why is there still such a strong wind on the first floor? Forget it, I'll wait here for a while. Who knows if master will come looking for me in a while? "

As she muttered to herself, Xia Ling turned her body to the side.

Her reaction could not be described as not agile.

When she had just turned her body to the side, something had lost its patience and shot out from the darkness, bringing with it a huge force, straight towards Xia Ling's previous position.

"Aiya, you're really too impatient. Don't you know that impatience can not eat hot TOFU? " Xia Ling said, closing the door with one hand.

Vaguely, she heard the sound of something vomiting blood in the darkness.

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