The Cursed Prince

Chapter 361 - Mars's Arrival In The Palace

Mars refused to say anything anymore. Talking about his pain was not something he was used to doing. So, the two men were sitting together in silence.

Gewen was no longer sleepy after their talk. However, he didn't suggest Mars continue their journey. He thought it would be better if they let the horses rest some more.

His own horse already gave up one week ago and he had replaced it with a fresh new horse when they stopped in Branwen.

It was not as strong and valiant as Snow. However, Gewen was sure if Mars kept forcing Snow to go without proper rest, the horse would meet its demise.

So, they rested again for several hours.  Finally, when the sun was rising on the eastern horizon, without a word, Mars got up and got his horse ready. Snow had rested and grazed some grass to fill his stomach. 

They were now ready to go. Gewen also got up and climbed onto his horse. Together they rode toward the capital. In his prediction, they could reach home in two days.

They were almost there.

"Let's stop by the river and get water," said Mars as he slowed down his horse. He pointed to the right and Gewen could see a small river running.

"Okay," said Gewen.

They rode toward the stream and stopped. They let the horses drink to their hearts' content. Gewen took the opportunity to wash his face and drink fresh water.

After the clean water touched his face and made him feel handsome again, he felt like a new man.

However, when Gewen saw his reflection in the water, the man gasped. His eyes bulged and his forehead twitched as he touched his scruffy chin and cheeks.

Gosh... He looked so horrible!

Shaving was not in their schedule when they were rushing to get back to the capital, so Gewen tried to make do with the little time that he had. The last time he was able to shave was... three days ago? Or maybe five...

Gewen looked to the side and pursed his lips when he saw his friend's slick appearance.

Even though Mars was only a quarter elf, it looked like, appearance-wise, he inherited their gene more than his human side of the family.

The man didn't have problems with facial hair and scruffiness after not shaving for days, unlike Gewen!

This was not fair, Gewen thought.

He was upset when he saw how effortless it was for Mars to maintain his looks. His hair might be disheveled and his face was filled with a grim expression, but his good looks stayed.

Gewen was not as lucky. He looked disheveled and pathetic. Gewen wanted to have a smooth face too. He could barely recognize his reflection.

The man usually had a smooth face and soft skin because he made time to take care of his appearance. However, now he considered himself lucky if he could wash his face clean and his beard didn't grow to his chest.

He imagined when they arrived in the royal palace and the soldiers could see Mars and Gewen together, they might not recognize Gewen.

Looking at his reflection, Gewen felt like crying. He wiped his eyes and splashed more water on his face. He was so tempted to jump into the water and take a bath to get his looks back.

No. The man pinched himself. He shouldn't be selfish. At this moment, their main priority was to reach the capital as soon as possible, so Mars could see his mother for one last time.

From the governor in Glendale that they just passed, Mars heard the information that there was still no funeral held for the queen. He was told that his mother's body was kept frozen in the ice cave.

This news made his heart race. Now, Mars really wished he could fly and see his mother in the ice cave. That was also the reason why he whipped his horse to run faster last night. He really really wanted to see his mother before she was buried, for one last time.

"Are you done?" Mars asked Gewen who was still washing his face vigorously.

His friend nodded and quickly finished washing his face. He took out two waterskins from their horses' saddlebags and filled them with water.

This would be useful for them if they were thirsty on the road.

"I am done," Gewen said. He rubbed his chin and cheeks. At least now his face was clean, he thought. It was better than before. He gave one waterskin to Mars which the prince accepted with a nod.

They both got on their horses and continued their journey. Mars hoped they could reach the royal palace before midnight tomorrow.


Gewen felt his heart filled with warmth to the brim when he saw the buildings that he recognized. He had never felt so happy to see the dirty slaughterhouse at the end of the market in the king's town.

He was dead tired, sleepy, and dirty... but happy. So happy to be back.

However, he didn't say anything. He just waited and saw what his friend would do. Would Mars go straight to the ice cave? Or would he go to the royal palace and rest?

His questions quickly found answers as Mars directed his horse toward the royal palace. Inwardly, Gewen wanted to jump in joy. That meant, Mars planned to rest after taking such a long and arduous journey.

Gewen agreed with Mars' decision. They needed the rest.

"Good evening, Your Highness." The commander of the palace guards that were assigned to guard the palace's main entrance was shocked to see the crown prince arrived in the dark of the night.

He heard that the prince was in Wintermere when the news about Queen Elara's death reached him. So, how on earth was he already here in less than one month?

Mars didn't respond to the commander's greetings. He rode past the opened gate and went to the main palace. Gewen immediately went after him. However, the guards who didn't recognize Gewen, all blocked his way by pointing their swords at him.

"STOP!" The commander narrowed his eyes dangerously and asked Gewen who he was. "The royal palace is a restricted area. You cannot enter without a clearance!"

Gewen's brows twitched uncontrollably. These fools didn't recognize who he was? Were they joking? Or did he really look as awful as he thought he was??

"DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM???" The young general roared angrily.

The commander spontaneously stepped back and looked at Gewen in surprise. He thought he recognized the voice, but he just didn't know who this man was. Gewen's face looked so murky.

"W-who are you, my lord?" He asked in a stammer. "Forgive me for being presumptuous for my failure to recognize you. I can not see well in the dark."

Gewen rolled his eyes and brushed off his shirt with one hand. His voice sounded so cold when he spoke. "F*ck off!"

"If I see you again in the morning, I will not hesitate to punish you for being presumptuous," he said in annoyance.

All the soldiers automatically stepped back and lowered their swords.

When Gewen saw all of the soldiers had withdrawn their swords from him, he pulled his horse's reins and continued on his way to chase Mars.

As he was moving away, all the guards exchanged glances. They hoped Gewen wouldn't follow up with his threat to punish them for not recognizing him. It wasn't really their fault.

They were assigned to guard the palace gate and blocked strangers and uninvited guests to enter the palace. With his current appearance, they didn't think even his mother could recognize Gewen.

Meanwhile, Mars just arrived in front of the royal palace. His arrival was announced by the guards. In five minutes, their royal butler, John, had come out to greet him. Mars quickly got off his horse and walked inside.

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