The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2347

Chapter 2347: Chapter 2338 Detour to the thousand-jue peak

Translator: 549690339

After Gongsun Yan received the news that Jiang Fei had entered the grinding horn shop, he did not pay much attention to it. After all, no one would have thought that a superior dragon was the messenger of the light of vengeance.

“You guys continue to monitor him. Don’t worry about him,”Gongsun Yan said to the person in charge of the surveillance.

“Yes, Sir!”The person in charge of the surveillance nodded and left. He was even more indifferent. Since the leader had already said that there was nothing else to do, he naturally would not have the time to do his own work.

On the other side, Gongsun Yan’s underlings had relaxed their surveillance on Jiang Fei. This created an opportunity for Jiang Fei to deliver the letter.

“Sir, is there anything you want?”When the waiter saw Jiang Fei enter the shop, he came up and greeted him.

“Yes, I’m just looking around. is your shopkeeper here?”Jiang Fei said.

“He’s at the back. Shall I call him for you?”The waiter said as he was about to walk back.

“No need. It’s the same even if I tell you,”said Jiang Fei calmly.

“Please, go ahead,”said the waiter.

“You said that three people came from the east. One of them was a carpenter and one was a stonemason. How Old is the other person?”Jiang Fei suddenly said something inexplicable.

“I think that person most likely drowned,”said the waiter almost subconsciously.

“Hehe…”Jiang Fei laughed. The secret code was correct. That was what the Dragon Walker had told him.

“Comrade!”said the waiter directly through telepathy.

“Yes, I have a letter from the seventh elder,”Jiang Fei replied with telepathy. At the same time, he said loudly, “Do you still have illusion stones?”

“Sir, I did have two of them in the shop before. However, I have already given them to you. I really do not have them anymore,”the shop assistant said, at the same time, he used his spiritual power to send a message, “Comrade, it is not safe here anymore. I can not transfer the letter out. You should leave now before they suspect you. Go directly to my next house and give them the letter!”

“What About You?”Jiang Fei asked with his spiritual power.

“Don’t worry about me!”The shop assistant replied.

“Alright then. Take care!”Jiang Fei nodded and said a few words in a loud voice.

“Remember the address and password!”The shop assistant told Jiang Fei the address and password of his next shop. He knew that he had most likely been exposed. There was no chance for him to leave.

“If you don’t have it, then forget it. I’ll come back in a few days!”Jiang Fei said loudly. Then, he turned around and left the frosted horn shop.


“What does this guy want with illusion stones? He collects them all the time.”The two people who were watching the door chatted.

“How would I know? Aren’t these rich people full of themselves?”The other person said.

“That’s true. Let’s do our job well. I don’t know what happened to our boss. For so many days, every person who entered the frosted corner shop has been strictly checked. This guy came twice, but our boss didn’t even pay attention to him,”the previous person said.

“I don’t know. I just know that our boss went to his courtyard before. I don’t know what he saw…”the other person was more well-informed.

“Forget it. It’s none of our business anyway. We just work for him.”

“That’s true…”


After leaving the grinding horn shop, Jiang Fei returned to his own courtyard.

“How is it? Master, is it done?”Wu Rui asked.

“No. That Kid knew that he was exposed, so he did not take my letter. Instead, he asked me to send it directly to his next house,”Jiang Fei said.

“What should I do then? Master, are you going?”Wu Rui asked.

“Sigh! Forget it. I’ll help him to the end. Since he has agreed to walk the Dragon, I’ll help him complete it. It’s not easy for this stupid kid,”Jiang Fei smiled, he did not have anything important to do on planet Taibai. The illusion stones here were much easier to collect than he had expected.

“I’ll listen to you, master,”Wu Rui said.

“Oh right, where’s Bi Wei?”Jiang Fei asked.

“She’s still sleeping in her room. She’s been very sleepy recently,”said Wu Rui.

“Forget it. Don’t bother about her. She’s probably about to come of age,”said Jiang Fei as he shrugged. Ferocious beasts were indeed lethargic when they transitioned from infancy to adulthood. That was because their bodies were growing rapidly at that time, their strength had also increased significantly. Almost all of their energy was growing in their bodies. Therefore, they needed to rest especially.

“That’s true…”Wu Rui nodded thoughtfully. It would be great if she could meet Jiang Fei before she reached adulthood. If that was the case, her achievements would definitely not be limited to her current state.

“I’ll go out tomorrow and deliver the letter. You guys stay here for now. I’ll be back in a few days,”said Jiang Fei.

“Alright, Master. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything here,”said Wu Rui.

“MMM! With you around, I’m really relieved,”said Jiang Fei as he nodded.

After resting for a night, Jiang Fei took Su Bing away the next morning. At first, he did want to go alone. However, after thinking about it, it was more convenient to bring someone along, after all, there were some errands that he did not need to do personally. Moreover, Su Bing was also a capable person. It would save him a lot of trouble.

“Your Excellency, Where Are you going? Is there anything I can help you with?”When Jiang Fei and the others left the thousand beasts gathering, Gongsun Yan hurriedly ran out of the gatehouse.

“I’m going to visit a friend. You Can Do your own thing.”Jiang Fei waved his hand.

“Yes! Your Excellency!”Gongsun Yan nodded and then returned to the gatehouse.

After Jiang Fei and Su Bing left the thousand beasts gathering, they flew all the way to the east.

“Master, should we go there directly?”Su Bing asked.

“What’s wrong? Is there a problem?”Jiang Fei asked.

“Nothing. It’s just that it’s easy for people to track us down,”Su Bing said very cautiously.

“That’s true. How do you think we should go?”Jiang Fei heard that Su Bing was right. His current identity was special. Once he was exposed, he would not be able to move freely between the dragon race and the light of vengeance.

“We’d better take a detour. May I ask, my Lord, where is our destination?”Su Bing had never asked before.

“The thousand-jue peak, five thousand miles away,”Jiang Fei said.

“Then, why don’t We Go South First? After a thousand miles, we’ll turn east. Then, we’ll go north for a thousand miles. Then, we’ll turn east. Although we’ll take a detour, we’ll be able to avoid being tracked,”Su Bing said.

“Alright.”Jiang Fei nodded and accepted Su Bing’s suggestion.

Then, the two turned south and flew away.

After about two days, Jiang Fei and Su Bing finally arrived at the thousand despair peak. They did not encounter any trouble along the way.

“Let’s go down!”Jiang Fei said as he looked at the lonely peak below. This was the thousand despair peak.

“Okay!”Su Bing nodded and descended together with Jiang Fei.

“Master, where is the person who contacted us?”Su Bing asked.

“I don’t know. That fellow only told me that he was at the Thousand Despair Peak. He did not tell me the details,”Jiang Fei said.

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