The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2191

Chapter 2191: Chapter 2184: A Way Out

Translator: 549690339

“You want to leave now? It’s Too Late!”Jiang Fei laughed coldly. At that moment, Aurelia’s fleet had already arrived at the edge of the star’s gravity well.

“Let’s Go! Get out of the battle as soon as possible!”At that moment, Griffin had also discovered Aurelia’s fleet, after all, they were already in the same star’s gravity well. Such a huge fleet was discovered by even the worst radar.

“Brown Bear Fleet, Attack! Hold the enemy back!”Jiang Fei waved his hand. The brown bear captains had long lost their patience. Now that they had received the order, they were like wild horses that had lost their reins. They rushed out in an instant.

The destroyer type 2 assault engine was fully activated, allowing the brown bear class heavy cruisers to maintain high speed in the gravitational well of the star. At this time, Griffin’s fleet had exhausted its antimatter. It was unable to activate gravity distortion again, therefore, they were quickly entangled by the brown bears.

“Da Da da da…”although the brown bears’automatic cannons did not have strong offensive power, they ignored the characteristics of the energy shield, allowing them to maintain a relatively effective lethality when attacking at close range.

“Sir, we have been attacked by the imperial army. Two frigates have been sunk!”Griffin’s adjutant reported.

“Leave a small team of galas enforcers to cover the rear! The rest of the ships should leave quickly!”Griffin made a prompt decision, at this time, he could not afford to delay any longer. Once he was surrounded by Aurelia’s fleet, none of them would be able to leave!

“Yes! For the glory of the Army!”The captains who were left behind to cover the rear were Griffin’s trusted aides. These people were very loyal to Griffin.

Very soon, a small fleet of galas enforcers separated from Griffin’s main fleet. Then, they turned around and entangled with Jiang Fei’s brown bear fleet.

“Activate the Inertial Field!”The commander of the Galas Enforcers Fleet gave an order. This was the special ability of the Vasari Legion’s heavy patrol. Through the reverse activation of their equipment’s gravity stabilization device.., to form a small-scale gravity field. While reducing their own speed, it would also reduce the speed and turning speed of the surrounding enemy ships.

After activating the inertia field, the GARAS law enforcers were at their wit’s end. Because the enemy warships were affected by the inertia field, their movement speed was greatly reduced. Even the flexibility of their turning was greatly reduced, at this time, all they could do was to destroy the galas’enforcers that affected them. Otherwise, they would not be able to escape at all.

Therefore, once the inertia field was activated, the galas’Enforcers and the enemy would be at each other’s throats. Unless one side was eliminated, no one would be able to escape from the battlefield.

“Da Da Da Da Da…”

“Sou Sou Sou…”

In the area where both sides were fighting, automatic cannons were constantly firing. Pulsed laser beams were also flying around as the two sides wantonly attacked each other’s ships. This was a battle of life and death. Only the surviving side would have the right to take the next step, only the surviving side would have the right to take the next step.

“General, the enemy’s rear-end fleet is very powerful!”Clark said to Jiang Fei. Although the number of brown bears was double that of the galas’Enforcers who were rear-end, the battle situation was not optimistic, the crude brown bears were no match for the well-skilled Garath Enforcers. After a few rounds of attacks, the biological armor of the Garath Enforcers was still strong, however, the brown bears’shells were already riddled with holes.

Fortunately, there were enough brown bears to cover each other. Otherwise, there would have been casualties by now.

“It’s okay. The starship will catch up soon. Don’t worry about the brown bears!”Jiang Fei frowned. There were not many Galastrians enforcers. They were not enough to pose a threat to the brown bears. However, with these battleships blocking the way.., if they wanted to continue to entangle Griffin’s main fleet, they had to break through the blockade of the Galastrians Enforcers.

“General, should we send the javelin warships?”Clark asked.

“Yes!”Jiang Fei nodded. Although these javelin warships were weak, their firepower was not bad. At this time, Griffin’s fleet was no longer in the mood to fight. Therefore, there was no need to worry that they could threaten these javelin warships, sending them at this time would indeed have a good effect.

Soon, the javelin-class missile frigates entered the battlefield. A large number of missiles loaded with cluster warheads attacked the Garath Enforcers who were in the rear. Very soon, a few of them were out of the reconfiguration state.

“Put more effort into it! Kill them all!”At this time, Jiang Fei had the entire army pressed forward.

“Boom, Boom, boom…”the battlefield became even more intense. More and more Garath Enforcers were out of the reconfiguration state. These Garath Enforcers who had entered the reconfiguration state had turned off their engines, they had also turned off their weapon systems and inertia fields. Therefore, they were no longer able to interfere with Jiang Fei’s fleet.

“General, should we chase after them?”Clark asked. At this time, the galas law enforcers who were in the rear were no longer able to stop Jiang Fei’s fleet.

“There’s no need. Destroy these galas law enforcers. Then, go and meet up with Aurelia’s fleet.”Jiang Fei decided to spare Griffin’s life, he suddenly remembered that Griffin’s fleet was already the main force of the Vasari Army. If they were destroyed, the “Development team”would definitely strengthen the “Players”of the resistance in order to balance the game.

Therefore, Jiang Fei decided to keep the Vasari fleet so that the Vasari Army would still have a relatively dominant position in the resistance. This was easier than facing a pure “Player”army.

“Yes, Sir!”Although Clark did not know what Jiang Fei was thinking, since the Grand Marshal had given the order, he had no choice but to carry it out.

Therefore, Jiang Fei’s fleet focused all their firepower on the Garath enforcers that were at the rear. Under the fierce fire of hundreds of battleships, dozens of Garath enforcers were well-equipped, they had also activated the reassembly of their airframes. However, it was still inevitable that they would be destroyed.

Because Jiang Fei had given up on tangling with them, Griffin’s fleet had successfully reached the edge of the stellar gravity well. Meanwhile, Aurelia’s fleet was still far away.

“Ah Fei, why did you let go of the Vasari Fleet?”Aurelia saw that Griffin’s fleet had already escaped to the edge of the stellar gravity well and was ready to warp. Therefore, he sent a message to Jiang Fei.

“Let them live. It’s easier to deal with a bunch of useless enemies than a bunch of lunatics,”Jiang Fei said.

“Alright.”Aurelia quickly understood Jiang Fei’s intention. After all, she knew about the existence of “Players”.

“Alright, gather the fleet and chase after them. Drive these guys out of the Empire’s territory!”Jiang Fei ordered.

“Alright!”Aurelia replied. Then, the fleet came over and met up with Jiang Fei’s sub-fleet. They followed the traces of Griffin’s fleet.

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