The Almighty Ring

Chapter 1544 - approaching the Tsar  

Chapter 1544: Chapter 1544: approaching the Tsar

Although this desert planet called El was also a primitive planet, it was more advanced than Earth’s technology. Moreover, the public transportation here was excellent. Be it the elevator from before or the underground rail transit system.., all of them did not require payment or identity verification. They just took whatever they wanted and left as soon as they got on the car.

However, this also made it a lot easier for Jiang Fei and the rest. Although they were disguised as the local desert humans, they could still fool the naked eye. Once they encountered professional equipment, they would most likely be exposed, moreover, although Jiang Fei and the rest were disguised, they did not have any identity proof. Therefore, if they were to buy tickets with their real names like on Earth, Jiang Fei and the rest would have to go through a lot of trouble.

The desert city that Jiang Fei and the others were in was not close to the capital. Therefore, it took them almost two days to reach the capital of El Star, sarcuras.

“Husband, is this the capital of the desert humans? It’s really spectacular!”Ariel sighed. At this time, Jiang Fei and the others had already walked out of the subway station. The huge SARCURAS was right in front of their eyes.

“That’s right. This universe is too vast. There are too many civilizations that we have never seen before. Their technology may not be as advanced as the mainstream forces in the universe, but that’s only because they started late. Every civilization has their unique wisdom. They have their own right to survive. Foreign forces have no right to interfere.”Jiang Fei sighed, he seemed to be talking about planet El, but he was also referring to the universe itself. Although this universe was created by the Gamma Spacemen, since life had already been born here naturally.., then, they could not let these so-called “Gods”make up their own destinies!

After sighing, Jiang Fei led the girls to tour the desert city. The exotic scenery fascinated Jiang Fei and the others.

This was a very grand underground city. Although it was built underground, its scale was not inferior to any of the major cities on Earth. The architectural style here was completely different from that on Earth. It was the same as the surface of the planet, all the buildings were the original color of the sand. The style was simple and generous. However, every building was incomparably grand. Although the people here were about the same height as the people on Earth.., their buildings were as tall as temples.

The location of the imperial palace was not difficult to find. It was right in the center of the city. The size of the palace was unimaginable. However, how to enter the Imperial Palace was a problem for Jiang Fei and the others.

As they could not use more than 10,000 combat power, it was impossible for Jiang Fei and the others to forcefully enter the imperial palace. Moreover, Jiang Fei and the others’goal was to sow discord between the tsar and the “Players”. If they forcefully entered the imperial palace.., how could they gain the trust of the Tsar?

“According to vinylon, the “Players”gained the trust of the Tsar through a potion. That is a simple genetic potion. Its effect is very simple. It strengthens the system of living organisms. However, the side effect is also very obvious. That is to shorten the lifespan of living organisms.”Jiang Fei began to share the information that he had obtained with the girls.

It turned out that the reason these “Players”were able to gain the trust of the Tsar was mainly because they had shown the old tsar a potion. After taking this potion, the Tsar’s spirit would increase by a hundred times, just like a young man.

As the Emperor of a planet, the Tsar’s life had almost reached the peak. In terms of money and power, no one could surpass him. Therefore, lusting after beauty had become the common problem of all emperors.

However, old people did not rely on their muscles and bones for power. There were three thousand beauties in the harem, and they could not help but become useless in their old age. As a result, the moment the potions displayed by the “Players”appeared in front of the old tsar, they were immediately worshipped as divine medicine.

On the day of taking the medicine, the Tsar slept with the empress, the imperial concubines, and those favored concubines. The next day, the old tsar was still full of energy. Not only did he visit those unfavored concubines, but he also did not spare the palace maids.

Over the past two weeks, the old tsar had been extremely happy. He had slept in almost all the harem except for the prime minister in the imperial court. So, how could he not dote on those “Players”?

However, as the old saying goes, medicine is always poisonous, especially the medicine used by the “Players”. It sounded like it was not a good medicine. Although it could make the old tsar like a fierce tiger and restore his youth, all things were conserved, the old Tsar’s strength did not increase, and it also allowed the essence energy in his body to explode. There was only one way — overdraft!

Originally, the old tsar could still live for at least another ten to twenty years. However, after taking large doses of this medicine, he was satisfied. However, he probably would not live until his birthday next year.

The problem was that the old tsar did not know. Because the imperial medical team was relatively backward in technology, they were unable to detect the overdraft of this life energy, therefore, almost all of the humans in the desert thought that these “Players”had offered them a kind of divine medicine.

Although the “Players”knew that the side effects of these medicines were extremely great, the problem was that they did not care. They did not plan to stay on planet El for long. As long as they got the population, they would leave, when that time came, what did the death of the old tsar have to do with them?

When they had met before, Vinylon had already informed Jiang Fei of the information. Therefore, as long as he exposed the “Players”’tricks, the “Players”’efforts for the past two weeks would be in vain. However, the problem was.., how would Jiang Fei and the others enter the palace? How could they gain the trust of the Tsar.

“Our first problem is to meet the Tsar. As for proving the side effects of the drugs… I think it’s very simple,”Nina said thoughtfully.

“Tell me about it!”Jiang Fei looked at Nina and said.

“Ah Fei, do you think we can do this when the time comes… and then do this…”Nina said the plan in her mind.

“That’s a good idea!”Ariel clapped her hands and shouted.

“I think it’s a good idea! This way, we won’t break the rules!”Bella nodded as well.

“That’s easy then. Next, I’ll think of a way to sneak into the Palace!”Jiang Fei agreed with Nina’s idea.

Although the basic plan had been decided, entering the palace was not an easy task. In the end, Jiang Fei and the others decided to adopt a similar approach to the “Players”.

The reason why the “Players”were able to meet the Tsar was mainly because they had someone to recommend them. This person was a relative of the tsar of the star of AYRLARNG. To put it bluntly, he was the tsar’s brother-in-law. However, this guy was idle all day long, he did not have much ability, so he had never been placed in an important position.

Now, he was presenting his treasures through the “Players”. Naturally, he had pleased the Tsar and was greatly favored. Therefore, he was able to control the imperial court and did all sorts of bad things.

Moreover, Jiang Fei and the others did not choose to be loyal and righteous. After all, it was too troublesome to deal with these people. Moreover, most of the loyal officials were pedantic. It was too tiring to deal with them.

Therefore, Jiang Fei chose another sycophant and used the same method as the “Players”to approach the tsar.

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