Take My Breath Away

Chapter 860 - Insider

At this moment, Calvert's face was positively gloomy. He stared at Sheffield with his sharp eyes.

The two men and Evelyn looked each other up and down. Then Sheffield whistled and whispered in Evelyn's ear, "Hey, it's your ex—and a chick."

Evelyn looked at him and asked, "Should we give him a show?"

"Why not? I'm feeling generous! Leave it to me." He had always wanted to teach Calvert a lesson, but the chance had always eluded him. Today was his lucky day.

'Leave it to me.'

These simple words warmed her heart. Only her father and brother had been able to do that.

Her heart trembled slightly. She kept calm and warned Sheffield in a low voice, "Don't throw hands with him. He was one of the best in the entire kwoon."

On hearing this, he sneered, "He doesn't scare me. I've never been afraid of anyone. Scratch that—other than you and your dad, I fear no one."

Evelyn couldn't help but burst into laughter. Even though it was just a giggle, it made Calvert's expression even grimmer.

Evelyn was smiling when he came across her a moment ago. Now she was even laughing out loud. It seemed that she was really happy.

Jealousy drove him crazy.

Rowena took a look at Calvert and walked a few steps forward to get close to them. "What a coincidence, Evelyn. You here for dinner? Who's your little friend?"

One glance at the woman, Sheffield could tell she was a bitch. "No, we came here for a haircut. Of course we're here for dinner." He was close to blurting out, "If you can't say anything nice, then shut up!"

Rowena was taken aback. Embarrassed, she asked, "Excuse me, was I talking to you?"

Throwing a glance at the man behind Rowena, Sheffield replied, "Talking to me? You should be. I'm Evelyn's husband. Nice to meet you!" His voice dripped with sarcasm. He continued, "Got a problem with that?"

Rowena shook her head and answered gently, "Not at all. Just curious."

"Okay!" Sheffield feigned a look indicating he just realized what she meant.

The only reason they met was random chance, and Evelyn didn't want any drama. "Let's go," she said.

Sheffield nodded, "Gotcha. I'm out. See ya in the funny pages."

When they turned around, Calvert called abruptly, "Evelyn!"

Evelyn paused, but didn't respond.

"Look, we've been dancing around each other for awhile. I've got Rowena now; let's talk!" He kept his eyes on Evelyn's waist, where Sheffield's hand was.

Evelyn refused coldly, "Why? We're over."

When she heard that, Rowena strode forward and held Evelyn's hand anxiously. "I'm sorry, Evelyn. I shouldn't have said those things before. I'm sorry. Could you forgive me and stop being mad at my brother? I've been thinking about apologizing to you face to face. I'm sorry."

Sheffield watched Rowena's every move carefully, and he wasn't disappointed. This woman was indeed the scheming bitch of bitches.

Evelyn wanted to take her hand back, but to no avail. In a cold voice, she answered, "It's fine. Water under the bridge. And I'm not mad at your brother, because we're not together anymore. We don't click."

"Evelyn, you still mad at me? I'm really sorry. I was a damn idiot. Can you forgive me?"

Calvert said in a sullen voice, "Eve, you and Rowena are nothing alike. She's innocent, pure and simple. She is not scheming. What she said..."

"Sorry, Mr. Ji. Can I say something?" Sheffield interrupted Calvert politely.

The other three people turned their confused eyes to look at him.

Although he still wore a playful smile, he said in a serious tone, "Mr. Ji, I don't think it's a bad thing to be scheming. At least Evelyn won't be fooled by a bad guy. And she doesn't hurt anyone. Your so-called sister, on the other hand... Innocent? Come on. This girl schemes in her sleep. You can polish a turd all day, and it's still just a turd."

Both Calvert's and Rowena's faces turned grim at his words. Calvert warned him coldly, "Sir, please watch your mouth. Rowena is still a young girl. Show some respect."

Eyes reddened, Rowena felt wronged and kept silent.

Evelyn was surprised. Everything he did surprised her. That might be why she was intrigued; he wasn't boring.

Evelyn was moved by what he said. She clutched her purse tightly, when she heard what Sheffield said next.

Calvert was nothing in Sheffield's eyes. "It's like I always said. I have a theory—call it the hotness to scheming scale. The hotter they are, the less they have to work at trying to get their claws into a guy. If they're not hot, well, they need their skills sharpened to razor perfection. My Evelyn is a kind-hearted girl with nice breasts. Just like her father... er, I mean, our father... she's got a good head for business. Of course she plays the game. It's not easy to make money, and it doesn't grow on trees. Don't you need to be scheming when doing business, Mr. Ji?"

Business was like a game. It required calculated risk, reverse psychology, and the savvy to make moves your opponent would never suspect. Of course it was necessary to make secret and underhanded plans—scheming.

Evelyn didn't know whether she should hug Sheffield or strangle him. 'Nice breasts? Our father? Wow, what a character!'

Calvert's face was black like coal. It was the first time that he had been pushed like this. "Mr. So-Called Eve's Husband, isn't it beneath you to attack a girl's appearance? Rowena is truly beautiful, inside and out. You're high if you can't see it."

"High? I don't think so, not unless you slipped me something." Sheffield looked Rowena up and down and shook his head. "Is that what passes for beauty these days? Fake lashes, fake boobs, slinky dresses. Whatever floats your boat. No matter. Point is, if any of you messes with Evelyn again, you'll regret it. I never said I was a gentleman! Mr. Ji, you're no gentleman either. A real gentleman would hope his ex was happy, instead of bugging her like this. Get it?"

Evelyn had no idea Sheffield's tongue could be that sharp. Rowena was about to cry. Evelyn took a look at her and quietly nudged Sheffield, indicating he should stop.

Calvert was furious. He clenched his fists and warned, "You're wrong, mister. Who are you to say anything about my relationship with Evelyn? I didn't agree to break up with her. I won't take this from an outsider!"

"Outsider?" After a moment's thought, Sheffield finally dropped his hand from Evelyn's waist.

He took her hand to his lips and kissed it. "Mr. Ji, you're the outsider looking in. I'm an insider now."

'Insider?' The word could be interpreted in many ways.

It really hit Calvert where it hurt. He rushed to Sheffield and grabbed him by the collar.

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