Take My Breath Away

Chapter 695 - Whom Are You Calling Honey

Just those few words from Wesley were enough to open her floodgates. Blair had wanted to play it cool, but frustrated, she began to sob. "You coming back… has nothing to do with me. I'm not your leader; you don't need to report to me."

Deep down, her heart was stirred by the serious look on his face. He looked even more charming now.

He was so handsome that she almost forgot the scars he had left in her heart. It's said that in a love-hate relationship, even if the couple torture each other a thousand times, they would still treat each other as their first love—their one true love.

Wesley was her first love. She had been in love with the man for almost a decade.

Ignoring the curious gazes from the passers-by, Wesley pulled the woman into his arms, staring at her lovingly. "I want to have a child."

Blair was caught by surprise at his unexpected words, and her face blushed a crimson red. She pretended to not understand his words and said, "Then go to Patty or Stella. You can't possibly have a baby by staying here."

'I know Patty. But who the hell is Stella?' he wondered. But that was not the point. He said firmly, "I meant, with you. I want to have a child with you. Blair, come back home with me." He was going to show her their marriage licenses at home. A wedding was on his mind.

'Home?' That was such a beautiful word. Blair clutched at the corner of his suit, holding back her tears. She had to stay strong. "No, it's too late. Let go of me. I have a boyfriend now."

"Break up!" Wesley said firmly. If she didn't break up with whosoever she was dating, she was committing a crime. Servicemen's marriage was under special protection in this country.

"Why should I listen to you? Here, take your flowers. Don't disturb me again." She struggled out of his embrace and added, "Listen here. Without Wesley, Blair is having the happiest days of her life!" She threw the box of preserved roses back into his hands and walked away, clicking her high heels loudly.

As she turned her back towards him, his eyes quickly darkened. She was wearing a backless dress! Wesley gritted his teeth. She was not only dating another man during his absence, but was also bold enough to wear such revealing dresses.

Blair walked to her car. Wesley caught up to her and grabbed hold of her wrist. "Blair, let's talk."

"I don't want to talk, Colonel Li... Oh, sorry, Senior Colonel Li. By the way, congratulations on your promotion. Now, please let go of me. There are a lot of men queuing up to talk to me. So, if you want to have a word, please wait for your turn."

"Since you seem to know my position now, then you must be clearly aware that I have the serviceman priority. I can jump the queue and talk to you at any time. Now, can we get into your car and talk for a bit?"

Blair clenched her teeth in anger. Defeated, she spat, "Do as you like. I bought this car with your money anyway."

The car had cost her five hundred thousand dollars. It had pained her to sign the bill. She had never squandered money like that ever before.

Wesley understood her meaning and he knew how she had gotten the money too. He had come to know about it soon after she had sold the diamond ring and the bracelet to the pawn shop.

"I was planning to get you a car anyway. Now that you've got one, use it. Can we go back home now?" He casually opened the back door and put the box of roses in the back seat.

Then he opened the driver's side door. Blair couldn't believe her eyes. 'Since when did he become such a brazen man?' she wondered, fuming. "Hey, wait! Haven't I made it clear to you? I have a boyfriend. Oh, no, no! Not just one. I get a new guy every day. I check into the hotel room with different men all the time. Even the hotel manager knows me very well. How does that make you feel?" she provoked him with a smirk.

Wesley gave her a sidelong look with a grim face. Then, he pulled out his phone and dialed a number in front of her. "Hello, I'll give you the ID number of a woman. Get me her hotel check-in records for the past two years, and also the details of her companions."

Blair didn't think that he would use his influence to play such a cunning trick. By the time she realized what he was doing, it was already too late.

She could do nothing but listen to him give the person her ID number.

He hung up the phone after that. She felt even more frustrated. 'Damn it! This is going to be embarrassing...'

But she tried to make up a story. "Well...actually...my date would have someone else book a room for us. I never booked any room myself."

"When you check into a hotel, you need to give your ID number. It doesn't matter whether you paid for it or not. Let me see how many men you've slept with. And then, I'll tell you how I feel."

Blair was at a loss for words. 'What should I do now?' she sighed in defeat.

Before she could figure out a way to get rid of him, his phone buzzed. He picked it up quickly. As he quietly listened to the report from the person on the other end, he looked at the embarrassed Blair with a smile on his lips. A minute later, he said into the phone, "I see. Thank you for your time."

He put his phone away and repeated what he had heard. "You have thirty-six check-in records in the past two years. Thirty of them were single-bed rooms out of the city; the other six times, you shared the room with another person, but they were all ladies."

Blair was dumbfounded. He now knew her check-in records better than herself.

Wesley caressed her cheeks and pecked a kiss on her lips. "Let's go back home first. You can throw as many tantrums as you like there. I'll listen to you, okay?"

Blair felt her heart soften a little. She hated herself so much for being so weak. But still, she shook his hand off and snarled, "No way! Keep the car for yourself. It was bought with your money, and I'm returning it to you now. Don't try to contact me anymore."

After dropping those painful words, she strode towards the side of the road, hailed a taxi and got in.

As the taxi drove into the traffic, Blair couldn't help but turn around to look back. Wesley stood rooted at the spot, watching her leave.

Her heart ached. She cried silently.

Did they have a future together?

She didn't know.

What she also hadn't expected was that Wesley would continue to follow her around for the next few days. It seemed that the soldier was on a long vacation. He seemed free round the clock. That was a rare phenomenon.

One day after work, Blair decided to go for a cartoon movie with a male colleague. The man had invited her a few times and finally, she had accepted.

They bought two glasses of drinks before they entered the cinema.

On entering, she was shocked to see that they were the only ones inside.

Looking at the empty seats in the hall, the man said excitedly, "Wow, we're so lucky. We have the whole theater to ourselves tonight."

Blair's lips twitched. She nodded perfunctorily, "Yeah, how lucky…"

Nonetheless, they decided to sit in their designated seats. They found the seats in no time. The movie was about to begin.

For some unknown reason, Blair felt like someone was watching her from the dark corner of the hall. Intuitively, she looked around the theater, but found nothing suspicious.

'Am I thinking too much?' She shook off the thoughts and focused on the big screen, trying to indulge herself in the movie.

However, at that moment, the door to the theater was flung open. A group of people stormed inside.

Since the lights had been turned off, Blair couldn't see who they were, but she didn't care. However, a moment later, two men in camo fatigues sitting in front of her caught her attention.

It was then that she realized that the seats around them were all occupied.

Her heart began to race rapidly in her chest as something dawned on her. She slowly tilted her head to her left side and found Wesley sitting cross-legged next to her, emitting a graceful aura.

As if sensing her gaze, he slowly turned his head to face her, meeting her eyes. Flashing a smile, he said casually, "Hey honey, what a coincidence."

'H-honey?' Blair almost choked on her own saliva. In a huff, she retorted, "Whom are you calling honey?"


She rolled her eyes at him. Uninterested in his nonsense, she questioned, "What are you doing here?"

"Seeing a movie."

Blair's colleague heard them talking, but he couldn't hear what they were saying, so he interjected curiously, "Blair, do you know him?"

"No!" Blair denied without hesitation.

The two soldiers sitting in front of them suddenly turned around and smiled at Blair. "Hi Blair! What a coincidence!"

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