Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1477 - Clothes Are Wrinkled, and Dark Knight

Chapter 1477: Clothes Are Wrinkled, and Dark Knight

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Thinking for a moment, Luke added, “The foundation I’m talking about has nothing to do with the company. You’ll be the one to fund it, and you’ll be the one to handle it. I want you to become the top philanthropist in America.”

Jenny was lost for words. You really don’t care about money.

The donations brought her great influence and power, along with even more people who harbored ill intentions feared her.

The New York departments alone which accepted her donations probably wanted to worship her like she was Mother Mary.

For many bigshots, this was an extremely important resource, but Luke just casually tossed it to her.

Jenny covered his face and looked into his eyes. “You can already run for New York mayor with all the money you donate. There’s no need to work as a detective.”

Luke shrugged. “The phone company didn’t have anything in the beginning, yet you didn’t choose to become the owner of a gold mine.”

Jenny was lost for words.

At that time, the gold mine in Boom Town could definitely have made her a millionaire. Instead, she sunk five millions into setting up the phone company. In the end, she still chose the phone company.

That was only because she wasn’t interested in becoming the owner of a gold mine.

No matter how rich Luke was, that didn’t mean that he was interested in becoming NYPD’s Chief of Police or the mayor of New York.

If it were anyone else, Jenny would’ve thought it was nonsense.

But Luke had always been a… recluse?

Apart from working as a detective, he liked tinkering with technology, and basically didn’t have any other hobbies.

There was no need to investigate him. Any investigator could just go to Clinton to chat with the neighbors, all of whom knew that Luke and Selina didn’t go out after they got home; they were like old people who had no night life.

As for Selina, the only doubtful point… Fine, Jenny couldn’t do anything about her.

From the moment they met, they had never liked each other.

Even now, Jenny still remembered how she had shivered in her thin pajamas after she was rescued.

She had clearly asked Selina to turn on the heating in the car, but the policewoman had just tossed her a bulletproof vest.

Since then, Jenny had remembered Selina.

Cosmic Cube Technology Co. Ltd, which Luke had set up later, only had three major shareholders: Luke, Selina and Jenny, while Bobby Max held a very small portion.

Selina had more shares than Jenny, even at the beginning – the implication was very clear.

Luke was a mysterious man with many secrets.

Selina and Bobby had learned his secrets before Jenny had.

So, Jenny had no plans to pursue the matter.

She and Luke shared many secrets, just like he did with Selina and Bobby Max.

As far as the outside world was concerned, Luke and Selina were just two minor detectives who got off work early every day. Few people knew that they were billionaires.

Bobby was just the relationship manager who lazed around at the phone company.

Except for Jenny, nobody knew that he was an extremely good psychoanalyst.

Three of the four original company shareholders weren’t ordinary, so how could Selina be a freeloader? How could a freeloader hang around with Luke every day?

Of the four shareholders of Cosmic Cube, she was the only one who took the stage, while the other three distanced themselves from the top circles. There had to be a reason.

Jenny was very smart.

After she figured it out, she had no plans to sound Selina and Bobby out. She just checked whatever was on public record.

As for what Luke wanted to do, it was up to him, as long as he didn’t learn from that playboy Tony Stark.

Various emotions washed over her for a moment. After that, however, she collected her thoughts and went through the selection of business partners with Luke.

Luke didn’t say anything, though he quickly rejected a few candidates.

Whether or not these companies could bring the cell phone company benefits wasn’t something he had any understanding of.

An amateur instructing an expert would only upend Jenny’s plan.

It was just that the companies he crossed out were related to his blacklist.

Companies like these used very dirty tricks to begin with, and would be wiped out by Luke sooner or later; cooperating with them was very dangerous, and it was possible their own company would be swallowed up.

When Luke eventually took down these entities, it would definitely be a huge scandal as he would do his best to destroy them in every aspect.

If that happened, companies connected to these forces might be implicated.

Now that the phone company had enough options, he naturally had to kick them out of the running.

Jenny didn’t care. In any case, she was the one choosing a business partner, not the other way round.

There were too many people who wanted to make money with her, and Luke had helped discard a few, which greatly reduced her workload.

As he spoke, the CEO felt a tugging on her sweater at her waist.

She stopped and turned to look at Luke. “What are you doing?”

Luke chuckled. “No, it’s just that your sweater is wrinkled.”

That was the truth.

As someone with OCD, he had noticed once more that her sweater was tucked into her pants. His hands had itched for a long time, and he finally couldn’t help but pull it out.

Jenny raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”

Luke nodded. “Yes.”

Jenny tossed the tablet to one side and plastered herself to him. “I think the underwear I just bought is a little wrinkled too.”

Luke said solemnly, “Then please allow me to examine it for you, Madam CEO.”

Jenny said, “No, I’m just your secretary, Mr. Chairman.”

It was dark outside the window.

A moment later, there was a rumble of thunder, and it soon started to pour.

Thunder rumbled amidst the rain, and the world turned hazy.

While his main body was talking business with the female CEO, Luke’s clones weren’t idle.

He had to familiarize himself with triple-mode operation as soon as possible, and he was very busy.

The Level 1 clone left New York again. This time, it was going to sweep through Mexico, then head south as it resumed its unfinished international “tour” from last time.

After meeting Tony, the Level 2 clone returned to the basement of the seaside villa. After being busy for a while, he connected the last transmission line.

He ordered, “Alfred, when you’re ready, transfer all the data related to Batman from your database to this server.”

Alfred said, “A lot of data will be lost. Master, are you sure?”

Luke said, “Put together a transfer plan first, and after we’ve made modifications, we’ll start.”

Alfred: “Yes, sir.”

The virtual screen appeared, and Luke began to draw on it.

A moment later, Alfred suddenly said, “Master, can I ask you a question?”

Staring at the screen, Luke nodded. “Ask away.”

Alfred asked, “Why transfer the data?”

Luke said, “Because the first Batman has already been ‘sacrificed.’ From today on, I’ll be the one to continue everything.”

Alfred said, “I see. Then, should we start with redesigning the settings?”

Luke thought for a moment, then stopped what he was doing. “That’s true. Let’s start with that.”

Alfred: “First setting: Should I change how I address you?”

Luke said, “I like ‘Master.’ There’s no need to change it.”

Alfred said, “The only person with authority to access the new database needs to be changed. Do you want to continue using the name Batman?”

Luke said, “No.. Let’s use… Dark Knight.”

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