Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1306 - Level-Up, and Breaking New International Ground

Chapter 1306: Level-Up, and Breaking New International Ground

Luke wasn’t a trouble magnet like John.

If he didn’t take credit for solving a case, the credit would turn into pressure for his boss.

If they continued to use him, he would earn too much credit, but he couldn’t be promoted again for now; it would also cause trouble with the old hands in the department if he was promoted.

So, after talking to Dustin, Walter let Luke and Selina do whatever they wanted without any qualms.

In the blink of an eye, a week passed. Luke went to work and took off early as usual.

His clone went out to earn points at night, and stopped by the Williamsburg diner twice more and went back with Max again to make cupcakes.

However, he went home earlier than the first time so that he didn’t have to occupy the living room, and also successfully avoided being snapped on camera by the gossipy Carol.

When he was bored, Luke told Max that he wasn’t a pastry chef, but an art performer, and that making cupcakes was just a hobby.

Max was very interested and asked him what sort of performances he did, and Luke carefully demonstrated it to her.

Max, who vividly experienced the beauty of art, could only fall to her knees.

Compared with performance art, making cupcakes was nothing.

It was impossible to be an art performer without a big heart, abundant stamina, and a strong physique.

It just so happened that Luke had all of them, and he had Chris Vince’s handsome face.

Naturally, Max was convinced.

In this way, he strolled leisurely into the month of June, when he finally had enough experience points.

Now, the host’s experience was 2,000 / 900,000.

Credit: 195,000

Character level: 19.

Strength: 30 (Star of Justice +10)

Dexterity: 29 (Star of Justice +10)

Mental Strength: 30 (Star of Justice +10)

He was only one step away from 40 Dexterity.

This list was very unfriendly for those with OCD, and Luke felt a little uncomfortable.

Just a little more! Just a little more!

But no matter how many adjustments he made, if he wanted all three stats to cross the 40 mark at the same time, he would have to reach level 20 first.

Actually, whether it was all his stats reaching 40 or a new system module that might be unlocked when he reached level 20, he wanted to obtain all of them as soon as possible.

Thus, the only way was to earn experience and credit points even more quickly.

New York had a lot of spies from government departments and secret organisations, but the experience and credit points for dealing with these people weren’t too high, and Luke couldn’t be too quick to take them down.

To get experience and credit points from these people, he had to first consider the aftermath.

A lot of things had been happening in New York recently, and law and order had dropped to some extent. It wasn’t suitable for him to go out in an alias to harvest experience.

Luke could only look elsewhere.

It just so happened that Gianna had sent a message two months ago saying that many forces had changed at the High Table, and that someone was even coveting her position as family head.

That wasn’t hard to understand.

The last heads of the Camorra family had been Gianna and Santino.

Now that Santino had been killed by Luke, and Gianna, the only one left, was dead, the seat couldn’t be left empty, and the branch family would definitely take over.

It was that simple.

With Luke’s help last time, Gianna had cleaned up the family, but she couldn’t be too thorough about it, or the Camorra would be ruined by internal conflict.

The position of family head moved many people, and there weren’t many people she could trust.

It was just that Luke had no plans of becoming her hidden blade, nor was he at her beck and call.

Boogeyman John wasn’t Big Dipper; this identity couldn’t be renounced so easily.

After leaving Gianna high and dry for a while, he could consider taking a trip abroad.

Resolving Gianna’s problem was secondary. The most important thing was to check the situation at the High Table and find a suitable target.

Of the twelve members of the High Table, Gianna’s Camorra was dealing with some internal conflict, and the Tarasov family was half-crippled and also dealing with internal power struggles.

After Luke destroyed the Fraternity, the only one left was the boss behind the scenes, and there was no activity on that end for the time being.

Luke had also taken down half of the Hand, who had fallen silent.

So, one third of the twelve members was crippled.

That was why, except for the Camorra, everyone was careful to mask their whereabouts.

Luke wasn’t planning on slaughtering the bottom rungs to earn experience and credit points.

It would be best to find an opportunity to deal with the mid- and high-ranking members of these forces, like Alessandro and Mrs. Gao from the Hand.

But this was just a thought.

There really weren’t that many people in the world who could live for hundreds of years and continue doing bad things so diligently.

Thinking about Boogeyman John, who had already become Keanu Reeves, Luke decided to help Camorra solve some of its problems.

It was said that the other party had gotten an expert sharpshooter from somewhere.

After Luke used the Boogeyman alias last time, the manor had been greatly modified.

It would be hard to avoid some traps if anyone wanted to get close to Gianna. That wasn’t something that could be avoided with just agility.

The sharpshooter was probably aware of this, and so had tried sniping Gianna at long range.

It just so happened that Gianna shifted at that moment, and dodged the bullet. She was lucky to survive, but didn’t dare stick her head out again.

So far, Luke had yet to acquire Elementary Long-Distance Shooting.

He could look for this sharpshooter in passing. Who knew, he might be able to acquire some ability! Thinking that, he sent his clone to Rome under an alias.

Coming to Rome again, he wasn’t as anxious as the last time.

It was that easy with a clone.

By the time he left one neighborhood, his face had turned into Boogeyman John’s.

Touching his beautiful beard in satisfaction, he took a cab to the Rome Continental Hotel.

He stood at the front desk again, and it was the tall black girl from last time.

But this time, her expression was completely different.

Almost the moment Luke entered, her gaze fell on him. Her expression changed into a bright and sincere smile.

From Luke’s Mental Communication, he could see that the smile was indeed very sincere — sincere fear.

Taking out a gold coin, he pushed it over the counter and said calmly, “A room.”

The girl couldn’t help but lower her head. “Yes, sir.”

She didn’t even dare mention the man’s name. She only dared to address him with the simplest “sir.”

That was because his name had become a legend at the High Table, a terrifying legend that used blood and lives as his stepping stones.

Even though she knew that Luke wouldn’t do anything to a service worker like her, she couldn’t suppress her fear.

This was different from before.

It was now an open secret that many people at the High Table wanted to kill the Boogeyman.

The strange thing was that the High Table hadn’t issued an excommunication order.

In other words, Boogeyman John was still a hitman of the High Table. The Continental Hotel had to provide him with all the services it could.

“Jonathan?” There was the sound of someone approaching quickly.

Luke turned around, his poker face still on. “Hello, Julius. We meet again.”

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