Stop Messing Around, Mr Bo!

Chapter 1353

Chapter 1353: Untitled

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

As for the children in front of Chu Yi, their faces were tense and their lips were pursed, as if they were facing death.

“Don’t fall. If you fall, you’ll starve.”

Chu Yi’s deep voice sounded, followed by a cry. The child who was holding the plate suddenly cried.

Chu Yi’s expressionless face darkened further.

“Why are you crying?”

What did he say? Why was he crying so hard?




This cry seemed to be contagious, and it spread vertically. Not long after, the children in front of him started crying.

Shen Fanxing hurried forward to Chu Yi and bowed to the children.

“Babies, crying isn’t good. Teacher won’t like it. If there’s anything, you have to clarify it first. Otherwise, if you cry, Teacher will be very anxious, okay?”

Chu Yi was slightly taken aback by the child’s gentle tone.

What she had seen the most in the past was her coldness towards the Shen family and her professionalism at work.

It was rare for her to be gentle, and he had never seen her in such a state when facing a child. Now, it seemed like it was difficult for him to adapt.

So children could change a person so much?

Naive children had always treated their teachers as the most knowledgeable people in the world, hoping to be praised and liked by them. Upon hearing Shen Fanxing’s words, their cries stopped.

Shen Fanxing smiled and said, “Come, can anyone tell me what happened?”

The little girl standing in front wiped her tears and pointed at Chu Yi with a trembling voice.

“He bullied us and made us starve! He looks so scary…”


Chu Yi was speechless and his face darkened.

“Wuwuwu… How scary!”

“Big Brother is really fierce…”

“I’m so scared…”

Shen Fanxing turned to look at Chu Yi, her eyes full of dissatisfaction and accusation.

Chu Yi pursed his lips and said indignantly, “How am I fierce to them?”

Shen Fanxing said, “You have to starve them!”

The group of children nodded in unison. “Yes! Yes!”

Chu Yi turned around and glared at them. “When did I let them starve?”

“Wow… so fierce…”

Chu Yi was speechless.

“I saw everything just now! You said you knocked over the plate and went hungry in the afternoon!”

Chu Yiyi’s handsome face twitched. He looked down at the girl standing in front of him and saw that her eyes were red from crying.

“I just want her to be careful…”

Shen Fanxing looked up at him and said, “You don’t look happy to begin with and your words are so ambiguous. If you don’t cry, who will?”

Chu Yi closed his eyes helplessly and took a deep breath. “…Alright, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

The little girl in front of him rubbed her eyes with her chubby hands and said in a nasal voice,

“I accept your apology! But can I take a photo with you?”

The other girls also walked out carefully. Looking at Chu Yi’s fierce face, their eyes were filled with desire. “Can I take a photo with you too?”

“Me too. Other than being fierce, Uncle is actually very handsome…”

Chu Yi was speechless.

Who was the uncle? Call him brother!

Shen Fanxing smiled helplessly, not expecting things to turn out this way.

Compared to guessing the hearts of people in the business world and controlling the development of the situation, she realized that the child was a new unknown to her.

One second ago, she was scared to tears by Chu Yi. The next second, she was coveting his beauty and wanted to take a photo with him.

She was really too cute.

In the end, under Shen Fanxing’s “force”, Chu Yi bent down to take photos with a few girls and received all sorts of hugs and kisses. He successfully angered the other boys in the orphanage and became the “public enemy of all men”.

Faced with the laughter, Ye Qingqiu had no time to join in. She scanned the canteen and finally saw the figure she had been longing for in a corner.

He sat obediently on the chair, his short legs hanging in the air, but he remained motionless. His exquisite face was calm and composed.

Even though she really didn’t want to admit it, the charm between her brows was exactly the same as that man.

Her heart trembled. Just looking at it from afar made her heart ache.

Shen Fanxing had walked up to her and patted her shoulder gently.

“He’s so obedient.”

Ye Qingqiu said, her voice filled with indescribable emotions and heartache.

Shen Fanxing nodded and watched as Linlin sat there motionless. He was so obedient that it made her heart ache.

If his eyes could see, there might be some other expressions on his face. He might also be like the group of boys beside him and be mischievous.

But wasn’t that what a child of her age should be like?

On the other hand, how could she not feel sorry for such an obedient and quiet Linlin?

Because they couldn’t see, there were special staff from the welfare institute to take care of them.

A nurse walked towards Linlin with a tray. Ye Qingqiu hurried forward and stopped her.

“I’ll do it.”

The nurse knew that there were guests at the orphanage today. After some thought, she placed the plate in Ye Qingqiu’s hand.

“This is that baby’s. He hasn’t let anyone feed him recently…”

“Thank you.”

Ye Qingqiu whispered and walked to Linlin with the tray.

However, just as she reached Linlin and before she could say anything, Linlin’s eyes moved. He reached out and grabbed her clothes tightly, as if he was afraid that she would run away.

Ye Qingqiu bit her lips and almost cried.


She spoke softly as tears welled up in Linlin’s eyes. She pursed her lips tightly to prevent herself from crying.

“Is… Linlin not obedient?”

Her voice was exceptionally soft and her cautiousness made Shen Fanxing’s heart ache.

She watched as Ye Qingqiu bent down and placed the plate in front of Linlin. She was surprised by Ye Qingqiu’s indifference, but the moment she bent down, she saw two crystal clear tears falling.

“Linlin is very obedient…” Ye Qingqiu bit her lips.

“But… it’s been so long…”

Linlin said softly, his voice filled with grievance.

Shen Fanxing turned around. Unable to suppress the bitterness in her heart, her eyes burned.

There was a strong smell of rust in Ye Qingqiu’s mouth. Her tears fell silently and dripped onto the ground.

“Mom… Mom has been working hard. When Mom earns a lot of money, I’ll bring Linlin to treat his eyes and live with him… So I’m sorry, Linlin… Can you forgive Mom?”

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