Stop Messing Around, Mr Bo!

Chapter 1351

Chapter 1351: Untitled

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

“Okay…” Ye Qingqiu moved her lips. Just as she finished speaking, a black Spyker slowly stopped beside the two of them.

Then, the car door opened and a tall figure appeared.

Dressed in a suit, he looked refined and elegant.

Every time Shen Fanxing saw him, she could tell that he was scheming and ruthless.

There was no evidence. Just his appearance and temperament could give her such a feeling.

If not for Bo Jinchuan, she might not have had any interaction with this man.

Not to mention scamming him over this matter at Lehua Entertainment.

He clearly had the posture of a celestial being, but now, he made people gnash their teeth in hatred.

Li Tingshen.

Shen Fanxing felt her heart skip a beat. The next second, Ye Qingqiu flung her hand away.

Li Tingshen glanced at Shen Fanxing and a dangerous glint flashed across his eyes.

Then, she landed on Ye Qingqiu. She closed the car door and walked straight towards her.

The lollipop in her mouth had already started to taste bitter.

Ye Qingqiu looked up at Li Tingshen and suddenly laughed sarcastically. “Are you addicted to following me?”

Li Tingshen looked up at the orphanage. “Why aren’t you going in?”

“Does it have anything to do with you?”

Li Tingshen wasn’t angry at Ye Qingqiu’s attitude and only tugged at Cen Bo’s lips.

Ye Qingqiu brushed past Li Tingshen and left the orphanage quickly.

She didn’t want to deal with Li Tingshen here. She was only one door away from Linlin. She couldn’t let Li Tingshen see Linlin.

Her footsteps quickened. In her eyes, Li Tingshen was like a demon who wanted to take her life.

However, before she could walk far, her wrist was grabbed by a cold and strong hand.

Her heart skipped a beat. She turned around and saw Li Tingshen’s tall figure pressing down on her like a mountain.

“Let go.”

Ye Qingqiu struggled with her arm, her cold voice trembling.

Li Tingshen narrowed his eyes and looked down at her wrist, which had turned red from the struggle.

“Why are you running?”

His deep voice was like a ghost’s, and it sounded above Ye Qingqiu’s head. Then, he looked up, his long and narrow eyes carrying a sense of wisdom and exploration that Ye Qingqiu was familiar with.

Cen Bo’s thin lips curled up slightly, and even his eyes carried a faint smile. His thumb gently rubbed the red spot on her wrist as he spoke again.

“You’re in such a hurry to leave. What did you do that you don’t dare to let me know?”

Shen Fanxing stood rooted to the ground as her heart skipped a beat.

She stared at Ye Qingqiu, afraid that she wouldn’t be able to control herself because of Li Tingshen’s words.

In front of a man like Li Tingshen, the consequences would be unimaginable even if there were any clues.

However, after a long silence, Ye Qingqiu stared at Li Tingshen and laughed.

She crushed the lollipop in her mouth and swallowed it.

“What do you think I don’t dare to tell you? It’s nothing more than murder and arson. At most, I’ll be sent to prison. I’ve lived in that place for nearly three years and it’s like my own home. Even if I go in again, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Tell me… what am I afraid of?”

The cold smile on Li Tingshen’s face was gradually replaced by coldness.

Ye Qingqiu smiled and looked in the direction of the orphanage.

“I’ve been here before when I was released from prison. It’s filled with homeless children. Some have lost their parents, some have been abandoned by their parents, and some are single-parent children. They’re currently serving their sentences in prison…”

“I hear her talking about her child every day while she’s awake. She even talks in her sleep. It’s so annoying. She’s a good person, but she doesn’t think about herself at such a young age. She thinks about another person every day… She’s simply stupid!”

Li Tingshen looked at her quietly with a cold expression. Recalling the moment he found out that Shen Fanxing was pregnant last night, his heart fluttered and his grip on Ye Qingqiu’s wrist tightened.

“The child is another one to you?”

Ye Qingqiu gritted her teeth and suppressed the bitterness in her throat. She pursed her lips and continued,

“Child… you’re just a burden. Other than exploiting whatever they need from your parents and others, what else can you do? Today is a rare holiday. I’m here to relax, not to find trouble for myself! I’m unhappy just thinking about the group of brats inside. Now that I see you, I’m even more unhappy…”

No, it wasn’t like that.

She was here to see Linlin. Linlin was not a burden. Linlin was her treasure!

He had never exploited her. Never!

Since he was born, she had never done her duty as a mother.

She had never hugged him, fed him milk, or protected him.

Instead, it was him who had reignited her desire for life in prison. She had a goal and a desire to pull herself together.

He had given her a new life. He had given her a second chance at life.

He had made her a mother.

The words that came out of her mouth were natural, sincere, and indignant.

However, every word was like a sharp blade that cut her heart into pieces.

What right did she have to say such nonsense?

Shen Fanxing looked at her from afar and her heart turned cold.

A burden?

How was that possible?

How could she recite it in her sleep?

Who was she talking about?

Why did she stab herself in the heart like this?

Li Tingshen looked at her coldly, but his grip on her arm did not loosen.

“You’re really heartless.”

Ye Qingqiu pursed her lips and looked at him with sarcasm in her eyes.

“Yes, she’s heartless. She was dug out and thrown away a long time ago.”

If there was any trace of pretense on Li Tingshen’s face just now, it had disappeared.

After a long while, a smile appeared on his lips, but it was colder than his expressionless face.

“Where did you throw it?”

Ye Qingqiu paused her breathing and looked up at the man’s sinister face. She struggled to break free from his grip.

She didn’t expect to succeed this time and subconsciously turned to leave.

However, her shoulder was suddenly grabbed by someone. With a twist, her body was pressed against the expensive black car behind her.

Li Tingshen’s handsome face fell.

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