Stop Messing Around, Mr Bo!

Chapter 1243

Chapter 1243: I Don’t Want to See Someone

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Yuan Sichun held Ye Zhiqing’s arm as they walked down the spiral staircase.

She was wearing a white slim-fit gown that accentuated her slender and beautiful figure. She had exquisite makeup on her face and looked gentle and dignified. Coupled with the conservative but unique gown, she looked elegant and gentle.

There was a decent smile on her face. Her back was straight and her expression was neither servile nor overbearing.

After all, she grew up as the eldest daughter of the Yuan family and often attended socialite gatherings outside. This superficial effort was naturally easy for Yuan Sichun.

“She’s the eldest daughter of the Yuan family?”

“It’s beautiful.”

“As expected of the daughter nurtured by a big family. Her bearing is indeed extraordinary.”

“His looks and family background are impeccable! He’s a perfect match for the young master of the Bo Consortium!”

Everyone gathered at the foot of the stairs, looking at Yuan Sichun and praising her openly.

After all, she was the future mistress of the Bo family. It was natural for her to say something nice.

What Yuan Sichun wanted was the current atmosphere.

Look, everyone thought that she was with Brother Bo.

And she was worthy of the title of the future mistress of the Bo family.

It wasn’t that she couldn’t stand beside Brother Bo!

In reality, she was the most qualified woman to stand by his side, wasn’t she?

Yuan Sichun held Ye Zhiqing’s hand and walked down the last step. Everyone surrounded them.

“Congratulations, Miss Yuan.”

Yuan Sichun responded to them with a faint smile.

“Thank you.”

“Yes, the two of you hid it well. You actually didn’t announce the news until the end.”

“The Yuan family and the Bo family have invited too many people, so the engagement can wait until the wedding day.”

“That’s right! Hey, why did you come out first? Where’s your fiancé? Why hasn’t he appeared yet?”

Yuan Sichun tightened her grip on Ye Zhiqing’s hand when she heard this question. Ye Zhiqing patted her lightly before she smiled again.

“He had an emergency the day before yesterday and left. If there are no accidents, he will be here soon.”

She said softly. Coupled with the smile that she had just forced out, she gave off a helpless and lovable feeling.

“I see. But it’s such an important day after all… But it’s normal for a man to be busy.”

Yuan Sichun nodded and appeared to be very understanding. “Yes, after all, he’s in charge of the Bo Consortium alone. There are too many things to do, so it’s understandable for him to be busy.”

“Wow, the CEO is so lucky to marry such a kind, considerate, beautiful and smart woman like you. Congratulations!”

“Thank you.”

Yuan Sichun enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded and praised. Now that she had the title of Mrs. Bo, she felt especially superior.

In Shen Fanxing’s resting area, Yin Ruijue and the rest were sitting on the sofa. The atmosphere was gloomy.

“Where’s the Old Master? I want to talk to him. What is that old man thinking? What era is it now? Why is he still trying to break up a loving couple?!”

Yin Ruijue panted heavily. In the end, he couldn’t help but jump up from the sofa.

How was that a talk? She looked like she wanted to fight to vent her anger.

Chi Yaoyao hurriedly grabbed his arm to prevent him from rushing out.

“Why are you pulling me?! This old man is obviously doing this on purpose. Taking advantage of Brother Bo’s absence to bully Sister-in-law?”

“Other people are trying to break up a couple, but you’re being beaten up. Do you think you’re good?”

The one who spoke was Li Tingshen. He crossed his long legs and sat on the sofa leisurely. His words were calm.

She didn’t have any emotions, but she almost angered Yin Ruijue to death.

He had just been liberated not long ago. If not for Chi Yaoyao’s conscience, his long legs would have been crippled.

This was the biggest humiliation of his life.

In the end, this damned Li Tingshen touched a sore spot.


Liang Xuer, who was standing behind Li Tingshen, felt that it was inappropriate. She placed her hand on his shoulder and reminded him with some force.

“F*ck! Would it kill you to say something nice?”

Yin Ruijue ignored Liang Xuer and glared at Li Tingshen, wishing he could burn a thousand holes in his body.

Li Tingshen sat up slowly from the sofa. He looked down at his watch and said calmly,

“Let’s go.”

“Hey, Li Tingshen, are you leaving just like that?”

Yin Ruijue strode forward and stood in front of Li Tingshen.

Li Tingshen looked up at him. “Are you not leaving or do you want to stay and watch the show?”

Yin Ruijue frowned. “Who are you looking at as a joke? Sister-in-law? F*ck, do you know if Brother Bo doesn’t come, Sister-in-law will be embarrassed? Then why did you leave?”

Li Tingshen stuffed a hand into his pocket. His voice was casual, but there was a cold and heartless smile in his eyes.

“What else? Should I stay and be the male lead?”

Yin Ruijue glared at her. “Do you want to die?!”

“I don’t want to die.” Li Tingshen turned his body. “So I’m leaving now. Do you have a problem?”

As he spoke, he walked away from Yin Ruijue.

“Cold-blooded and heartless fellow!” Yin Ruijue shouted angrily.

Seeing that Li Tingshen was about to leave, Liang Xuer chased after him.

“Tingshen, you…”

“Stay here for the time being.”

Li Tingshen didn’t stop. His voice was calm, but his words couldn’t be refuted.

Liang Xuer stopped in her tracks, not understanding why he wanted to leave without her.

However, he had never abandoned her for no reason in the past, let alone now.

She naturally believed that he would pick her up in the end.

However, she felt uneasy because she didn’t know what Li Tingshen wanted.

She was the woman closest to him, but she felt that she couldn’t understand him.

“What should we do? There’s less than an hour left. What if Cousin really doesn’t come?” Bo Anxi’s eyes were red with anxiety.

She was still a little girl who yearned for a good relationship, so she couldn’t imagine how sad a woman would be when she was stood up at her happiest moment.

Even if her sister-in-law acted like she didn’t care, how could she not have any thoughts?

Sang Yu was also anxious.

No one understood why some people cared about the ritual.

Ritual was the most direct way for people to express their inner emotions.

The sense of ritual was to differentiate between one day and another.

It was precisely because of this difference that it was special and memorable.

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