Stop Messing Around, Mr Bo!

Chapter 1234

Chapter 1234: Unwilling to Let Go

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

“Bo Jinchuan won’t be back today!”

Shen Fanxing narrowed her eyes and looked at Qi Mohan. “Why can’t he come back? What do you know?!”

“…If you go today, you’ll only become a joke! There’s no male lead at the engagement party. Shen Fanxing, if I were you, I would definitely make myself the laughing stock in everyone’s eyes!”

Whether it was Qi Mohan’s expression or tone, he was so serious that it was as if he wasn’t him.

But Shen Fanxing knew that this was him.

“Qi Mohan, if I find out that you’re involved in his sudden departure, I won’t forgive you.”

Qi Mohan tightened his grip on the pistol. Seeing this, Song Xiao hurriedly said,

“Sister Xing, no matter what, Young Master is right. Mr Bo is in Country B now and he might not be able to make it back today. Why don’t we cancel today’s engagement party for the time being? Even if… even if we wait for Mr Bo to return, it won’t be too late to discuss this matter again.”

Lou Ruoyi and the others were getting anxious. “She won’t be back today? What is she doing in Country B at this juncture?! Fanxing, why don’t we cancel it today? No… we should postpone the wedding until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, alright?”

Shen Fanxing was silent for a long time as she stared at Qi Mohan.

“It’s very likely that he won’t be able to make it back, so it’s also very likely that he can make it back. The chances are fifty-fifty. Moreover, Ah Chuan said that he would rush back. I promised him that I would wait for him.”

Qi Mohan’s handsome face was tense and the coldness on his face did not need to be terrifying.

It was late autumn and early winter. The cold wind blew, and he was covered in cold sweat. When the wind blew, he had goosebumps.

Her words were a slap to Young Master’s face.

Young Master had asked her not to go. Although he had his own selfish motives, he didn’t want to see her put herself in such a situation.

She was surrounded and ridiculed by everyone.

How many people were envious and jealous of her strength and success?

Those people couldn’t wait to see her make a fool of herself!

In the end, the young master’s good intentions were all reduced to nothing by the woman’s every word. Her every word expressed that she trusted another man unconditionally.

Song Xiao thought that Qi Mohan would explode in the next second and shoot everyone here regardless of friend or foe.

However, he only heard his unusually calm voice. “I’m doing this for your own good. Delay it. Change it to tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. That’s more conservative.”

Song Xiao was shocked to hear such calm words.

Even though he knew that the Young Master had used all his patience on Shen Fanxing, he had to admit that Sister Xing had exceeded the limits of his patience.

Shen Fanxing looked at him quietly for a long time before saying slowly, “If there’s a delay… will you try your best to get me away?”

Song Xiao was stunned. “Sister Xing!”

There was anger in his voice. It was obvious.

She had been full of trust in Bo Jinchuan. Why was she questioning Young Master now?

Young Master’s words had used the greatest patience in her life. After being with Young Master for so many years, why did she have to hurt him so brazenly?

Qi Mohan looked at her and his thin lips curled into a faint smile.

“I will.”

“…” Song Xiao was completely speechless.

Perhaps Shen Fanxing was the one who understood Young Master the most.

Those words just now were not a question, but… it could be considered a form of trust.

She had expected Young Master’s intention.

“Yes. That’s why I can’t delay.”

Qi Mohan’s deep eyes flickered as he stared at Shen Fanxing calmly for a long time. His tone was calm, but there was a hint of a smile in it.

“So what makes you think that I can only do nothing if you insist on holding the engagement banquet today?”

Shen Fanxing’s face darkened.

“Qi Mohan…”

“You won’t shed a tear until you see the coffin.”

Qi Mohan spat out a few words calmly. At the same time, he raised the pistol in his hand and placed it in his pocket.

She turned around and gestured. Everyone turned to look at Shen Fanxing before leaving the Bo residence with Qi Mohan.

After getting into the car, Song Xiao couldn’t help but ask, “Young Master, are you really not going to do anything?”

Qi Mohan crossed his long legs and turned to look at Shen Fanxing through the car window with a gloomy expression.

“Can you control her?”

Song Xiao shook her head. “No one will interfere with Sister Xing’s decision.”

“Since she wants to cry, let her cry to her heart’s content. Perhaps she has been living too smoothly recently and owes me. Drive!”


Song Xiao immediately responded and started the engine. The car slowly drove away from the Bo residence.

When all the cars disappeared, Shen Fanxing heaved a sigh of relief. However, her hands were trembling.

It was rare to see Qi Mohan so calm.

But it was precisely because of this that the uneasiness in her heart intensified.

Qi Mohan was usually not serious, but his subordinates were all over the world. Other than all the formal operations, he was probably not involved in all the illegal matters.

What right did he have to be the leader?

Naturally, he had his merits.

Especially his head. She was definitely not bragging.

Other than his flexibility and wisdom when he was serious, his memory storage capacity was what she envied the most.

Everything depended on whether he wanted to remember.

Not whether she could remember it.

She had a super brain.

However, it was said that her grades in school were terrible.

He had zero points.

Hence, it was impossible for anyone to understand him completely.

The reason why she knew so much about him was probably because she was slightly smarter than others.

Most importantly, she had experienced that kind of brain experiment.

Once he became serious, there were no surprises in his predictions.

Of course, his predictions could be divided into two types.

One was to let nature take its course.

One was an artificial development.

As long as it was within his predictions, it was right.

If Ah Chuan didn’t appear now, he might really be delayed.

Perhaps Qi Mohan wouldn’t let him appear at the engagement party as scheduled.

Qi Mohan, if you really dare to do that, I will never forgive you!


Qi Mohan, who was sitting in the car, suddenly narrowed his eyes. He placed his hand between his eyebrows and pinched it gently.

“Young Master, are you alright?”


“Young Master, the car in front seems to be the Yuan family’s mother and daughter.”

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