Stop Messing Around, Mr Bo!

Chapter 1226

Chapter 1226: Leaving

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Shen Fanxing leaned against the wall and breathed in the fresh air.

The air around her was still filled with the scent of a man. Her clear eyes stared at the handsome face that was only a paper away from her.

“Fanxing… you have to remember that your future is mine, understand?”

Shen Fanxing paused before saying, “Can I rebut you?”

“I can’t.”

Bo Jinchuan’s deep voice cut off her escape route. “But I have many friends. Do you want to take over all of them?”

Bo Jinchuan lowered his head and kissed her ear, taking in the unique scent of her.

Upon hearing her words, he paused and his breathing deepened.

“If they’re friends…”

This was what he said after a long silence.

For some reason, Shen Fanxing felt uneasy again.

This was the emotion he had felt from Bo Jinchuan not long ago.

“Ah Chuan…” she called out to him suddenly.

“Yes.” He pressed his forehead against hers. His deep voice was so pleasant that it made her cheeks heat up.

“Do you… have a phobia of marriage?”

Bo Jinchuan paused and didn’t reply.

“I feel that your mood has been quite unstable recently. Think about it carefully. Other than the engagement being imminent, there shouldn’t be anything worth your anxiety.”

“…Isn’t it because you were almost killed last time and I’m worried that you’ll be hurt again?”

Shen Fanxing smiled and said nonchalantly, “You’re so capable and have arranged for so many people to protect me. How can anything happen to me?”

“You’re too careless.”

Bo Jinchuan felt that he had to thank her for trusting him unconditionally!

“Then are you going to give me the pistol or not? You promised to give it to me in Hong Kong! Look at how dangerous I am now. I have to protect myself.”

Bo Jinchuan asked sternly, “Is one enough?”

Shen Fanxing shook her head and said, “No, I want more.”

Seeing her mischievous look, Bo Jinchuan chuckled softly.

“You sly little fox.”

Shen Fanxing smiled and asked, “So are you giving it to me or not?”


Bo Jinchuan caressed her cheek and said, “Your marksmanship is superb, of course I’ll give it to you. What do you want?”

“P44 Desert Eagle?”

Bo Jinchuan exerted more force.

“How dare you ask for it.”


Bo Jinchuan pursed his lips and kissed her one last time before letting go.

“For you.”

Shen Fanxing raised an eyebrow smugly.

“You’re giving her this? Don’t you have any experience in spoiling women? Have you really never had a woman before?”

Bo Jinchuan’s eyes darkened.

“What’s wrong?” asked Shen Fanxing with a smile.

“Stop fooling around.”

Bo Jinchuan lowered his gaze and pulled Shen Fanxing out of the room.

His answer and attitude made Shen Fanxing’s heart skip a beat.

She felt that there was something she needed to ask, but it wasn’t suitable for Bo Jinchuan to continue.

When she went downstairs, the old man was not in the living room.

Lou Ruoyi and Sang Yu were playing with Wanwan.

“Where’s Qingzhi?”

Sang Yu looked up at her and said, “I think she’s in the glass greenhouse outside. Sister-in-law, Sister Qingzhi… doesn’t seem to be in a good mood today.”

Shen Fanxing frowned slightly.

“I’ll go and see her.”


The glass greenhouse was brightly lit and colorful flowers bloomed.

In late autumn, one could still feel the splendor of spring.

Shen Fanxing pressed her lips and looked at the slender figure sitting on the rattan basket. Her heart ached.

The greenhouse was a place that made people happy.

That was why Qingzhi was here.

Pushing open the glass door, Shen Fanxing walked in slowly.

Xu Qingzhi placed a hand on her abdomen and swayed the chair gently. When she saw Shen Fanxing, she smiled.

“Why are you here?”

“I missed my flowers.”

Xu Qingzhi couldn’t help but laugh. “They’re not your flowers. You’re the natural enemy of these flowers. Stay away from them.”

After all, Shen Fanxing was a perfumer.

Most of the essential oil was extracted from the plant itself.

It seemed right to call them natural enemies.

Shen Fanxing scanned the surroundings of the greenhouse before walking to Xu Qingzhi.


“Fanxing,” interrupted Xu Qingzhi, her gaze fixed on the sea of flowers not far away. Her face was calm.

It was the first time she had such an expression since she returned from Rongcheng.

“I’m focused on my child now. I don’t have much time to think about anything else.”

Shen Fanxing sat on a stone bench and watched her quietly.


Xu Qingzhi’s delicate collarbones curved beautifully as she swallowed.

She nodded. “Yes. Nothing is more important than my child now. I don’t want anything to affect my mood.”

“Can you really do it?” Shen Fanxing stared at her with a tinge of pity.

“I can.”

“Qingzhi, tell me, is it alright for you to stay in the wedding room alone in Rongcheng? Don’t force yourself. You have to be happy. That won’t do.”

In order to maintain a happy mood, she hid in the greenhouse alone.

What was this?

Did she think that by hiding in the greenhouse and seeing the flowers in front of her, she could really be in a good mood?

If a person was really happy like this, then there wouldn’t be so many troubled people in this world.

“Where’s Limo? Has he contacted you in the past few days? What is he doing now? How busy is he that he doesn’t even have time to reply to you?”

“He should be in Paris now… time difference.”

Xu Qingzhi’s voice was gentle as she stared at a stone bamboo flower without blinking.

Shen Fanxing felt a surge of heartache and anger.

“What is he doing in Paris? On a business trip?”

Xu Qingzhi bit her lips and turned her head away.

“I guess so.”

A business trip was a business trip. What did she mean by that?

“He went to look for Mo Xiaona, right?”

“… She’s injured.”

After a long silence, Xu Qingzhi spoke slowly.

Shen Fanxing’s face tensed and she remained silent.

Li Mo…

“Fanxing, I really have nothing to do with him. Although it’s fake to say that I don’t feel anything, it’s my choice to marry him. I choose to accept this outcome. Although I’m the only one in Rong City, I’m very free and in a good mood.

I didn’t let it go. Instead, I realized that my attention can really be distracted. For example, my baby, or watching some interesting movies, chatting with others, being with you guys… Other than being a little regretful about love, my life is perfect, isn’t it?”

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