Stop Messing Around, Mr Bo!

Chapter 1223

Chapter 1223: Up to No Good

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Shen Fanxing changed her shoes and said,

“You’re here to accompany Grandpa, right? Are you leaving after dinner?”

Shen Fanxing’s politeness made Ye Zhiqing and Yuan Sichun uncomfortable.

Xu Qingzhi and Sang Yu winked at her.

Lou Ruoyi asked her in a low voice, “How do you know that they left and came again?”

“Because they’re shameless!” whispered Shen Fanxing in a low voice.

“Since they want to prove that they’re superior to others, the Yuan family should have the temperament and demeanor of the Yuan family. However, they’re unwilling to let the future mistress of the Bo family land on their heads. Desire makes people ugly. Although this mother and daughter are in the Yuan family, their thoughts and actions are… unpresentable. In the end, they’re different. Therefore, as long as they think of things in a strange way, it’s more or less their behavior.”

Lou Ruoyi sneered and imitated him.

“He’s not someone who can go on stage.”


Lou Ruoyi glanced at Ye Zhiqing and Yuan Sichun coldly and didn’t continue the topic.

“Jingchuan didn’t come back with you?”

“… No.”

Lou Ruoyi glanced at her and said meaningfully,

“In a way, you do know how to cause trouble.”


“Putting aside all the reasons, the whipping of Yuan Sichun in the western suburbs, the burning of the Shen family, and the two billion yuan. Yesterday, you gave Yuan Sichun an injection, and today, you attacked Leisi… Haha… Let’s not talk about small matters. In the past four days, you haven’t been idle…”

“Haha… I’m really… sorry.”

Shen Fanxing smiled awkwardly.

In that case, she was indeed… quite good at causing trouble.


Lou Ruoyi paused and suddenly released her voice. “Why did you suddenly hit that Leisi?”

Hearing this, everyone in the living room looked at Shen Fanxing.

Including Old Master Bo, Bo Yuelin, Ye Zhiqing, and Yuan Sichun.

Lou Ruoyi did it on purpose.

Because she was sure, certain, and certain!

Even though Shen Fanxing seemed to have gotten into trouble,

There must be a reason!

She knew her daughter-in-law!

This question was something that everyone was curious about.

The entire country was curious!

Shen Fanxing didn’t expect Lou Ruoyi to ask such a question. It was obvious that she wanted her to give Old Master an explanation.

However, she had already married into the Bo family. If Reis brought this matter to the company, was there a need for her to smile?

Was there any need for an explanation?

“That’s right, Miss Shen. Why did things turn out this way? Is there a misunderstanding? Oh right, Viscount Reis is Princess Ava’s nephew, and Princess Ava and I are considered uncles and sisters! If there’s a misunderstanding, I can explain it to Princess Ava for you when there’s a chance.”

Lou Ruoyi’s face darkened. No wonder the old man’s attitude had changed all of a sudden. It seemed like someone had come to make his presence known.

But what kind of relatives were they?

Ye Zhiqing’s father had died a long time ago. She had never heard of her father having such prominent siblings. Why did an uncle and sister suddenly appear?

She really knew how to find a backer. She could get involved with any relative.

“There’s no misunderstanding,” said Shen Fanxing calmly.

“I’ve never seen a so-called Viscount before, and I don’t know him either. I don’t think the nobles of Country Y would do something as lowly as forcing a marriage! He made such a big fuss today and went straight to my company to forcefully take me away. Everyone knows about it, and it doesn’t seem like something a true noble should do. That’s why I think he’s a liar who specially defamed the nobles of Country Y. Why? Could he really be a Viscount? Or is he your uncle and sister, who are also the nephews of the royal princess?”

Ye Zhiqing pursed her lips and her face turned green.

Marrying by force?

Everyone knew about it?


Was this person from Country Y? And he was Princess Ava’s nephew!

How could he admit such a thing?

If she admitted it, wouldn’t that be equivalent to discrediting Country Y’s nobles and Princess Ava?

She wasn’t a fool!

“He did this because he likes you. Besides, how can he be a liar? Which liar would be willing to spend more than two billion yuan to marry you?”

Shen Fanxing snorted and said, “Do you think he has put in a lot of effort for more than two billion yuan? My Stars International and the other businesses left behind by my mother are worth a few billion yuan. If he’s not a liar, what is he?”

“Besides, do I have to marry him obediently just because he likes me? This is just like how Miss Yuan wants to marry Ah Chuan, but the truth is that Ah Chuan won’t marry her.”

She smiled innocently, but her words were so vicious that it made one gnash their teeth.

“You…” Yuan Sichun was so humiliated that she almost exploded again. In the end, Ye Zhiqing grabbed her shoulder.

“Miss Shen, don’t be too full of yourself. Otherwise, if anything happens in the future, you’ll make yourself look even more ridiculous.”

Shen Fanxing smiled and remained silent.

“Since I dare to say it, I’ll bear the consequences. There’s no need for Madam Yuan to worry about this.”

Putting everything else aside, these words sounded especially bold and responsible coming from a woman.

The old man actually admired such people.

Unless she caused so much trouble for him every day.

This woman was still worthy of his attention.

“So you only hit him because he went to the company to make a fuss?”

Xu Qingzhi, who had been acting like an ostrich, suddenly spoke.

After all, this was the Bo family. She had no right to interrupt.

If she was not careful, her best friend, Fanxing, would be picked on by the Old Master. She would probably dislike Fanxing even more.

Besides, with Auntie Lou and Fanxing around, there was nothing she could do.

However, she felt that Fanxing’s words must have provoked her when they were talking.

Based on her understanding of Fanxing, that should be the case.

Shen Fanxing looked at her.

The smile on Xu Qingzhi’s face carried a hint of danger, as if she was eager to give it a try.

“Did he touch you?”


Or rather, what good friends?

The moment she said that, Shen Fanxing instantly understood her eagerness. She must have decided to beat Leisi up again.

“She really touched you?!” Seeing Shen Fanxing’s silence, Xu Qingzhi raised her voice subconsciously.

The old man frowned at her. If that was the case, then that man deserved to die!

Shen Fanxing pursed her lips and said, “He… didn’t touch her…”

“So he really wants to plot something, right?”

Xu Qingzhi narrowed her eyes. Shen Fanxing knew that she was probably thinking of a way to vent her anger.

“What conspiracy?”

A deep voice suddenly sounded from the door.

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