Stop Messing Around, Mr Bo!

Chapter 1216

Chapter 1216: It’s Not Like I Can’t Afford to Pamper You

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Now that Lou Ruoyi had used this as an excuse, she had no room for rebuttal.

“Alright, it’s settled then. Rest well at home.”

Lou Ruoyi didn’t want to say anything more.

Yuan Sichun looked at Old Master Bo pleadingly.


Lou Ruoyi beat him to it and said,

“Dad, it’s time for you to bring Jinchuan and Fanxing to the ancestral hall to meet our ancestors.”

Her words completely shut the old man up.

If he wanted to speak up for Yuan Sichun.

He didn’t care about such things.

But if they weren’t particular, what about the ancestors worshiped in the ancestral hall?

The old man pursed his lips and grunted.

The hope on Yuan Sichun’s face was completely shattered.

Under the table, Ye Zhiqing kicked her silently.

Yuan Sichun glanced at her and Ye Zhiqing gave her a look to let her eat.

She hesitated before picking up her chopsticks again.

The next day.

Lou Ruoyi brought Xu Qingzhi and the rest to the hospital for a prenatal checkup.

Because she had made an appointment in advance, she did a checkup the moment she arrived at the hospital.

The baby was healthy and so was Xu Qingzhi.

Xu Qingzhi was in a good mood. When she went out, she was praised by the doctor.

“When a woman is pregnant, her mood is very important. In recent years, not only has postpartum depression increased, but pregnancy depression has also increased. Many expectant mothers discovered it late, so they lost too many babies! So looking at your current condition, it’s not bad. Continue to maintain it.”

“In the past, I always hoped that my daughter would get married and have a child when she reached her age. But in recent years, I’ve realized that women can’t get married just to complete missions. It’s better to get married to love. In the past, those expectant mothers who lost their children were mostly… Sigh… Where’s their husbands? Why didn’t they get their husbands to accompany them to the prenatal checkup? It’s best for a couple to do this… Let Daddy watch the babies grow up bit by bit… Pay attention to appropriate exercise and diet…”

The doctor at the prenatal checkup was indeed old. She chattered for a while when she saw people.

However, they were all things that pregnant women needed to pay attention to, so no one would find them naggy.

It was their first time getting pregnant and giving birth, so they didn’t have much experience. Of course, more people needed a doctor to explain more.

“Thank you, Doctor. We’ll be careful!”

Shen Fanxing interrupted the doctor. The doctor was being kind, but she didn’t want her to continue.

The smile on Xu Qingzhi’s face froze again and again.

When the doctor said that she was depressed during pregnancy, Shen Fanxing had already started paying attention to Xu Qingzhi.

Since then, Xu Qingzhi’s expression had changed slightly.

Until the doctor said that she would marry someone in love, get her husband to accompany her to the prenatal checkup, and let her father watch the baby grow up. When she saw Xu Qingzhi’s face and lips tremble, her heart ached.

She knew Xu Qingzhi too well.

She could be so strong that no one in this world could stab her.

But in her love world, anyone could easily hurt her.

She had married Love, but her husband would not accompany her for a prenatal checkup, let alone watch the baby grow up.

This was a regret that could never be made up for.

Regrets were sad just thinking about it.

Sang Yu didn’t know what was going on, but she could sense the difference in Xu Qingzhi and Shen Fanxing.

While shopping, Lou Ruoyi brought Wanwan to buy her toys.

Shen Fanxing grabbed Xu Qingzhi with a stern expression.

“Can you stay here for a while?”

She couldn’t imagine how she could be in a good mood alone in that deserted wedding house.

She had forced herself to become a heartless woman and create a happy atmosphere. What kind of scene was that?

Xu Qingzhi walked forward silently. When she saw Lou Ruoyi’s doting expression, she couldn’t help but smile.

She took out her phone and opened the video. She recorded Wanwan’s cute and happy smile and the background of her toy store.

Most of the cameras captured the models of cars that boys liked, such as remote-controlled airplanes and Transformers…

“There are so many toys. Which one do you think is better?”

She said something, then stopped filming.

The video was sent automatically.

Lou Ruoyi bought too many toys for Wanwan, but Sang Yu forced her to return a few.

Half an hour later, there was no response from Xu Qingzhi’s phone.

Then, she went to the mother and baby shop.

Lou Ruoyi found a shop assistant and explained a lot.

The few of them bought a lot of things. Xu Qingzhi sat down when she was tired from walking.

When they sat in the dining room, Xu Qingzhi looked at Li Mo’s chat.

Other than the video message she had just sent, there was nothing on the interface.

She got no response.

Glancing at the time in the upper right corner, it was half past twelve. Their lunch was a little late.

Was his lunch too late?

How busy was work? She was so busy that she didn’t even have time to reply.

Even a word would be good.

She blinked and took a deep breath before turning to look at Shen Fanxing.

“Your future son-in-law is hungry. Hurry up and order for him!”

Shen Fanxing gave her a deep look, but Xu Qingzhi moved closer to her and pressed her shoulder. Her gaze landed on the menu in front of her.

“I want to eat this, this… and this…”

Her voice was light as though eating was the happiest thing in the world to her.

“This is not bad either! And this… this…”

They ordered a lot, enough for five people.

The waiter felt that something was amiss. As he wrote, he kept glancing at Shen Fanxing.

“Are you sure… you want them all?”

Shen Fanxing turned to look at Xu Qingzhi and asked, “Do you want more?”

The waiter’s lips twitched.

‘Do you want more?’

Most of the dishes in their restaurant had been ordered.

“No, that’s all.”

Shen Fanxing nodded and said to the waiter, “That’s all.”

“… Okay.”

Shen Fanxing agreed with Xu Qingzhi.

If Limo didn’t dote on her, she would!

It wasn’t like he couldn’t afford to spoil her!

In the end, Shen Fanxing’s eyelids twitched when she saw the table full of dishes.

It seemed…

Doting someone was also a skill!

So many!

Don’t overwork her again…

“Our Ping Cheng still tastes the best!”

Shen Fanxing said, “Then stay for a while longer. I’ll bring you to eat everything you’ve eaten before.”

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