Stop Messing Around, Mr Bo!

Chapter 1214

Chapter 1214: Who Is Better At Acting?

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

If it was a serious acupuncture, there would definitely be no bleeding.

For example, the two needles on the Fengchi acupoint.

And the needles on her fingers were all randomly pricked by her.

Ye Zhiqing also realized this.

Looking at the blood seeping out of Yuan Sichun’s fingers, she immediately said angrily,

“Why is it bleeding?!”

Tang Jian said, “Miss Yuan’s body is burning with anger. She has to vent her anger.”

These words… sounded extremely reasonable.

“This is only the pad of one hand. The back of the finger also needs to be pricked. Then, the other hand…”

“No… no need…” Yuan Sichun was so angry that she almost fainted again.

But she couldn’t faint. If she did, she didn’t know how many needles were waiting for her.

“No, I can’t give up halfway. Bear with it…”


Tang Jian’s expression was serious as she said, “Hurry up and continue. If you lose your temper, the cold will enter your body! Do you know how harmful the cold is to women?”

Of course, they knew how harmful the cold air was to women!

Although Yuan Sichun looked like she was in too much pain, she still went forward and pressed her shoulders.


“Bear with it… The coldness in a woman’s body is too strong and it will affect her fertility.”

Yuan Sichun’s pale face was covered in sweat. After hearing Ye Zhiqing’s words, she was filled with regret.

If she had known this would happen, she wouldn’t have put in so much effort.

Now that the doctor had made so much sense, she didn’t even have a reason to refute.

Affecting fertility?

How could it affect fertility?

She had done so much just to marry Bo Jinchuan. If she didn’t even have an heir in the end, her status wouldn’t be stable even if she married into the Bo family.

Seeing that Yuan Sichun was obedient, Shen Fanxing’s lips curled into a smile. She pinched the bones on both sides of her wrist and started acupuncture again.

Compared to the speed just now, this time, it was as if she was deliberately torturing Yuan Sichun. She held the thickest and longest needle and slowly twisted it before stabbing it all the way down.



“Sorry, I stabbed the wrong place…”

“It hurts!!!”

“Don’t move, you’ve missed the place where the needle was inserted…”


“Don’t move!”

Fifteen needles and more than twenty howls.

There was also Shen Fanxing’s “mistake”.

When all the needles were done, Shen Fanxing took a deep breath and stood up slowly.

Yuan Sichun had already collapsed on the bed from the pain.

Her fingers were connected to her heart. Every breath she took hurt.

The pillow had long been bitten by her, and Shen Fanxing’s pajamas were drenched. The wounds on her body were already festering due to Bo Jinchuan’s work yesterday, and now, she was drenched in sweat.

Shen Fanxing stood at the side and lowered her gaze to the bed. She was wearing her pajamas and there were 20 silver needles in her hands. Her lips curled into a cold smile.

Trying to disgust her?

She could wear pajamas.

However, there was a price to pay for wearing it without permission.

Seeing that the matter had finally come to an end, the old master heaved a sigh of relief. However, his gaze accidentally landed on Shen Fanxing. When he saw the smile on her lips, his eyes narrowed.

This woman was…

Actually, it wasn’t just Old Master Ye. Even Ye Zhiqing realized that something was amiss.

She also noticed the gloating look on Shen Fanxing’s face.

Looking at the weak figure lying on the bed, she instantly understood something.

Her mind suddenly buzzed as if someone had thrown a bomb at her.

This woman was deliberately taking the opportunity to torture Sichun.

How dare she… how dare she bully Sichun right under her nose?!

She stood up instantly and walked to Shen Fanxing. She looked up at Shen Fanxing, who was much taller than her.

Her eyes were bloodshot and her gaze was filled with hatred.

“Shen Fanxing, how dare you!”

She gritted her teeth and deliberately lowered her voice.

Shen Fanxing’s smile widened and her eyes narrowed.

“Thank you for the compliment.”

Ye Zhiqing made a clear sound and gritted her teeth.

“How is it?” asked Bo Jinchuan.

Ye Zhiqing’s eyes flickered and she retracted her ferocious expression.

She was about to explode from anger. She had been tricked by Shen Fanxing and she felt humiliated.

Back then, she had schemed and climbed up to the position of Mrs. Yuan. Now, she was letting a young girl do whatever she wanted.

No wonder Sichun was so afraid of this woman. There was indeed a reason.

And now, she knew that she did it on purpose, but she couldn’t do anything.

What could she say?

Did he expose her on purpose?

But at the same time as exposing her, the fact that Sichun pretended to faint would also be exposed.

In front of Old Master and Bo Jinchuan, whom Sichun cared about the most, how could she let them know?

She and Sichun could only swallow their grievances today.

“Don’t be too smug. Who do you think you are? I’ll make you pay for touching the Yuan family.”

The smile on Shen Fanxing’s face widened. “Mrs Yuan, you’re welcome. This is what I should do. You don’t have to thank me.”


Ye Zhiqing’s eyes widened in anger, but she restrained her anger in time. After a long while, she forced an ugly smile.

“No matter what, I still have to thank you…”

The word “thank you” was almost the same as “kill you”.

However, wasn’t it still a “thank you”?

She was playing with her, yet she had to thank her. Just the thought of it was fun.

Shen Fanxing raised an eyebrow and gave her a sweet smile.

Then, she looked at the old man who was staring at her and said to Tang Jian,

“Miss Tang, Miss Yuan just received an injection. Is it a taboo for her to catch a cold?”

Tang Jian glanced at her and couldn’t help but smile. This woman was really evil.

“Yes, remember to remove the needles later. Don’t catch a cold.”

Shen Fanxing nodded and instructed the servant beside her, “Go to the guest room and bring another blanket for Miss Yuan. Also, increase the temperature of the air conditioner. Don’t let the cold enter your body.”


The servant answered and left.

When Bo Jinchuan heard her, he couldn’t help but smile.

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