Stop Messing Around, Mr Bo!

Chapter 1206

Chapter 1206: Demanding an Explanation

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

She walked to the bed and sat down, looking at Yuan Sichun’s pale face.

“What did you tell me before you came to Ping Cheng? You didn’t get a man, but you ended up in such a sorry state? Is that all you’ve got?”

Tears streamed down Yuan Sichun’s face as she gripped the blanket tightly.

Apart from embarrassment and anger, the rest was crazy jealousy and self-loathing.

All the negative emotions overwhelmed him.

Was that all she had?

How many times had she reminded herself to calm down and think of ways to deal with Shen Fanxing?

But in the end, she would always be the one to lose.

“Mom… I’m going crazy… Shen Fanxing…”

Because of Shen Fanxing, she was jealous and disgusted with herself.

Jealous of Shen Fanxing’s intelligence. Every failure made her suspect that she wasn’t smart or outstanding enough.

Ye Zhiqing’s face turned cold.

“Think about why you want to fight her. If you can’t win, then stop.”

“No! No!” Yuan Sichun shook her head as tears welled up in her eyes.

“Mom… I don’t want to… I love Brother Bo. Being with him is my lifelong dream. In order to be worthy of him, I’ve learned things that other girls would never touch since I was young. I’ve studied abroad and filled myself up as quickly as possible. I’ve done so much to improve myself and stand by his side… I was born to live for him… I can’t give up on him…”

Yuan Sichun was suppressing her emotions. She knew that her mother hated her weakness and incompetence.

However, she couldn’t control her emotions. The sorrow of not being able to love her surged up and covered her entire body, gathering in her chest. Bit by bit, it gathered endlessly before finally erupting.

She sobbed as hot tears welled up in her eyes.

Ye Zhiqing took a deep breath and said coldly, “There are many men in this world…”

Yuan Sichun shook her head and looked at Ye Zhiqing with teary eyes. “But who can be better than Brother Bo? Who can be better than Brother Bo? No… No… Brother Bo is the best… How can I accept other men?”

Ye Zhiqing closed her eyes tightly.

That’s right!

The best man was right beside her. Which woman would be willing to give up the best man and settle for the second best?

“Alright, stop crying! What do you think you’re doing?!”

Ye Zhiqing scolded coldly.

Yuan Sichun bit her lips. “But Shen Fanxing…”

“What is she?”

Ye Zhiqing snorted coldly. “She’s just a wild girl with no family background! Look at you. How can you compare yourself to her? You’re belittling yourself and overestimating her.”

Yuan Sichun gradually calmed down. “But the person standing beside Brother Bo is her…”

“This is the present. Who can predict the future?”

“You have to remember that you’re the eldest daughter of the Yuan family and the future head of the family! You’ve been in the Yuan family since you were young and you can have whatever you want! There’s nothing in this world that you can’t get! Even if you can’t, no one else has the right!”

“I know! I know that I’m the eldest daughter of the Yuan family and the Yuan family will be mine in the future. But the truth is that Brother Bo is going to be engaged to her! The next step is to get married and then for the rest of his life…”

“Calm down! Why are you panicking?!”

Ye Zhiqing’s low shout silenced Yuan Sichun as she stared at her in a daze.


“A man has to be willing to be with you to live a long life. What you have to do now is to get back your good impression of the Bo family! You have to act like the eldest daughter of the Yuan family! You’ve been messed up by that woman!”

Yuan Sichun fell silent.

Indeed, she had panicked because of Shen Fanxing. That was why she made those stupid mistakes.

If not for her appearance, she could still maintain the demeanor of the eldest daughter of the Yuan family.

In the past, Brother Bo didn’t hate her, right?

She needed to get back all the favorability she had lost.


“Brother Bo’s heart is with Shen Fanxing now. How can he see how good I am?”

Ye Zhiqing sneered and tapped her forehead.

“Silly child! You just have to be good. Once this woman disappears from this world, your good will be useful.”

Yuan Sichun’s heart skipped a beat. “You mean… no!”

She firmly rejected Ye Zhiqing’s obvious intentions. She glanced at the tightly shut door and whispered,

“No, if Brother Bo finds out, I can’t bear the consequences! Do you think I’ve never thought of this? I hate Shen Fanxing to the core. No one in this world wants her dead more than me! But I can’t do anything to her! Mother, if you touch her under Brother Bo’s nose, I’m afraid I’ll die before her!”

She had underestimated Shen Fanxing in the past.

She could look down on anyone but not Bo Jinchuan.

Nothing could be hidden from him.

Moreover, she had always targeted Shen Fanxing in the past. If anything happened to Shen Fanxing, Brother Bo would definitely think of her!

That iron cage suddenly appeared in her mind again!

If she didn’t behave herself, she would be the one locked in the iron cage.

The torture devices in the room had haunted her the entire night.

Looking at Yuan Sichun’s pale face, Ye Zhiqing didn’t continue.

“Alright, you should rest first. Lou Ruoyi is coming back later. I’ll go downstairs first to chat with her.”

Yuan Sichun nodded. Her body was indeed a little weak. Not long after she lay down, she lost consciousness.

Ye Zhiqing went downstairs, her eyes red.

Seeing this, the old man felt even more guilty.

“Old Master, I saw Sichun’s injuries. How could she… hit her so hard…”

She hesitated, unable to hide the grievance and anger on her face.

Old Master’s face darkened and he said coldly,

“Fanxing was too impulsive in this matter, but Sichun was the one who made the mistake first. If she hadn’t whipped Fanxing first, Fanxing wouldn’t have treated her like this!”

Ye Zhiqing was stunned. She didn’t expect the Old Master, who had always been biased towards Sichun, to say such words.

“So Old Master also thinks that Sichun deserves to be whipped so many times? This is a whip. If she was hit a few more times… what kind of deep hatred did she have to almost kill someone?!”

Saying this in front of the Old Master was just making a mountain out of a molehill.

It wasn’t like there was any deep hatred between them, yet Shen Fanxing was so ruthless.

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