Stop Messing Around, Mr Bo!

Chapter 1200

Chapter 1200: Are You Still Drunk?

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

“If you don’t want Wanwan to see you, why don’t you wear it and save yourself the trouble?”

Seeing the spots on his body, Bo Jinhang didn’t need to say anything.

Without thinking, she buttoned her shirt frantically.

“Pervert, beast!”

Recalling how he had ignored her last night and insisted on going his own way, she couldn’t help but want to vent.

Bo Jinghang raised his eyebrows again. “How many more times do you want to do it?”

“You changed…”

Sang Yu immediately understood what Bo Jinghang meant. She pursed her lips and stopped talking.

Seeing that Sang Yu had put on her shirt, Bo Jinhang stood up and glanced at Wanwan, who was sleeping beside him. He rolled over and lay in the middle of the bed.

Sang Yu turned to look at him in panic, afraid that he would wake Wanwan up.

Fortunately, Wanwan was sleeping soundly.

Before she could heave a sigh of relief, her body tightened and she was pulled onto the bed.

Her heart skipped a beat as she turned to look at the man who had imprisoned her.


“Aren’t you tired? Sleep a little more.”

Sang Yu stared into his eyes, not understanding what he was thinking.

She didn’t know what he meant by what happened last night!

He drank.

However, he was drunk and his body was burning with desire.

Or… was he using alcohol?

If it was the former, what did his natural and casual appearance mean?

As long as it was a woman, it didn’t matter if it was her.

Or did he take it for granted because it was her?

“Are you still drunk?”

She had to wonder why he had no principles at all.

Bo Jinghang chuckled and buried his head in her neck. He grunted in response.

The next second, Sang Yu froze.

Terrified, she reached into her shirt and grabbed his hand. Her breathing was a little panicked.

“Bo Jinghang! Stop fooling around!”

“I’m drunk.”

He was obviously cheating.

Sang Yu’s face suddenly turned red.


A chuckle came from the man buried in her neck. It sounded so bad in Sang Yu’s ears!

Sang Yu couldn’t control this man’s actions and thoughts.

Even if she resisted what he had done to her, it would be useless. In the end, she had even become the catalyst for all his actions.

What should she do with this shameless and shameless man?

She was completely helpless.

“Can you stop fooling around? Bo Jinghang, what are you thinking?”

Her tone was filled with exasperation and even impatience.

Bo Jinghang’s hands didn’t stop. He didn’t care about her question or her unconcealed emotions.

“Bo Jinghang…”

Bo Jinghang suddenly kissed her lips. Compared to last night, he was much gentler.

“What are you thinking?” she asked, unwilling to give up.

“Does it feel good?”

He asked her suddenly.

“…What you did last night is considered rape. Why are you asking me this question?”

Bo Jinghang chuckled and placed his hand on her blanket.

“The answer to this question is indeed a little difficult for you to say. Why don’t we do it again like-minded before you answer this question? Perhaps you like being forced?”

If not for the fact that her current position wasn’t suitable for slapping him, Sang Yu really wanted to slap this shameless man.

How much of a jerk was he to say something like that?

“So what if she’s happy? What’s there to deny? She should be talking about you women.”

He was right about Bo Jinghang’s question. It was indeed difficult for her to bring it up.

She had lived for 25 years. This kind of thing was not enough for her.

She said she didn’t feel anything?

It was impossible.

She couldn’t deny that she had indeed received pleasure.

She could even be considered to have truly experienced the wonder of such a thing.

She wasn’t a kind person. Once she had a taste of something, she would be greedy for more.

This was instinctual, instinctive greed.

Bo Jinghang’s hand was caressing her. She bit her lips and her face turned red.


“Your body is much more honest than your mouth.”

Sang Yu bit her lips and glanced at him.

Bo Jinhang paused and suddenly turned around. He covered her and said hoarsely,

“Do you want to sleep? If not, come again.”

In front of her was the man’s strong and broad chest. His well-defined skin was a healthy tan. His chest heaved as he breathed, and there was a wildness that made people infatuated.

She looked up slowly and met his eyes. She bit her lips tightly. After a while, she relaxed her jaw and turned to look at Wanwan. Her gaze was firm.

“No… Oh!”

Her eyes widened and her mouth was covered by Bo Jinghang’s hand.

“I shouldn’t have asked you such a question so early in the morning.”

Bo Jinghang already knew Sang Yu’s answer the moment she looked at Xiang Wanwan.

Early in the morning, could the man withstand her rejection?

The way Sang Yu looked at Bo Jinhang was insane!

She looked at him and her eyes darted to Wanwan a few times, warning him to pay attention to the occasion.

Bo Jinghang whispered, “It’s alright, I’ll be gentler.”

Sang Yu rolled her eyes and closed them helplessly.

Bo Jinghang was indeed being careful. Sang Yu weighed her options and opened her eyes slowly.

Her heart skipped another beat.

Bo Jinghang bent his hands and placed them on both sides of Sang Yu’s head. His jaw was slightly clenched and his dark eyes were fixed on Sang Yu’s face.

The moment Sang Yu opened her eyes and met his gaze, he stopped and kissed her lips.

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