Shrewd wife of Lin brothers

Chapter 466 - Idiots?

Zhang Xiaohui was going to die out of anger, why just why? As she stared at the empty pot of rice and the greasy mouths of her husband and children, she felt like cursing the eighteenth generation of the Lin family in one go. What was this? What sins has she committed? One child from the Lin family was bringing glory to his family and the other was busy wolfing down the last bit of rice that his mother and aunt worked so hard to buy, Lin Che and Lin Rui both of them were the offsprings of the Lin family yet the difference between them was like heaven and hell! 

" guys..are you all stupid? Do you even know how hard it was for us to buy this much of rice? How can you finish it in one go?" Zhang Xiaohui has been working since the morning, she even went to weed the fields with her sister in law this afternoon before going to wash the clothes of her family, she was hungry, sweaty and her entire body was aching …. She didn't even expect her family to cook for her but the least they could do was to be a bit frugal were they living the life of landlords? How can they use a pot of rice that was meant to feed the entire family for a month in just a day!

Lin Yunxi rolled her eyes and wiped her mouth with her sleeves " Mother, why are you overreacting? Didn't you and aunt sell the grains at a good price? What are you being anxious about? She sniffed haughtily " But we haven't eaten anything good from the past few months, I couldn't even sleep on an empty stomach so what if we ate a little rice?"

If this was before Zhang Xiaohui would have obviously felt bad for her daughter but now that her blind dog eyes were open she could see the shortcomings of her daughter that she couldn't before, her daughter was vain, superficial and lazy - when it was time to eat she would be the first to arrive at the table and finish off everything together with Lin Che, Lin Ze and Old Madam Lin. The four of them would eat like starving ghosts even when they didn't even move a muscle! Yet she and Lin Zhi would be left to eat the leftovers, just thinking about it made Zhang Xiaohui's chest heave. 

She looked at the empty kitchen pot that was cleaned so nicely that even a single grain of rice couldn't be seen and then turned to look at her family of three who was either picking their teeth or rolling their eyes like she didn't even matter! This made Zhang Xiaohui aware of her status in the family, good very good! She curled her lips and looked at her daughter " and what about your aunt and I? Don't you think that we too would be hungry after working in the field for so long?"

Lin Yunxi could feel there was something wrong with her mother, generally when she expressed her dissatisfaction and discomfort her mother would always coax her and even forget the matter but now she was still harping on it? A flash of irritation flashed in Lin Yunxi's eyes, she naturally thought that her mother was making trouble out of nothing, anyway, they had money now - they can afford to splurge a little right? Thus, she pursed her lips and sullenly said " Mother, why are finding trouble for no reason? Just ask grandma to give you money and then you can buy some rice from the town.Why do have to disrupt the peace of the family?"

" That's right, Xiaohui. It's just a pot of rice, if I and the kids ate a little what's wrong with it?" Lin Ze who has finished picking up his teeth finally gave his two coins of wisdom " you are the woman of the house, acting like this don't you think it's shameful? Why are you learning from that Su girl who has no respect for others? What will people say if they find out that you are acting like a shrew?"

Making trouble out of nothing? A shrew? So this was what they thought about her huh?

" Brother Ze, you are being too much" Lin Zhi no longer had any qualms about Zhang Xiaohui, though the woman was far from good at least she was trying to make an effort, completely different from her brother who despite getting healed long ago was still faking his injury in front of their mother and refused to go with them in the fields. Her lips thinned in displeasure at the thought of her brother's laziness and her mother's non-justifiable biasness, Lin Ze was clearly a good for nothing and he wasn't even filial to old madam Lin, but her mother still thought that her brother was good, how was he good, if she had such a son she would have kicked him out of the family long ago!

" What do you mean too much?" Lin Ze didn't think that he was wrong, he was the darling son of his mother who often praised him for being her good son. Because Old madam Lin grew up in a patriarchal family she believed that a man was a thousand times better than a woman, so she instilled learning like ' your wife is your servant' and ' your sister is your caretaker' in his head from long ago thus, Lin Ze didn't fight anything wrong in eating the entire pot of rice and not leaving anything behind for his tired wife and sister. So what if he ate everything? Can't they just go to town and buy more? It's not that much work why were they complaining like this?

Have they even thought how hard it was for him to stay empty stomach while he was recovering from his injuries? He couldn't even eat a decent meal and had to rely on his tenacity to recover so why can't they be a bit sympathetic towards him too? 

" isn't it too much? You ate the entire pot of rice that was meant for our family and yet you are saying that sister in law is the one being a shrew here?"

" I had it rough too alright? My leg has barely recovered if I don't eat properly how will I recover? Anyway, it's you two who aren't working hard, like your brother and husband got injured put some more effort into your work instead of complaining like this! I will recover sooner if you two feed me nice things" then he turned to Zhang Xiaohui whose entire face was overshadowed " oh yes, Xiaohui when you go to town remember to pick some good pork bones and lean meat for me, I think if I eat meat I will recover not much just for me is enough"

Lin Che who was patting his tummy and watching the drama immediately sat up straight " Hey father! You forget about me!"

" How can I forget about you? My darling son" pinching Lin Che's chubby cheeks Lin Ze laughed " If your mother will buy meat for me then she will certainly buy it for you too, won't you Xiaohui?" 

Zhang Xiaohui didn't respond and simply clutched the pot tighter in her hands and then



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