Second World Novel

Chapter 1952: Running Out of MP

Chapter 1952: Chapter 1952. Running Out of MP

Joe and Blackhole were exceptional at dealing with a large number of enemies. Their spells were mostly AOE offensive types. The demons that managed to breach through the chokepoint at the valley’s entrance had to suffer their bombardments.

The two worked together with the monsters John summoned earlier using Call Monster Horde. These monsters had routed the demons accompanying Beelzebub earlier. They now engaged the demons coming from the valley.

Joe used Spectral Squad and covered more ground. Most of the demons were defeated by Joe, Blackhole, and the monsters before reaching the place where Beelzebub was trapped. Those who arrived were too few and low on health to break through the Delta Station to get to Trinity. Hence, the situation continued as it was.

The rate by which they reduced Beelzebub’s HP increased with the help of Paytowin and John’s elite summons.

“Is the Omega Battle Mech or the Mothership Sigma not available?” John asked Paytowin. “No,” Paytowin answered. “I used them not long ago when we defeated Leviathan.”

Hearing that, Beelzebub stopped his frenzy. ‘Defeat Leviathan? How preposterous. But… Can it be true?’

Beelzebub couldn’t decide whether to believe the words of that outworlder or not. Maybe the outworlder was saying it just to unnerve him. However, looking at how things were going. His defeat could be real, even if Leviathan’s one was a lie.

He couldn’t let this go on! He focused on the telepathic connection with his insects. He placed several of his insects all over his army so he could maintain control. He had been calling them to instruct the army to come to him. That’s why the demons in the valley fought tooth and nail to breach the chokepoint. He was now extending the call. He had sent some battalions all over the area. He was calling them all back now.

“Hm…” John noticed the change in Beelzebub’s expression.

He flew to the devil’s face and hovered above while looking down. He called, “Hey, bug- face!”

Jet looked at John with a weird face. “Shouldn’t it be goat-face?” He uttered.

“Do you give up?” John asked. “If you do, unsummon all your bugs. Call your army to stop fighting, and I will let you live. If you don’t, you will join your three brothers who we have slain.”

Beelzebub answered by spitting an acid jet at John. John was ready. He dodged and flew behind Beelzebub while returning fire using his wand.

“Haha! You missed me!” John taunted. He continued to fly around Beelzebub, throwing both ranged attacks and verbal assaults.

Beelzebub, who had calmed a little, felt the fury inside him rising again. Never before had anyone talked like this to him. He had always been feared and respected in the underworld, mostly feared. He could not accept the audacity of this outworlder, tricking him into this situation and now mocking him.

Beelzebub again bumped his body into the wall of light in anger. He wanted to tear this disrespectful outworlder apart. Demonic flies and roaches, which had stopped coming out of him, came out again. He also cast multiple spells that chased after a target. His target was, of course, John. John cunningly moved away when that happened. He used either Steve or his summons to block those spells.

“What the hell is he doing?” Jet asked.

“Don’t know. But if he is making himself a target, I say let him,” Steve answered. He didn’t mind John hiding behind him. His role was a tank, after all. With John drawing Beelzebub’s aggression, there was less pressure on Trinity.

“Gotta give it to him to know how to annoy others,” Jet remarked.

After a while, they heard rumbles from the distance. They looked around and saw dust clouds heading toward them.

“Uh-oh… I think those are the splintered armies he sent away earlier,” Steve said.

“Keep at it! He is almost out!” John exclaimed.

If those armies reached them, most likely Beelzebub was saved. John couldn’t let that happen.

He sent instructions to his most powerful summons to use their ace-in-the-hole.

The Mighty Ape burst into flames. All its crimson fur literally turned into fire. It became a burning ape.

“Grooaarrrr…!!” The burning Mighty Ape did chest beatings again before it charged forward.

The demon mantis, the eyeball demon, and the crustacean demon were low on health after the prolonged fight with the two lords. The demon mantis had it the worst. It was close to death. It was caught by surprise when the burning ape came before it. The Mighty Ape was much faster than before.

A flaming punch landed on the demon mantis’ head. It was still reeling with dizziness when it found itself getting lifted in the air. The ape’s left hand was on its neck while the right grabbed its lower abdomen.

The Mighty Ape pulled. A damage number came up above the demon mantis. A second damage number followed soon after. When the third damage number appeared, the demon mantis’ HP reached zero. Its body was torn in two.

The Mighty Ape threw the two torn parts into the other two demon insects. The torn parts of the demon mantis slammed into its comrades before they turned into dust. The mighty ape then charged toward the eyeball spider. After a couple of fiery punches, it threw the spider into the crustacean demon before taking on the two together.

As for the Mutated Saurian, it left the opponents and let the Mighty Ape deal with them. It moved toward Beelzebub. While walking, the crystal plates on its back hummed with energy. They also glowed. The glow brightened every second. Mana started to gather in its mouth.

Beelzebub noticed the incoming saurian. He could sense the saurian was preparing a devastating attack. He hurriedly prepared a spell.

The glow on the Mutated Saurian reached its zenith. The accumulated mana in its mouth exploded with an impressive discharge of ice energy. This energy formed into a beam that rushed toward Beelzebub. Rings filled with runic symbols accompanied the beam as it charged forward.

This was the Mutated Saurian’s ultimate attack, the Annihilating Ice Beam.

Beelzebub cast his spell when the beam was unleashed. A tall and thick wall made of earth rose from the ground. The Annihilating Ice Beam crashed into this Infernal Earth Wall.

The wall held for a while, but it was slowly frozen. Once the wall was fully frozen, it started to crack. The Annihilating Ice Beam continued to pour onto the wall. The wall finally shattered with a bang. The dense ice beam proceeded forward.

Beelzebub was surprised his Infernal Earth Wall failed to stop the beam. He quickly turned to one side. His carapaces on that side shifted and stacked atop each other, forming a shield. The ice beam crashed into this carapace shield.

The same thing happened. The carapace shield was slowly frozen. It then shattered. The Annihilating Ice Beam died down then. Beelzebub received damage, but not as high as he

should have.

Both the Mighty Ape’s Flame Incarnation and the Mutated Saurian’s Annihilating Ice Beam were only usable once in a battle. Furthermore, using these skills reduced their duration by half an hour. John decided to go all out to take out Beelzebub before the demon armies arrived. Unfortunately, the Annihilating Ice Beam failed to score enough damage, but the attack was not wasted.

The side where Beelzebub was hit by the Annihilating Ice Beam was naked. The devil’s skin was unprotected by the carapaces. His defense on that side had dropped significantly.

“Attack that unarmored spot!” John commanded.

Everyone focused their attacks on that spot. Attacks hitting that spot dealt higher damage. Beelzebub had to keep turning around to avoid the enemies from utilizing that weakness, but it was futile. The enemies surrounded him. He could only turn at the same place. No matter where he turned, there were enemies.

The Mutated Saurian proceeded forward and went into a melee exchange with Beelzebub. This caused the devil even more difficulty in avoiding the other enemies from hitting his weak


“I will help you, my lord!”

A large drill composed of darkness slammed into the Mutated Saurian and bore into its body.

It was the Hellish Black Drill. The Mutated Saurian uttered a painful roar. The icy scales on its body were torn, and blue blood poured out. The Hellish Black Drill possessed an extremely high chance of wounding. Even the saurian’s high defense failed to prevent a wound from


The one who cast the Hellish Black Drill was the Pit Fiend. It had triumphed over the Hieracosphynx. The Hieracosphinx had low HP, to begin with, so it couldn’t last long against the Pit Fiend. However, the Pit Fiend also suffered. Its HP was less than one-third.

When it was about to cast another spell, it was taken aback by something occurring on the Mutated Saurian’s body. The wound on the saurian’s body regenerated at an incredible pace. In just a few seconds, the saurian’s body was as good as new. The Saurian had the Instant

Regeneration ability.

The Mutated Saurian glared at the Pit Fiend. It then rushed toward the demon. The Pit Fiend panicked. Its spellcasting faltered. It failed to complete any spell when the Mutated Saurian clamped its powerful jaw over the much smaller Pit Fiend. While chomping at the Pit Fiend, it slammed the poor demon into the ground repeatedly, causing a series of damage.

The others continued attacking Beelzebub with fervor. They suddenly heard a yell from


“Guys! I’m running out of MP…!”

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