Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 2759

Chapter 2759

2759 Chapter 2761-eight fiery ramparts

Liu xuanxin was not the only one who could not believe it. The other three people were also shocked.

It was clearly stated that other than fire cloud capital city, Fire Lion Capital city had the strongest individual combat power, the fire Lion heavy-armored guards! There was also a middle-stage nine-star earth-god city-guarding formation!

In their eyes, with Chen Xiaobei’s current strength, it would be very difficult for him to break through the city. Not only would he have to use his weapons, but he would also have to suffer heavy casualties!


But Chen Xiaobei said that none of our soldiers would die. Was that not a fool’s dream?

“Your Majesty, you have to analyze this rationally. Don’t let your imagination run wild!”

“Although you have four main cities now, the combat strength of huge axe and spirit condensation realm can only be considered third-rate in the fire cloud region,” said Baifeng Changyi in a deep voice. Our White Wolf capital city’s combat power can only be considered second-rate! The battle power of Mount han capital was even more negligible! It can’t be compared to Fire Lion City at all!”

“It doesn’t matter how strong or weak you are, because I didn’t ask you to send out your troops!”

Chen Xiaobei shrugged and said, ” I will take care of the matter of attacking Fire Lion Capital city. What you need to do is to exercise restraint and appease your people. Don’t let fire cloud capital city find out that you have already turned to my side!

I hope to see the best situation, which is that fire cloud capital city doesn’t notice anything! After seven days, your Army will be able to blend in with the firecloud Army! I’ll tell you what to do when the time comes!”

As soon as he said that, everyone was stunned.

He could not guess what Chen Xiaobei was thinking. He did not expect Chen Xiaobei’s plan to last until seven days later!

Chen Xiaobei’s foresight and planning made everyone feel ashamed of themselves!

“Your Majesty, since you have your own plans, we will naturally follow them!”

Ning Yuanzhi first expressed his attitude and then raised his doubts. “But, you only have No. 8 Luban. How can you create three fire cloud princes? They are all emissaries from the capital. If any one of them is missing, e Huo Yuntian will be suspicious!”

“Don’t worry!”

&Nbsp; ” I have Miao Yin’s insight, ” Chen Xiaobei said, ” and the phones of the three fire cloud princes are with me. If e Huo Yuntian gets suspicious, I’ll call him myself to dispel his suspicions!

if e Huo Yuntian really wants to meet the three princes, I will find a way to make use of the time difference and let No. 8 Luban play the three roles. It won’t be difficult!


“Your Majesty is wise! You’ve already thought of everything, your subject has been overthinking!” Ning Yuanzhi nodded, full of admiration for Chen Xiaobei!

Chen Xiaobei did not deny it and said, ” next, help me think. With Fire Lion main city as the center, what other main cities are there around it? ”

there are seven main cities around Fire Lion main city, ” Baifeng Changyi said. they are: fire bright, fire shine, fire glory, fire Python, fire splendor, fire edge, and fire blade!

“Fire? Yan?” Chen Xiaobei was very smart. He immediately realized that there was a common point between these people. these main cities should all be fire cloud capital city’s trusted territories, right? ”

“Your Majesty is wise, you saw through it with one look!”

Ning Yuanzhi nodded and said, ” fiery Lion City and the seven main cities that the Changyi city Lord mentioned. They are collectively known as the ‘eight fiery ramparts’! “Stronghold” refers to the walls of the military camp, and also refers to the fortifications used during the war!”

“Because the fire cloud region is near the vast mountains and seas to the West, the enemy will only attack from the East! From this, it could be seen that the ‘eight fiery ramparts’ were all located in the eastern part of the fire cloud region! Its purpose is to defend against the invasion of external forces!”

to fire cloud capital city, these eight main cities are like eight strongholds on the first front line! Hence, e Huo Yuntian places a lot of importance on it, and would distribute military funds for the competition every year to let these eight cities nurture and strengthen their troops!”

“It is precisely because of this that, apart from fire cloud capital city, the combat power of these eight main cities can be said to be the best in the fire cloud region! Among them, Fire Lion City was the strongest! The other three cities of the fire generation are closely behind!”



“Since e Huo Yuntian values these eight cities so much, I’m sure that the higher-ups in the cities are all his trusted officials, right?”

“Of course!”

of course! Baifeng Changyi nodded heavily. these eight main cities are the strongholds that protect fire cloud capital city. They are the gateways to the entire fire cloud region. They are also vital points in war! whoever can occupy these eight main cities will be able to attack and retreat freely. They will have the advantage in the war!

“It is precisely because of this that the upper echelons of these eight cities are all e Huo Yuntian’s trusted aides, and even the core upper echelons of the e Huo family! Loyal to e Huo Yuntian, will not surrender, and will definitely not betray him!”

Baifeng Changyi paused and said in a deep voice,”Therefore, these eight main cities are definitely the most difficult cities to breach apart from fire cloud capital city! Your Majesty, if you change your mind now, there’s still time!”

Chen Xiaobei rejected immediately, ” “No! Not only will I not change my mind! On the contrary, it made him even more determined to attack the city! There are still seven days left, and I want to take down e Huo Yuntian’s most important ‘eight fiery ramparts’ in one go!”

how … How is this possible?! Hearing this, everyone was extremely shocked.

alright, I’ve made up my mind. All of you can leave now and help me collect as many herbs as you can! Chen Xiaobei waved his hand and dismissed the crowd.

After everyone left.

Liu xuanxin couldn’t help but ask, ” “Xiaobei, what are you planning to do? With our current military strength, even if we can take down the city, we can’t defend it!”

“I didn’t say I was going to defend!” Chen Xiaobei shrugged and grinned evilly.

“What’s the point of attacking and not defending?” Liu xuanxin was confused.

“Come over here! I’ll tell you in secret!” Chen Xiaobei beckoned Liu xuanxin to come closer and whispered his plan to her.

“Oh my God … Xiaobei! You’re a genius! According to your plan, fire cloud capital city will be ours in seven days!” Liu xuanxin’s mouth was wide open when she heard that.

“Not only that!”

that’s my ultimate goal! Chen Xiaobei grinned. I’ll take down huoyun Kingdom in seven days and control the entire huoyun region in a month. I’ll also get the merit points from this region and 20 billion believers!

Oh my God … Liu xuanxin’s mouth turned into an ‘O’ shape. Her eyes were wide open, and she could not believe her ears.


The next morning.

According to Chen Xiaobei’s request, a mountain of medicinal herbs had been prepared overnight!

There was one more important thing for Chen Xiaobei to do before he set off for Fire Lion City!

He was going to refine a huge amount of fire avoiding pills!

This was Chen Xiaobei’s first attempt. If he succeeded, he would be able to make a million pills in one batch!

Of course, before that, Chen Xiaobei had one more important thing to do!

That was to count the three storage bracelets of e Huo ze Peng, Jia Sheng, and Jia si!

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