Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 2723

Chapter 2723

2723 Chapter 2724-one of our own

“I understand!”

Liu xuanxin was very smart. She immediately smiled excitedly.”I still remember the time when little north conquered The White Tiger continent! Talent! Bloodline! Beast God battle technique! As long as we show these, we should be able to deal with the White Wolf Clan!”

“Little fool! You’re too naive!”


Chen Xiaobei tapped Liu xuanxin’s nose and shook his head. if the White Wolf race believes in the beast God, even if the entire race is annihilated, they will never submit to the fire cloud Supreme King!

Obviously, the half-orcs on The White Tiger continent back then were the best example!

&Nbsp; at that time, heaven dominating faction had been able to control The White Tiger continent because everyone on the continent was a loyal follower of the beast God!

The reason why Chen Xiaobei could take over The White Tiger continent was because he had learned the astral battle technique of ten thousand beasts and possessed the witch Dragon bloodline that surpassed the beast God!

The people of The White Tiger continent thought that Chen Xiaobei was the messenger of the beast God, and that was why The White Tiger continent had submitted to Chen Xiaobei!

By the same logic, if the White Wolf Clan was a loyal believer of the beast God, they would never submit to the fire cloud Supreme King!

Since the White Wolf Clan had submitted to Supreme King Fire cloud, it was enough to prove that the White Wolf clan’s religion was related to Supreme King Fire cloud!

“Your Majesty is right!”

“The White Wolf Clan doesn’t believe in any beast God!” Old Mondo said in a deep voice. Their true faith is fiery King himself!”

“Fiery King? This … How is this possible?” Liu xuanxin was confused.

“You guys must not know! Fiery King himself is a half-orc of the White Wolf Clan!”

Old Mondo said,”the White Wolf clan’s legacy originated from Sir God White Wolf!” They had been loyal to this Sir God for generations! That was until 30 million years ago, when the White Wolf Clan was completely annihilated!”

“Just as the entire clan was about to be exterminated, fiery King stood up! Because of his talent, he passed all the tests of the White Wolf divine ruin and received the twelve earth-god instruments left behind by Sir God White Wolf!”

“With one of the peak nine-star Super earth-god instruments, fiery King resolved the biggest disaster of the White Wolf Clan! He was regarded as the reincarnation of Sir God White Wolf by the entire clan, and naturally became the faith of the entire clan!”

Old Mondo was very familiar with history and explained it very thoroughly, directly pointing out the key point.

“I didn’t expect there to be such a story …”

Liu xuanxin blinked her eyes and said, ” fiery King and Xiaobei’s experiences are very similar. It’s a pity that fiery King is the reincarnation of White Wolf divine Lord and Xiaobei is the messenger of the beast deity. The two of them can’t be mixed together!

Chen Xiaobei shrugged and said,”Mondo, finish the story!” Why did the White Wolf Clan become the subjects of Supreme King Fire cloud?”

“Yes, sir!”

Old Mondo composed himself and continued, after the disaster of the White Wolf Clan was resolved, fiery King used the 12 earth-god instruments from the White Wolf God’s miracle to sweep across a radius of three million miles and established the overbearing explosive flame region!

“The explosive flame capital city has successfully ruled over thirty-six major cities in the entire explosive flame region! The erupting flame heaven sect has also become a super force that is only inferior to the top ten forces!”

“The world calls fiery King the exploding Flame King, but fiery King doesn’t want to be called King, so he only uses the title of ‘Jun’! Of course, it’s to inherit the White Wolf divine Lord’s tradition!”

there’s a legend that the reason why fiery King failed to pass the Tribulation was because he didn’t want to be King. Without the protection of the fate energy of a country, he was killed by the heavenly Tribulation and his body was destroyed!

regardless of whether this legend is true or false, fiery King did fail his tribulation tens of millions of years ago and died! At this point, old Mondo’s face could not help but slowly reveal a look of regret.

tens of millions of years after fiery king’s death, fire cloud Supreme King rose rapidly and swept across the exploding flame region. He established fire cloud capital city and changed the name of the exploding flame region to the fire cloud region!

Old Mondo composed himself and said solemnly, ” “At that time, White Wolf City did not resist! We’ll open the city gates and surrender, submitting to the fire cloud supremacy!”

“That’s because Supreme King Fire cloud learned the fiery King’s cultivation technique from somewhere! The point is that Supreme King Fire cloud also has a peak seven-star earth-god instrument that fiery King once used!”

“And this earth-god instrument is one of the twelve earth-god instruments left behind in the miracle of the White Wolf! With his cultivation technique and earth-god instrument, Supreme King Fire cloud called himself the reincarnation of fiery King and divine Lord White Wolf the third!”

“The White Wolf Clan is a loyal believer of White Wolf divine Lord and fiery Lord. Naturally, they will not resist Supreme King Fire cloud! Hence, White Wolf capital city was directly under the banner of Supreme King Fire cloud! Their loyalty has not changed even now!”

Old Mondo sighed and said helplessly, ” “Your Majesty, it’s not that I want to pour cold water on you! White Wolf City was really the most difficult place to take down! If we forcefully attack, everyone in this city will die in battle. We will never surrender!”

Xiaobei … Let’s go somewhere else … Liu xuanxin frowned. it’s not your style to kill without restraint. Besides, the innocent people don’t deserve to die …


I promise you! Chen Xiaobei grinned. I will take down White Wolf City without killing a single soldier!

how … How is this possible?! Liu xuanxin and old Mondo were dumbfounded. They could not believe their ears.

Not a single soldier would be moved! He wouldn’t kill anyone!

Even a three-year-old child would not believe such words!

“I know you won’t believe me!”

the governor’s mansion is right in front of us! Come with me! We’ll find out soon! Chen Xiaobei said.

this … Liu xuanxin and old Mondo looked at each other in confusion. They could not figure out what Chen Xiaobei was up to this time!

Of course, Chen Xiaobei was the North Mystic Lord, the most trustworthy and reliable person!

Everyone had seen Chen Xiaobei’s state of mind, ability, courage, and intelligence!

Although they could not imagine what Chen Xiaobei was going to do, Liu xuanxin and old Mondo had absolute trust in Chen Xiaobei! They followed Chen Xiaobei to the governor’s residence!

“Who are you? Stop right there!”

A few hundred meters away from the gate, a group of patrolling guards stopped Chen Xiaobei and the other two. “The city Lord’s mansion is in front! Unauthorized people are not allowed to approach! Hurry up and get lost!”

“I’m not an idle person!”

Chen Xiaobei lifted his hand and took off the mask on his face. go and tell your Governor that North Mystic’s Lord Chen Zhufeng has taken over White Wolf City!

“What? You … You’re Chen Zhufeng?” The group of patrolling guards instantly felt as if they had been electrocuted, as if they had seen the devil. Their pupils contracted uncontrollably, and their bodies were covered in cold sweat as they trembled violently.

“Don’t be so nervous!”

Chen Xiaobei’s lips curved into a devilish smile. “We’re all on the same side, I won’t hurt you!”

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