Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 2686

2686 Chapter 2686-trap within a trap

“Fiery King … What do you mean? There’s no Treasury here. How do we explain Fang longqi and Si Xiayu’s presence?”

“Fang longqi and Si Xiayu are not good people! If they find out that we’re lying to them, they’ll definitely make us suffer, and they might even kill us!”

“Yes … Fiery King! You’re harming us by making us tell this lie …”


Nine out of the ten people were frowning anxiously. Although they were grateful to Chen Xiaobei for saving their lives, they did not dare to do as Chen Xiaobei said.

After all, they were extremely afraid of Fang longqi and Si Xiayu, so they didn’t dare to lie to these two fiends.

However, among the ten people, there was a handsome man who stood out calmly.

“Everyone! Fiery King did not want to harm us! Instead, you’re going to help us take revenge!” The man’s eyes narrowed as he spoke solemnly.

Chen Xiaobei looked at the man carefully, his eyes filled with admiration.

The other nine people could not understand, and their faces were filled with confusion. “What do you mean? The fiery King wants to take revenge for us? What revenge? How?”

“Do you even need to ask? We’ll shout that we’ve seen the giant treasure vault, and with Fang longqi and Si Xiayu’s greed, they’ll definitely rush in! The moment they enter this space, fiery King can annihilate them with a flip of his hand!”

The handsome man explained,”everyone, don’t forget!” Just now, si Xiayu threatened us and forced us to die! If fiery King didn’t want to save us, we would have died without a complete corpse! Si Xiayu killed us! Fiery King, you want to take revenge for us!”

“I see!”

The other nine finally understood Chen Xiaobei’s intention and nodded in agreement.

“We are slow-witted and only understand what fiery King means now! We’re willing to do as you say!”

“Si Xiayu, this evil thief, deserves to die! Please, fiery King, kill him for us!”

“That’s right! Fiery King, please kill si Xiayu and take revenge for us!”

There was no doubt that from the moment they walked into the lava space, their hearts were filled with hatred for si Xiayu and even the Pearl Hall!

However, their cultivation wasn’t strong enough, and their family background wasn’t big enough. They couldn’t wash away their hatred by themselves!

Since Chen Xiaobei was willing to help, they would naturally cooperate with him. Only si Xiayu’s death could dispel their hatred!

“Do as I say!”

Chen Xiaobei nodded. His dark eyes glowed with a domineering light that seemed to control everything. Through the mask, he exuded the unique intimidation of a powerhouse!

“Young master Fang! Senior brother si!”

The ten men nodded and immediately shouted outside, ” “Come and see! There seems to be a giant treasure vault in the depths of this space. We don’t dare to get close, so we can’t see it clearly! Please come and take a look at it yourself, senior brothers!”

At the same time, Xuan po retracted his primordial spirit domain and removed the interference. Si Xiayu’s primordial spirit domain immediately picked up on the conversation.

“Young master Fang! They’ve found something!”

Si Xiayu’s eyes focused and he said excitedly, ” it seems like they’ve found a huge treasure vault that’s just waiting for us to check it out!

“My divine sense has also sensed their voices!”

“But I think it’s too dangerous … Let’s not go in there!” Fang longqi said with a frown.


Si Xiayu laughed,’even the ten cannon fodders are safe and sound. Our cultivation levels are higher!’ The Dharma Treasures were stronger! What danger could there be?”

Fang longqi shook his head. I don’t think it’s that simple. If we enter rashly, there might be huge changes!

“Young master Fang! What’s wrong with you? You’re so afraid of wolves and tigers, not like you at all!”

Si Xiayu furrowed his brows. if you don’t go, I’ll go myself. The first credit for this mission will be mine!

“If you insist on going, then I can’t say anything!”

Fang longqi squinted his eyes and looked at the other disciples.”You all saw it! Si Xiayu refused to listen to my advice! If anything happens to him, you have to testify for me when we return to the sect. Otherwise, the Vice Hall Master will come to me for punishment!”

As soon as he said this, everyone nodded and was willing to be witnesses.

“Young master Fang! Why do I feel like you’ve changed into a different person? I’ve already sent cannon fodders to Scout the way. I really don’t know what you have to be afraid of?”

Si Xiayu also looked at the surrounding disciples and shouted, ” “Brothers! Don’t say I didn’t take care of you! There was a huge treasure vault ahead! Those who want to make a contribution, those who want to get benefits, follow me!”

A stone that caused a thousand ripples!

Si Xiayu’s words immediately caused the crowd to boil!

“I’m willing to go with senior brother si! There’s nothing to be afraid of since we’re cannon fodder!”

“I’m also willing to follow senior brother si! It’s a waste not to take credit for it!”

“We’re going too! We’re going too!”

All of a sudden, other than Fang longqi, the other seven powerhouses at the peak of the original level followed si Xiayu.

Si Xiayu and the seven peak-stage nascent soul cultivators each had a large group of underlings!

Among the 380 Yuanying stage disciples, nearly 300 people stood up!

Among the 600 golden core disciples, more than 500 of them stood out!

“Let’s go!”

Si Xiayu waved his hand and led everyone toward the lava space with a smug look on his face!

Si Xiayu obviously had his own purpose for bringing these people along!

For one, it was to prove that he was the first one to find the treasure house when he returned. Naturally, he would be the biggest hero of this operation!

Secondly, by letting these people reap some benefits, si Xiayu could take the opportunity to buy people’s hearts. As long as he got the support of the younger generation, the future Hall Master of Mingzhu Hall would be si Xiayu!

With such a selfish motive and the temptation of holding the treasure vault, si Xiayu certainly wouldn’t listen to Fang longqi’s advice!

However, si Xiayu did not know that this was Chen Xiaobei’s trap!


“Young master Fang, the space in front is very safe. Why don’t you go?”

At this moment, Lord scorching heat came to Fang longqi’s side and asked in a low voice.

“Then why don’t you go?” Fang longqi asked.

“I …”

“I’m not going because I know that in the Pearl Hall, the Fang family is the head and the SI family is the Deputy!” Lord scorching heat composed himself and said.

“Heh, are you showing your loyalty to me?” Fang longqi laughed.

“That’s right!”

Lord scorching Heat’s eyes turned serious as he said,”I really want the Pearl Hall to make a name for itself. I hope that young master Fang can give me some guidance! I will definitely be loyal to young master Fang!”

“Good! Come with me for a moment!” Fang longqi brought the blazing heat Lord to a huge rock and avoided No. 8 Luban’s sight on purpose.

do me a favor, ” Fang longqi said with a cold smile. once it’s done, you’ll be my confidant. I’ll make sure you can do whatever you want in the Pearl Hall!

“Young master Fang, please give me your orders!” Lord scorching heat nodded heavily and agreed immediately.

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