Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 2659

Chapter 2659

2659 Chapter 2661-using my blood

“Don’t keep me in suspense! Hurry up and tell me! What do you want to do?”

Liu xuanxin’s face was filled with anticipation. She had thought that her plan was perfect, but Chen Xiaobei could make it even more perfect!

This really piqued Liu xuanxin’s curiosity!


according to your plan, No. 8 Luban will become me, and I will disguise myself as the enemy. We will proceed with these two points according to the original plan!

Oh? ” Chen Xiaobei raised his eyebrows. but at the end, I can still use a prosperous monkey fur as an ‘enemy’ and kill this ‘enemy’ with my own hands!

“Oh! I understand!”

Liu xuanxin was smart. She immediately understood the key point.”According to my plan, you won’t be suspected, and at the same time, you’ll get all the benefits! But according to your plan, you can add another great merit to killing the enemy! This is indeed a brilliant plan to kill three birds with one stone!”

Chen Xiaobei nodded and smiled. by then, I’ll just pick up some garbage resources and say that I snatched them from the hands of the ‘enemy’! The Pearl Hall will definitely give me a great merit!”

“Xiaobei! You’re too smart!”

great! Liu xuanxin praised, ” as long as everything goes smoothly, even if you can’t enter the headquarters in Tianji city immediately, you can still use this contribution to gain a foothold in the Pearl Hall! The confidential information that we will be able to access will be far more than the Putuo territory branch!”

“Of course!”

yes! Chen Xiaobei nodded and said, ” Lord Chi Ling has done his research on the Putuo territory branch! Leave the Pearl Hall’s information to me! After all, Lord scorching Heat’s master has helped me before and he trusts me very much. I have to do something! Otherwise, you’ll feel bad!”

“You … You value friendship too much!” Liu xuanxin asked.

“Isn’t it good to value friendship?” Chen Xiaobei retorted.

“Of course!”

“If you didn’t value friendship, we wouldn’t be where we are today!” Liu xuanxin said seriously. That’s why I still like you, who values relationships and loyalty!”


Chen Xiaobei’s phone rang.

Chen Xiaobei looked at the screen and said, ” it’s a text from old Jiang. He’s free now. I have to go and find him!

“Is there anything else you haven’t told me?”

Liu xuanxin furrowed her brows and said worriedly, ” “Are there any more dangers in this operation? You have to discuss this with elder Jiang! Yet, you didn’t dare to tell me!”

“There’s no danger! Look at how nervous you are!”

this has nothing to do with the ruins exploration! Chen Xiaobei explained. I didn’t tell you because you can’t help! After all, old Jiang was a true God before, so I’m going to ask him how to solve this!”

“You’re lying!”

“You’re just making up an excuse so that I won’t worry!” Liu xuanxin said with a frown.

“Silly girl! There are no secrets between us that can’t be told! Why would I make up an excuse?”

it’s like this. I found a 10000-year-old icesoul in the icy Plains of the extreme north. With the help of a demonic spirit petrifying stone, I created an ice soul demonic spirit and turned it into a demon! Chen Xiaobei said.

“As long as I use the soul-blood contract, I’ll be able to subdue this Ice Demon! But the problem is that signing a contract requires close contact and spiritual communication for a period of time!”

this Ice Demon won’t retract its cold energy before I subdue it. If I forcefully sign a soul blood contract with it, I’m afraid I’ll be frozen to death before I can complete the contract!

this 10000-year-old Ice Spirit is an eight-star earth-god level spirit. Other than old Jiang, no one else can help me with this! That’s why I didn’t tell you. I’m not making up a reason to lie to you!”

“I see …”

Liu xuanxin nodded and said, ” it’s a pity that this ten-thousand-year-old ice soul has reached the eight-star earth-god level. If it was one more level, I would be able to help you!

“What? You can help me?” Chen Xiaobei was surprised. “How can I help?”

“Idiot! I’ve already learned the divine Phoenix’s strange fire! With the fire Phoenix Heart! The strange fire that it emits has a natural restraining effect on cold things, so it’s naturally easy to suppress cold Qi!”

Liu xuanxin frowned and said, ” it’s a pity that I’m only a seven-star earth-god, and I can’t resist the cold air of an eight-star earth-god …

“Good! That’s great!”

Chen Xiaobei was so excited that he hugged Liu xuanxin and kissed her a dozen times. “You’re truly worthy of being my fairy sister! You’re here! I don’t need to go to old Jiang!”

“Don’t mess around …”

Liu xuanxin pushed Chen Xiaobei away and said with a blushing face, ” “Didn’t I already tell you? My cultivation level is lower than the ten-thousand-year-old ice soul. I can’t help you at all!”

“Listen to my explanation!”

yes! Chen Xiaobei calmed himself down and said, ” the 10000-year-old ice soul not only needs the lighting stone, but also spiritual Qi! I don’t have many spirit stones on hand, and I don’t have the time to wait! Therefore, the spiritual aura of heaven and earth is used to replace the spiritual Qi!”

“Initially, the heaven Earth spiritual aura that I possessed could upgrade a six-star earth-god instrument to a seven-star earth-god instrument! However, when he was competing with the nine Grand shamans, he had used up a third of the spiritual aura of heaven and earth! I used up some more to increase my cultivation!”

“The remaining Heaven Earth spiritual aura can only help the ten-thousand-year-old ice soul to produce a six-star earth-god Level demon spirit! In other words, it has the body of an eight-star earth-god, but only a six-star earth-god cultivation!”

taking into account the level of the main body and the addition of cultivation, the cold air it exudes is about the peak of a six-star earth-god, close to the seven-star earth-god level!

Chen Xiaobei analyzed the whole situation in detail and came to an accurate conclusion.

Liu xuanxin was excited as well. “In that case, my seven-star earth-god divine Phoenix mystical flame can help you suppress the cold Qi of the ten-thousand-year-old ice soul!”

“That’s right!”

Chen Xiaobei nodded and praised, ” “This is fate! It’s already destined that you’ll be my goddess of luck! You’re my goddess sister!”

In fact, Chen Xiaobei also had the witch Dragon Flame, but it was only a six-star earth-god level flame!

Even if Chen Xiaobei asked Jiang Ziya, he would still have to look for Liu xuanxin to solve this matter!

The world was full of strange things, and only Liu xuanxin could easily solve this problem that had been bothering Chen Xiaobei!

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s take action immediately!”

you’re right! Liu xuanxin said impatiently. once you’ve subdued this Ice Demon, you’ll be able to take action in three days!

“No rush! I still need to get some high-level earth-god blood to make a primordial spirit blood contract!”

I guess I’ll have to make a trip to the icy Plains of the extreme north and ask that old dog, beiming Zhenfeng, to draw out some blood! Chen Xiaobei said.

“There’s no need to go through so much trouble!” “My blood then!” Liu xuanxin said.

“No!” no! Chen Xiaobei refused. I don’t want you to bleed!

“Try it!”

of course! Liu xuanxin smiled. I have the blood of the divine Phoenix in my body. Who knows, it might be able to give the 10000-year-old icesoul a different opportunity!

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