Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 2614

2614 Chapter 2614-heaven-sent opportunity

Lord scorching heat!

On the surface, she was the Queen of a country in the earthly calamity Star Ocean!

In the dark, he was the disciple of a mysterious figure. In order to help his master investigate the secret of the divine sand of time, he had gone undercover in Tianji city under the alias of Jun Yunqing!


Because the master of Lord scorching Heat’s master had helped Chen Xiaobei a great deal, Chen Xiaobei had promised him that he would also go undercover in Tianji city to help Lord scorching heat investigate the secret of the heavenly time sand!

During his adventure with the countless sands ancient race, Chen Xiaobei had managed to put the divine time sand into the rift in the void!

However, Chen Xiaobei did not have the means to control the divine sand of time. So, he had to investigate the secret of the divine sand of time as well!

At the same time, Chen Xiaobei’s other purpose in infiltrating Tianji city was to find out more about the Imperial Sun Crystal and the eternal holy water!

With these two items and the divine sand of time, he could upgrade the sunlight cache. The faster he found it, the more help it would be to Chen Xiaobei!

Other than that, with the help of Tianji city’s massive information Network, Chen Xiaobei could also find out some special information, such as the enemy’s movements and the whereabouts of luohou, Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and ancestral wizard Di Jiang!

All in all, being a spy in Tianji city would bring Chen Xiaobei many benefits!

That was why Chen Xiaobei had to cooperate with blazing heat Lord. This way, he could not only repay blazing heat Lord’s master, but also help Chen Xiaobei to get some benefits. It was killing two birds with one stone!

“Little maidservant! It’s the new year, why did you think of calling me? Do you want New Year’s money? Call me young master and I’ll give it to you!”

Chen Xiaobei answered the call with a smile.

The last time, at the Dongsheng merchant Association’s auction, Lord Chi Ling lost a bet to Chen Xiaobei. In front of everyone, she was Chen Xiaobei’s Senior Sister, Jun Yunqing. But in front of everyone, she was Chen Xiaobei’s little maidservant, Lord Chi Ling!

“You little brat! I don’t have the time to argue with you! Hurry up and come back!” Lord scorching Heat’s tone was somewhat excited. It seemed like something big had happened.

Chen Xiaobei calmed himself down and asked, ” “What happened? You’re actually in such a hurry?”

“The sect’s grand competition will be held in five days!” Lord Chi Ling said solemnly. Hurry back and register! Don’t miss this great opportunity!”

“The sect competition?”

Chen Xiaobei was confused. &Quot; &Quot; that’s strange. Why did they give us five days ‘notice in advance for such an important matter? no one was prepared at all! &Quot;

“This is the Order of the Pearl Hall’s Hall Master! I heard that they’re going to select talents!”

“This is a once-in-a-thousand-years opportunity! If we can seize it, we can enter the Pearl Hall and get more secret information!” Lord Chi Ling said excitedly.

“What the hell is this Pearl Hall? Even more powerful than Tianji city?” Chen Xiaobei asked.

“The headquarters of the heaven’s legacy city is in the Videha! For the management of the Nanzhan state, we’ve specially set up four great divisions!”

“Yaori, radiant moon, shining star, and Mingzhu are in charge of the 108 branches of the Nanzhan state!” Lord scorching flame explained. The Putuo territory branch we’re in is one of the Pearl Hall’s branches!”

“F * ck! Moon! Star! Pearl?”

&Quot; it seems like the Pearl Hall that we’re in is the weakest of the four halls! &Quot; Chen Xiaobei said.

“That’s right!”

&Quot; yes! &Quot; Lord Ziling nodded. &Quot; Putuo city is the outermost region of the earth-god Realm. It’s close to the lower planes. The spiritual Qi, resources, and opportunities are all very ordinary. Naturally, the headquarters doesn’t value it! &Quot;

&Quot; if that’s the case, then even if I join the Pearl Hall, it won’t be of much use … &Quot; Chen Xiaobei said, his interest waning.


“First of all, although the Pearl Hall is the weakest branch in Tianji city, it still controls twenty-seven branches! They only control all the intelligence and information gathered by the twenty-seven branches!”

“The point is, the other twenty-six branches are all stronger than the Putuo territory branch! As you can imagine, as long as we can enter the Pearl Hall, we will be able to access more information than we are now!”

“And the most important thing! The headquarters doesn’t value the Putuo territory branch at all. I’ve been hiding for many years to wait for this opportunity to be promoted! If he could join the Pearl Hall! Next time, we’ll have the chance to enter the headquarters!”

“The moment we enter the headquarters of Tianji city! If we want to investigate something, we will definitely be able to find it! That’s our true goal!”

Obviously, Lord scorching heat had been undercover for many years and had been looking forward to such an opportunity!

Now, the opportunity was finally placed in front of him. Naturally, Lord scorching heat was extremely excited!

“From what you’ve said, this is a good opportunity!”

&Quot; I’ll go back to the branch to register now! I hope that this competition will really become our channel of Ascension! &Quot; Chen Xiaobei said.

It was obvious that Chen Xiaobei also wanted to enter Tianji city’s headquarters!

Other than getting in touch with Tianji city’s countless secrets, Chen Xiaobei had another purpose!

And that was to find an opportunity to get close to the elder of heavenly secrets!

From what had happened before, Chen Xiaobei had already guessed that this old man of heavenly secrets was Xu Fu!

As for Xu Fu, he was not only chasing after Bai Qi, but he was also searching for the weapon Mystic token, hoping to find little Daji for the clan of enlightenment!

In addition, Xu Fu was also very likely to be the ultimate demon who had slaughtered nine billion innocent people in four element Royal City back then!

Of course, all of this was just Chen Xiaobei’s guess. He did not have any direct evidence!

In order to find evidence, Chen Xiaobei had to enter the headquarters of Tianji city and get close to the old man of Tianji!

That was why Chen Xiaobei agreed to Lord Chi Ling’s suggestion.

To reveal the truth, this was definitely a once in a thousand years opportunity.


There was nothing special in the royal city anymore, so Chen Xiaobei could leave in peace.

Before he left, Chen Xiaobei met up with shaman Lord Yao Shu and asked him about the four symbols killing Mystic formation.

Shaman Lord yaoshu said that this secret technique had gone missing when the Imperial City was destroyed. It had completely disappeared from the pugilistic world and was not in the hands of the Jiuli tribe. Further investigation was needed to find out its exact location.

Chen Xiaobei did not know what to do about this. He could only put it aside for now and investigate it later.


The Putuo territory’s branch.

On the cliff opposite the sky-floating island, a team of ordinary disciples guarding the transmitting formation was respectfully serving tea to a young man and flattering him.

“Please have some tea, senior brother Baili! This is a tael of ash-gray cloud Mountain’s new tea that costs 10000 medium-grade spirit stones. We were reluctant to drink it, so we kept it for senior brother!”

“What kind of Big Shot is coming? He actually had to trouble senior brother Baili to welcome him personally? It’s really a great honor!”

“Isn’t it? Senior brother Baili is elder Xu Zhenyuan’s first disciple. How can ordinary people be welcomed by senior brother Baili?”

“They’re here! There’s movement in the teleportation formation!”

All of a sudden, everyone’s eyes were focused on him.

A person appeared on the portal. It was Chen Xiaobei!

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