Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 2612

2612 Chapter 2612-everyone falls

“Oh my God … This peach … This peach … This peach is simply too delicious!”

As soon as the peach was in their mouths, Grand shaman ding Shang and the other Magi immediately let out shrieks of shock!

Everyone’s eyes were wide open, and their faces were filled with shock!


He felt like he wasn’t eating a peach, but a Supreme delicacy!

Moreover, not only did it taste good, but as the tender peach meat slid down their throats, they could clearly feel a magical energy flowing through their bodies like a clear spring, making them feel extremely comfortable!

“Mm! It still tastes the same. It’s so delicious!”

On the other side, LAN Mengcheng was chewing on a piece of peach. Her pretty face was full of happiness and satisfaction.

The corners of her mouth curled up, and her eyes narrowed. LAN Mengcheng’s beautiful face was filled with sweetness, as if she was a young girl who had just had her first love and was at the best moment of her life!

LAN liked this feeling very much. It reminded her of many things that happened in the past. Even though it had been a long time, she could still feel the sweetness in her heart!

“It’s so, so, so delicious!”

Grand shaman dingshang and the other Magi held the peaches in their hands as if they were the most precious treasures in the world. They were even reluctant to take a second bite!

However, they could not resist the taste of the peach. After the first bite, no matter how strong their willpower was, they would definitely not be able to resist the second bite!

After the second bite, there were the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth bites. In a short while, the peaches in the hands of Grand shaman ding Shang and the dozen Magi were all eaten clean!

The only thing left was the Peach Pit. They were reluctant to throw it away and still held it in their hands like a treasure!

“What the hell! It was simply too delicious! I’ve never eaten anything so delicious in my life! It’s so delicious!”

“After eating this peach, all other delicacies will be trash! I’m already addicted to peaches, and I can’t stop myself!”

“Well said! If you give me another peach, I won’t exchange it even if someone brings me Dragon liver or Phoenix gall!”

“Your Majesty! We can eat one more … No… Can we eat a few more peaches?”

“Your Majesty! They were begging for peaches! It’s a blessing to have no peaches!”

All of a sudden, the attitudes of Grand shaman ding Shang and the other Magi had a 180-degree reversal!

A moment ago, they all thought that the spirituality of this peach tree was weak, and the peaches it produced were not comparable to spirit fruits!

However, at this moment, even if there were 100 million spirit fruits in front of them, they would still choose the first love peach without any hesitation!

Even if they could only take a bite of the first love peach, it was worth more than 100 million spiritual fruits in their eyes!

&Quot; you can eat as much as you want, but remember, one peach costs 998 high-grade spirit stones! &Quot;

&Quot; I’ll give you a friendly reminder. Take it easy. Don’t eat until you’re bankrupt! &Quot; Chen Xiaobei said with a smile.

“998 is nothing! I’m willing to buy such a delicious peach even if it costs 9998! Everyone, I’ll buy it first as a form of respect!” A wizard rushed into the peach forest and picked ten peaches in one go.

“I want to buy twenty! This peach was so delicious that it defied the heavens! It’s worth it even if I have to go bankrupt!” Another Magus rushed over and plucked twenty peaches, putting them into his space ring.

&Quot; we want to buy some too … We want some too … &Quot; the rest of the Magi rushed over and each of them picked at least ten peaches, some even picking 20 to 30!

Only the Grand shaman of dingshang could remain calm. He looked at Chen Xiaobei with a complicated expression.

“If you have something to say, just say it! There’s no need to look at my face!” Chen Xiaobei said.

Grand shaman dingshang swallowed his saliva and praised sincerely, ” “Your Majesty is truly a godly man! At first, when you said that a peach was worth 998 high-grade spirit stones, I even suspected that you were sick. He’s completely spouting nonsense!”

&Quot; but now, I finally realized that everything you said was true. There was no exaggeration at all!

“You should know that we, the Sorcerer tribe, are not very rich to begin with, so we have always been thrifty! But now, they were willing to pay more than 10000 upper spiritual stones for the peaches! This was something that would have never happened in the past!”

“From this, it can be seen that those who have never tasted peach meat will think that 998 high-grade spirit stones is ridiculously expensive! But as long as one has a taste, they will definitely go crazy!”

Grand shaman dingshang said with certainty,”The market in the earth-god Realm is huge! I’m absolutely sure that once this peach is put on the market, it will definitely cause a frenzy!”

“Hmm, you’re a smart person!” Chen Xiaobei nodded and said, ” &Quot; I’m planning to hand over the first love peaches to the Beichen Chamber of Commerce to manage. You’ll assist mengchen, and I’ll give you a great merit after this! &Quot;

“This subordinate will do as you command!”

“However, this subordinate still has some doubts that I would like your Majesty to answer!”

“You tell me.” Chen Xiaobei said.

Grand shaman dingshang raised his hand and showed the remaining Peach Pit he had eaten, asking, ” &Quot; once the peaches are on the market, the pits can’t be retrieved. What if someone manages to plant peach trees and become our competitors? what should we do then? ”

“You’re thinking too much!”

&Quot; of course! &Quot; Chen Xiaobei laughed. &Quot; these peaches are extraordinary. Unless you have immortal fertilizer, it would take at least a few decades for them to blossom in the earth-god Realm! By the time my rival’s first love peach is on the market, I’ll have already unified the Nanzhan state and even the earth-god Realm! When that time comes, would I still care about such a small profit?”

Obviously, the first love peach itself was a peach from Huaguo mountain, a fruit from the heavenly realm!

The concentration of spiritual energy in the heaven realm was countless times higher than in the lower realm. They were not on the same level at all!

If Chen Xiaobei did not use the celestial fertilizer, he would not be able to grow peach trees on earth! Even in the earth-god Realm, it would take at least dozens of years for the Peach Pit to become a big tree, and another dozens of years to blossom and bear fruit!

Because of this, Chen Xiaobei was not afraid of his opponent using a Peach Pit to plant a tree!

By the time his opponent planted the first love peach, Chen Xiaobei would have already ascended to heaven! He didn’t need to care about this matter!


Grand shaman ding Shang nodded and said, ” “Since Your Majesty has that magical fertilizer, we can directly eat the pits of these ripe peaches and plant them ourselves! This way, our peach forest can be expanded by at least a hundred times!”

“You’re dreaming!”

Chen Xiaobei shook his head and said, ” “First of all, I didn’t buy that much fertilizer! Secondly, the rarer something was, the more precious it was! Don’t you understand this logic?”

“Your Majesty is right!”

Grand shaman ding Shang came to a sudden realization,”good things are rare!” If it’s too much, people won’t cherish it!”

“It’s not just rare! There’s even a limited purchase!”

&Quot; I don’t care! &Quot; Chen Xiaobei raised his eyebrows. &Quot; everyone can only buy one peach a day! I won’t sell even one more! &Quot; No matter how rich you are, don’t even think about buying one more!”

“This … Why is this so?” Upon hearing this, Grand shaman dingshang was instantly dumbfounded.

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