Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 2544

Chapter 2544

2544 Chapter 2545-breaking it with a single strike

“What? Why is Bai Qi’s God slaying sword in your hands?”

Mo lihai’s expression changed drastically, as if he had seen a ghost. His pupils contracted uncontrollably, and his entire body began to tremble.

“That’s great! Xiaobei! When did you get the God-killing sword? We can break the formation now!” Six-eared macaque and sister Yun were excited. They no longer needed to act like cowards.


“Master …”

Baili tiantu asked in confusion, ” “What’s so special about this God-slaying sword? It’s just a six-star earth-god instrument, how can it break the array?”

“First of all, this sword belongs to Bai Qi! Back then, he was only in the nascent Soul Stage. It’s obvious that this God-slaying sword is the most important treasure to him!”

“Secondly, Bai Qi’s Sifu wanted to pass on his legacy to Bai Qi! Although Baiqi doesn’t want it, his master will definitely give him another chance!”

“What chance?” Baili tiantu asked in confusion.

“A chance to regret!”

“Bai Qi did not want this inheritance at first, but if he wants it again one day, he will come back here!” If this place is not occupied by others, Bai Qi will be able to successfully inherit the legacy!”

“However, if this place has already been occupied by someone else, Bai Qi will have to break the formation in order to retrieve the inheritance! If we want to break this formation, we will have to use Baiqi’s most powerful magic treasure, the God slaying sword!”

Zhao Yun and six-eared macaque nodded in agreement.

Baili tiantu was still confused. &Quot; “Master, this is just your speculation! Without any evidence, if the God-slaying sword doesn’t work, the backlash from the formation will kill you!”

“You’re really stupid! Isn’t the evidence already written on mo lihai’s face?”

&Quot; I don’t know! &Quot; Chen Xiaobei said disdainfully, ” it’s just a guess! I don’t have any evidence! &Quot; However, the moment that idiot mo lihai heard me say that this was the God-slaying sword, his expression completely changed! This is a classic case of confessing!”

“Oh! I understand now! Master’s speculation was right! The God-slaying sword was the key to breaking the formation! It was precisely because of this that mo lihai revealed an expression as if he had seen a ghost!”

Baili tiantu suddenly understood and then laughed evilly. &Quot; “My master is so good at acting! If mo lihai had even one ten-thousandth of my master’s acting skills, he would probably be able to fool all of us!”

“You … You guys …”

Upon hearing this conversation, mo lihai’s face turned green. He gritted his teeth and cursed, ” “Chen Xiaobei! You old sneaky bastard! You’re tricking me!”

“Since ancient times, true love can’t be kept, only tricks can win people’s hearts!”

“You’re the one who’s too naive!” Chen Xiaobei laughed. I, Chen Xiaobei, would rather die than surrender! Did you really think that I would give up resisting and wait for my death? If I don’t trick you, who else would I trick?”

&Quot; pfft … &Quot; mo lihai was extremely depressed when he heard this. He almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

From the moment Chen Xiaobei kept the four demonic swords, he had already Set Mo lihai up!

Chen Xiaobei had mo lihai let his guard down first, and then he would get information about the ruins from mo lihai!

Finally, Chen Xiaobei used his intelligence to come up with a way to break the formation. He showed mo lihai the God-slaying sword, and from mo lihai’s expression, he could tell that his speculation was correct!


Chen Xiaobei connected with the Godslayer’s spirit.

Although there was still a trace of Bai Qi’s primordial spirit mark on the sword, it did not stop Chen Xiaobei from activating a portion of the sword Qi!


Before he could finish his words, a terrifying whirlwind suddenly burst out of the God-killing sword!

As if it was made of blood, the whirlwind was a terrifying red. Thousands of blood-red skeletons appeared!

In an instant, time and space were filled with an extremely cold and murderous aura. It was as if a god of death had descended. With a single sword strike, millions of corpses were buried and blood flowed like a river!

“Don’t! Don’t break the formation! Don’t snatch my fortune …”

Upon seeing this, mo lihai immediately wailed in grief. Clearly, he also knew that he had lost the upper hand with this sword!

“Stop struggling! You’re a disciple of the tribe of severity, so I won’t kill you! It’s better to be caught by me than to sell your life to chanism!”

Chen Xiaobei did not hesitate and swung his sword!

“Roar! Wuwuwu …”

In an instant, thousands of blood-colored skeletal Dharma forms suddenly charged at mo lihai like an Army of thousands!

“Whoo … Whoo …”

The whirlwind swept past, and the green barrier around mo lihai instantly became useless. It was directly wiped out and vanished into thin air!

Chen Xiaobei took a step forward, went to mo lihai’s side, and knocked him out with one palm.

After losing consciousness, mo lihai could not resist and was locked up in the spirit condensing space by Chen Xiaobei.

At this point, there were already four people locked up in the spirit condensation space: Zhu Tianlin, Li Qi, mo lihai, and Hua Tuo.

Imprisonment was absolutely necessary! Otherwise, they would sell their lives to chanism!

The clan of enlightenment would not treasure their lives. If necessary, they would even sacrifice them in exchange for benefits!

Chen Xiaobei’s imprisonment could effectively protect them.

At the same time, as long as Chen Xiaobei could settle their contract master, they could regain their freedom! In the end, it was all for their own good!


“Bro Zilong!” Chen Xiaobei said. You can inherit this opportunity!”


“How can that be?” Zhao Yun’s expression froze. With the protection of such a powerful ancient sorcery formation, this inheritance should be able to greatly increase his cultivation! It’s even possible for you to increase your cultivation by a few levels. You should be the one to inherit it!”

“Old Zhao! Don’t decline!” &Quot; Xiaobei’s goal is to become a saint, ” six-eared macaque said. &Quot; he doesn’t need this! &Quot;

“What? To become a saint?”

Hearing that, sister Yun’s eyes widened in shock. She could not believe her ears.”Becoming a heavenly path Sage is the pinnacle of the immortal path! There was nothing more difficult than this in the Three Realms! I don’t even dare to think about it …”

“Don’t say it’s you! Even some ancient Immortals didn’t dare to think about it! But Xiaobei is different!”

Six-eared macaque pouted and said, ” Xiaobei is very talented. He has the support of the prime of Tongtian. He has the responsibility to revive the tribe of Jie! &Quot; More importantly, little north already had the greatest chance to become a saint! Rahu! Emperor River! Taiyi!”


&Quot; that’s right. &Quot; Zhao Yun nodded and said, ” ever since Pangu created the heavens, there have been countless living beings and powerful beings, but there have only been seven heavenly Dao Saints! There was no need to say more about the difficulty of Dao vindication! I don’t even dare to hope! I only hope that I can help little north Reach the peak of the immortal Dao!”

“That’s why I said that you should be the one to inherit this opportunity!” &Nbsp; ” increase your strength, ” six-eared macaque said calmly. &Quot; that’s the only way you can help Xiaobei! &Quot;


&Nbsp; ” that’s right! &Quot; Zhao Yun nodded and said passionately, ” let’s see how much I can increase my cultivation! &Quot;

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