Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 2541

2541 Chapter 2541-ancient witch formation

“Chen Xiaobei? It’s you!”

Mo lihai’s eyes finally fell on Chen Xiaobei. &Quot; “I really didn’t expect to run into you in the vast mountains and seas! You’re really everywhere!”

“You’ve seen my photo?”


&Quot; Oh? ” Chen Xiaobei raised his eyebrows. &Quot; it seems like your master is from chanism, right? ”

“Hehe, that’s right!”

Mo lihai seemed to be filled with confidence. He nodded and said, ” “I’m not afraid to tell you! The master of my contract is indeed under chanism!”

“It seems like you’re very confident!”

&Quot; what? ” Chen Xiaobei smiled. &Quot; do you really think you’re a match for me? ”

Mo lihai said indifferently,”if we were outside, I definitely wouldn’t be your match!” But here, I have the confidence to exhaust you to death! You’ve made a great contribution to the master of my contract!”

“Exhaust me to death? Are you sure?” Chen Xiaobei laughed.

“You don’t believe me?” “Then you’ll have to wait and see!” Mo lihai laughed.

“Chi … Chi …”

In the next moment, the entire Grotto-heaven, the four walls, the ceiling, the ground, and all the densely packed wizard runes started to shine.

“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh …”

The countless runes emitted spiritual energy fluctuations. Like thousands of threads, they interweaved into a huge cage!

“Master! This … This was a magical formation! We’re all trapped inside!” Baili tiantu screamed in horror.

“Do I need you to tell me that? I can see it!”

Chen Xiaobei shrugged and said, ” “The spiritual fluctuations of this array aren’t strong! It shouldn’t be too difficult to break the formation!”

“Xiaobei is right!” &Quot; this formation’s spiritual waves are only at three-star earth-god level! &Quot; the six-eared macaque said disdainfully. You’re dreaming if you think you can trap us!”

“I’ll break the formation!”

Zhao Yun’s eyes narrowed as she threw out a thousand superior-grade spirit stones. After they exploded, spirit Qi immediately filled the spear in her hand!


The next moment, a Dragon’s Roar shook the sky!

As Zhao Yun thrust her spear forward, the power of a five-star earth-god erupted without any reservations!

The White Dragon Dharma power suddenly condensed, and the entire space was filled with white spiritual light!

As the White Dragon charged forward, it created layers of ripples as if the entire space was about to be crushed by the huge force!


&Quot; die! &Quot; Zhao Yun let out a low roar. The White Dragon energy construct crashed toward mo lihai like a meteor!

“Boom boom boom …”

The White Dragon energy construct crashed into the green barrier, and a terrifying energy impact was triggered!

Just the strong wind brought about by the shock wave was enough to send Baili tiantu’s men and horses tumbling.

With his 50 million physical soul, Chen Xiaobei was barely able to hold on. Six-eared macaque was also hiding behind Chen Xiaobei so that he did not fall.

From this, it could be seen that this power was really very terrifying!

Logically speaking, such a terrifying force should be able to break a three-star earth-god level array easily!

However, to everyone’s surprise, the green barrier protecting mo lihai didn’t collapse! On the contrary, it blasted out an even stronger force, forcing Zhao Yun to retreat more than ten steps before he could barely stand firm.

&Quot; how did this happen?! &Quot;

Zhao Yun’s brows furrowed and her face was filled with surprise.”The spiritual fluctuations of the array have become stronger! The power that he had just unleashed had reached the level of a mid-stage five-star earth-god! Fortunately, I have the treasured armor to protect my body. Otherwise, I would have been either dead or injured!”

“Hahaha …”

Mo lihai burst out laughing,”do you think I’m stupid?” If he didn’t have full confidence! How could I possibly sit here and joke around with you guys? How could I tell you that my master is from chanism?”

“It’s just a five-star earth-god level array, right? Look at how smug you are! You don’t even know what your last name is anymore, do you?”

Six-eared macaque stepped forward and shouted, ” “Zhao Yun! Come back! I’ll take care of him!”

“Good! I’ll leave it to you!” Zhao Yun’s earth-god instrument was not strong enough, so she could only retreat for now.

“Mountain river! Break! Shatter!”

The six-eared macaque let out an angry roar, and its eyes were filled with the desire to fight!

The mountain and river fan had been filled with spiritual Qi for a long time. At this moment, with a sudden wave of his arm, trillions of low-grade spiritual Qi were immediately burned out!

Whoosh … Boom …

The next moment, the power of the mountain and river fan, which was a six-star earth-god, burst out without any reservation!

A huge amount of earth true essence in the fan condensed into a mountain! The same amount of water ethereal force formed a long river!

Mountains and rivers ran parallel to each other! It carried a vast and enormous power! It brazenly crushed down towards mo lihai!

The terrifying power almost caused the entire tiger emperor mountain to tremble!

The huge mountain and river had yet to truly fall, but the aftermath of the strong wind alone had pressed Baili tiantu to the ground. He couldn’t even get up!

If the attack had landed directly on Baili tiantu, he would have been crushed into a pile of meat paste in an instant!

One could only imagine how terrifying the power of the mountains and rivers was!

“Chi …”

However, at this moment, the countless sorcerer tribesmen’s runes in the surroundings all released their intense true core strength, which rapidly supplemented mo lihai’s side!

Not only that, but the vital essence this time was even more intense than before, even close to the level of a seven-star earth-god!


With two loud explosions, the mountains and rivers crashed into the green barrier around mo lihai.

Unfortunately, in the face of an even more powerful force, the mountains and rivers all collapsed.


In the next moment, a force that was almost at the level of a seven-star earth-god was reflected back at the six-eared macaque!

“This is bad!”

Six-eared macaque’s face changed. The fan in his hand was only an early-stage six-star earth-god, so it couldn’t withstand the powerful vital essence!

“We’re finished!”

Upon seeing the scene before her, sister Yun’s face turned pale as her heart clenched.”Liu er can’t block this attack! He’ll either be dead or injured!”

“Hahaha! I already said it! All of you will die today!”

Mo lihai laughed triumphantly,”this formation is a formation of the ancient sorcerer clan!” The few of you are now like toys in my palm! Other than waiting for death! There was no other way out! Six-eared macaque was the first one to die! Hahaha …”

&Quot; it’s over this time … &Quot; six-eared macaque’s face was ashen. He was in despair. He had given up on resisting and was waiting for death.

“Ling jiuxiao!”

However, at this critical moment, Chen Xiaobei suddenly appeared in front of six-eared macaque.

“Xiaobei? What are you doing?”

Everyone was shocked by what they saw.

Chen Xiaobei had appeared in front of six-eared macaque, which meant that he was going to block the fatal ethereal force with his own hands!

In that split second, Chen Xiaobei had enough time to flash away, but he did not have the time to use his trump card to defend himself!

&Quot; hahaha … &Quot; mo lihai burst into laughter upon seeing this.”Chen Xiaobei! You’re not scared silly, are you? He actually jumped out to commit suicide?”

Chen Xiaobei said, ” “If you can even hurt a single hair on my head, you win!”

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