Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 461 - 461: Long Hui Meet The New Fly

Chapter 461 - 461: Long Hui Meet The New Fly

Yu Qi planned to relax as she had worked so hard to prepare for her skincare brand's launch. Because of the launching, she did not get free time for herself. Since the store and the factory were doing fine, she decided to relax.

As for Bai Yu, his persistence was about the same as his brother, Bai Shu Jin. He really liked to disturb Yu Qi whenever he saw her. Luckily for Yu Qi, since their faculty building did not allow other students to enter so Yu Qi did not get disturbed during the lessons.

As for her club, Bai Yu appeared whenever she was doing her practice. She just did as usual. Ignoring him.

But some problems had occurred. She had been targetted by some first-year girls. They seemed to accuse Yu Qi of hypnotising Bai Yu so that he would fell in love with her. When her friends heard about this, they were laughing so hard.

The problem got worse when someone tried to bully her. She had been stopped by some girls during her way to her faculty.

"Stop!" A girl shouted.

Yu Qi as usual ignored something like that. She just walked without any intention to stop.

Then the group of girls blocked her way. About 4 to 5 girls in front of her with the face that was full of ill intentions.

"What do you want?" Yu Qi asked.

"You s.l.u.t. How dare you charm Bai Yu with your s.l.u.tty face and body!" A girl shouted loudly.

Her voice made everyone present around there to look at them. The girl wanted others to see as she insulted Yu Qi.

Yu Qi made a cold face. 'This girl is surely brave. Does she think that I'm a pushover?'

The other students shook their head feeling sorry for the girl who had insulted Yu Qi just now. They knew Yu Qi very well. Yu Qi was a student who had a sweet smile but when something like this happened, she would deal it with her own way.

Yu Qi lifted her hand and grabbed that girl's hair in a rough way. Her action was very fast that even the girl's friends had reacted slowly.

"Ahh!!!" The girl screamed.

After the girl screamed in pain, only then, the girl's friends realized that Yu Qi had made a move against their friend.

"Xiao Teng." The friends shouted.

"You! Let my friend go." The friend said to Yu Qi.

Yu Qi did not say any words. She just gave a cold glare to the girl's friends. The glare was very terrifying that made them stepped back a few distances.

"You, why have you come and disturbed me?" Yu Qi looked at the girl. She still grabbed the girl's hair.

The girl did not show the brave face as she had first shown to Yu Qi just now. Currently, her eyes were loaded with tears. She was really scared of Yu Qi right now.

"The next time you disturb and insult me like this, you can say goodbye to your pretty mouth since I will destroy it. Remember my word." Yu Qi patted the girl's cheek with another hand.

Yu Qi then released the girl. The girl already lost the strength and had fallen on to the ground. Yu Qi glared at the girl's friends as gave them the warning as well. The next time, they would not be so lucky. Yu Qi left the place and went to her faculty.

The incident spread widely. The truth was somehow been altered. It had been changed to something like Yu Qi was jealous of the first-year student and had beaten her. No one knew how that thing changed to something like that.

Yu Qi cared less about it. They could say anything that they wanted to. That kind of things would never disturb Yu Qi.

When Bai Yu first heard about this, he went to see Yu Qi.

"Yu Qi." Bai Yu already called Yu Qi as her first time. Of course, he just doing it without Yu Qi's consent.

Yu Qi looked at Bai Yu for a moment and ignored him as always.

"Yu Qi, are you okay? I heard about the incident." Bai Yu spoke.

"That girl twisted the truth since she is jealous of you." Bai Yu spoke again while looking at Yu Qi.

Suddenly he saw something that made him so surprised. Her smile. She was smiling when she was with him. This never happened before. Yu Qi must probably have changed her thoughts about him. He was about to grab Yu Qi's hand but then he watched Yu Qi ran forward passing him. She then hugged the man who was standing not far from him.

"I miss you." Yu Qi said while hugging her man.

Long Hui smiled. His beloved Qi Qi had already changed. She already could say something like that now.

"I miss you too. How are you?" Long Hui gave Yu Qi a quick kiss?

Yu Qi was blushing. She was still shy whenever Long Hui kissed her.

"I'm fine." But still, Yu Qi answered Long Hui.

"Then, it's good." Long Hui patted Yu Qi's head while looked at Bai Yu who waw still standing like a statue at the same place where he was together with Yu Qi earlier.

Long Hui accessed Bai Yu with his eyes. He then gave some kind of warning through his eyes, telling to stay away from his girlfriend.

Bai Yu seemed to understand what Long Hui wanted to tell him. He also knew that the man who had hugged Yu Qi was dangerous. That man probably wanted him to stay away from his girlfriend. It was dangerous to try to get the girl from the man like him but it was also exciting.

*** This novel is a contracted work with w e b n o v e l. c o m. If it is not read this novel on w e b n o v e l. c o m, then it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. For those who read my novel on another website beside w e b n o v e l .c o m, can you consider to read it on the original website? As your support to me.Thank you, for your shameless author, ZerahNeko***

Shoutout to Dream Spirit for editing this chapter...

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