Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1192: Reject All Investment

Chapter 1192: Reject All Investment

Yu Qi and Long Hui got to their seat with someone's help. They sat. Everyone already paid attention to Yu Qi. Of course, they also knew who Yu Qi was.

An uprising Doctor from the legendary Doctor Tang's family. The research in Yu Qi's hand was very good. Some of them would like to invest in the research but Yu Qi rejected them outright.

Of course, Yu Qi would not allow outsiders to invest in her research. She, herself had a lot of money. So, why should she let outsiders invest and eventually had an idea for her research?

A middle-aged man came in front of Yu Qi.

"Hello, Doctor Tang, I am Thomas Smith from Smith Family." Thomas Smith introduced himself.

"Oh, you are from Smith Family." Yu Qi's corner lips curved up.

"Oh, you know about my family. It is my pleasure. Actually, I would like to discuss something with you." Thomas Smith put on the flattery smile.

"No. I don't know your Smith Family. But I know your children." Yu Qi snorted.

Hearing Yu Qi's snort and tone, Thomas Smith did not feel well. He wondered what his children had done to this woman. Then he saw his children came walking toward him.

"Doctor Tang, don't worry. I will make sure that they will apologize to you." Thomas Smith said.

Audrey Smith and James Smith approached their father.

"Dad... hear me out." Audrey Smith did not notice Yu Qi and Long Hui and wanted to complain about them.

"Shut up. First of all, apologize to Doctor Tang first, both of you." Thomas Smith said.

Audrey Smith and James Smith finally noticed that their father was standing in front of Yu Qi and Long Hui. They did not want to apologize to Yu Qi in front of people. But their father stared at them furiously. Because of that, they needed to lower their ego and apologized to Yu Qi and Long Hui.

"I am sorry."

"I am sorry."

Both Audrey Smith and James Smith apologized to Yu Qi and Long Hui. Long Hui directly ignored them.

"No need to apologize. I am just a low person." Yu Qi waved her hand.

"You both, apologize sincerely." Thomas James gritted his teeth as he looked at his children's attitude.

Seeing their father was angry, they bowed down toward Yu Qi.

"I am apologizing from the bottom of my heart."

"Please forgive me. I am really sorry."

"Since both of them already apologized, I will leave this matter here." Yu Qi smiled.

"Thank you, Doctor Tang... Well, about the investment..." Thomas Smith wanted to move to the next topic but Yu Qi stopped him.

"I already told you that I will not receive any outsider's investment." Yu Qi rejected the idea firmly.

"But the medicine needs to be mass-produced." Thomas Smith said.

"I already planned everything, Mr. Smith. You don't have to worry about that." Yu Qi said stopping Thomas Smith's advance.

"I see... I hope it will be turned well." Thomas Smith said while gritting his teeth.

He looked at his children asking them to follow him. He was so angry right now. That damn woman, just because she was great right now, she dare to hiss Smith Family like that.

Smith Family was also a family that was involved in the medical business. They owned a hospital and several pharmacies in Stungolo Country. So, they were kind of interested to invest in Yu Qi's new product.

Never knew that the damned woman just rejected the money that Smith Family wanted to give.

Audrey Smith was reluctant to leave the place. She looked at Long Hui but the man did not even glance at her. His eyes were on that woman beside him. She wanted to stay but seeing her father, she followed her father and brother away.

"Father, where do you go just now?" It was his first daughter, Sophia Smith asked.

Sophia Smith was also going to receive an award tonight. He was very proud of her achievement.

"I went to greet Doctor Tang." Thomas Smith said.

"Really? How is she?" Sophia Smith asked excitedly.

Tang Yu Qi was her idol. She followed her news. When her idol was accessed by that woman, Chi Yuan, she was very angry. Then, her idol was winning the case against Chi Yuan, she was cheering for Yu Qi.

"Sister, that woman is horrible. Why do you like her?" Audrey Smith asked when she heard the excited tone on Sophia Smith.

"She is my idol." Sophia Smith frowned when Audrey Smith said that.

"Humph... she embarrassed our father by rejecting his offer. You should not like her." Audrey Smith said.

"It is her decision to accept or not. It is normal in the business world." Sophia Smith argued.

Thomas Smith frowned a little bit. He knew that Sophia Smith was right but still, being rejected like that, was not a good feeling.

"Just shut up. Both of you offend her." Thomas Smith pushed the blame on his two children.

"What did she do, father?" Sophia Smith glared at Audrey Smith.

"Just ask them." Thomas Smith said.

He did not know what both of his children offended Yu Qi. And he did not plan to ask about that.

"Tell me." Sophia Smith asked her sister and brother.

James Smith looked away. He did not know much about the couple. He just went along because of his sister. And now he regretted that.

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