Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1186: Still Thought That She Was Right

Chapter 1186: Still Thought That She Was Right

Grandpa Wei was angry with his wife. He already told his wife to stay away from Chi Yuan during that time. But she stepped forward and followed Chi Yuan to the court to give Chi Yuan her support. What a joke. Chi Yuan was proved to be guilty.

Even though Long Hui was not close to his family, Long Hui was his grandson. However, Grandma Wei supported another woman who slandered her own grandson's fiancee. Grandpa Wei sighed.

Grandpa Wei saw his wife enter the bedroom. He ignored his wife by reading something.

Grandma Wei looked at Grandpa Wei. She noticed her husband had been ignoring her after she returned home two days ago. She could not hold again.

"Why are you acting like this?" Grandma Wei asked.

Grandpa Wei looked at Grandma Wei with a questionable expression. However, he did not say anything and returned to his reading.

"Can you say something?" Grandma Wei demanded.

"Then, tell me. What do you like about that girl, Chi Yuan?" Grandpa Wei put away the thing that he read.

"That girl is very good. I watch her grow up. She is such a nice girl." Grandma Wei said.

"Good? Nice girl? Then, what the heck she does that to Yu Qi girl?" Grandpa Wei snorted.

"That... That..." Grandma Wei could not explain that.

"Obviously she is not the nice and good girl that you talking about. If she is a nice girl, she would give up on Hui after knowing Hui has a fiancee and find another man, not slandering Hui's fiancee like that." Grandpa Wei added.

"Well... Well..." Grandma Wei became a shutter.

"Yu Qi girl is a good one. On your first meeting, she knew that you did not like her much but in the end, when you were unconscious, she was the one who treated you unlike the favorite girl, who just stand there." Grandpa Wei made a sarcastic remark. "When the news about Yu Qi girl came out, she came and told you about that news. What a nerve. She made out everything and acted so innocent. What is so nice and good about that girl?"

Grandma Wei did not say anything. She did not dare to look at Grandpa Wei.

"From now on, I don't want that girl to come to our house. And you, don't meet with that girl again." Grandpa Wei said.

After that, he prepared to sleep ignoring his speechless wife. Grandma Wei still sat at the bedside. She was seriously thinking about what his husband talked about before.

But Chi Yuan was someone she knew longer than Yu Qi. She watched Chi Yuan grow. She was kind. She changed because of Yu Qi. Yu Qi made her change like that.

Grandma Wei stood still with her opinion. Chi Yuan was a good girl. Yu Qi was the bad one, changing Chi Yuan to become like that. Grandma Wei blamed Yu Qi for Chi Yuan's today.

However, she would try not to meet with Chi Yuan for now. Even though her husband did not say much but when he talked about something, he meant it. If she did not do what he said, he might do something to her. She did not want that to happen.


Yu Qi already told Pei Ruiying that she did not want to go for a medical award. Pei Ruiying went to talk to her uncle, Tang Jung Wen about that.

So, her family knew about that medical award. Tang Jung Wen encouraged her to go. She could not reject her uncle, so, she ended up agreeing to go to Stungolo Country.

Then she got the news that Pei Ruiying could not go because of one of his patients. So, Yu Qi would go alone.

Yu Qi told Long Hui when she got home. Long Hui was surprised to hear about the medical award because he heard it before that.

"What do you mean you heard before this?" Yu Qi was confused.

This news had not been told to the outsiders yet. How could people already know about this? That was why Yu Qi asked Long Hui that question.

"It is from the military. This new discovery is very important to our nation. So, the high-ranking officers want to protect the researcher from any danger that might happen." Long Hui explained.

Yu Qi nodded understanding that. "No wonder. So, you will come too then."

"How do you know I am coming?" Long Hui was a little bit surprised when hearing the sentence from Yu Qi.๐—ณ๐˜ณee๐™ฌ๐™š๐š‹n๐š˜๐šŸ๐—ฒ๐š•.๐‘๐‘œ๐˜ฎ

Yu Qi chuckled. "There is no way that the military does not know who the researcher is. So, when you got to know, it was me, I am pretty sure that you will offer to protect me. Am I right?" She titled her hand cutely.

Long Hui automatically smiled. "You guess correctly. I am the right choice. I can stay with you 24 hours everywhere, day and night. If they send someone else, they would need to leave you when you are in your room. You might expose yourself to danger."

"Oh, I think I will be in danger too when you are my bodyguard. Well, in another sense." Yu Qi rolled her eyes.

"What's the danger that you will need to face when I am with you?" Long Hui asked pretending not to know anything about that.

"I might end up not going to the ceremony." Yu Qi said.

"No worry. I will hold myself as much as possible. But for now, I should enjoy ourselves, don't you think so?" Long Hui grinned.

Yu Qi coughed as she heard the last sentence.

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